Examples of the the word, punish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( punish ), is the 4274 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The expedition was intended to bring the Cyclades into the Persian empire, to, punish , Naxos (which had resisted a Persian assault in 499 BC) and then to head to
  2. This case, but an example of the extreme severity with which the people could, punish ,those who served them. (Antiphon 5.69–70) *In 406 BC, after years of defeats
  3. Their advice. However, if they showed treasonous inclinations, the emperor did, punish ,them with just force, as in the case of Polybius and Dallas' brother, Felix.
  4. To emphasize the sacrament of the altar, thereby attacking predestination. To, punish ,those who refused to accept his reforms, Laud used the two most feared and most
  5. Criminals and political opponents has been used by nearly all societies—both to, punish ,crime and to suppress political dissent. In most places that practice capital
  6. Their next moves; to extinguish the threat to the empire from Greece, and to, punish ,Athens and Eritrea. In 492 BC, once the Ionian Revolt had finally been crushed
  7. Of the afterlife will vary. While there are those who maintain that God will, punish ,or reward us according to our behavior on Earth, likewise there are those who
  8. For depicting a theocracy, the prophet depicts the coming of Yahweh to, punish ,the city, whose sins are idolatry and the abuse of the poor. * Warnings to the
  9. Who deserve death should be killed, and that a king in particular is obliged to, punish ,criminals and should not hesitate to kill them, even if they happen to be his
  10. Pursue the war and preferred a life of ease, when he should have marched out to, punish ,the Germans for their previous insolence ". These circumstances drove the army
  11. Troops of the dreaded 'Special Punitive Department' of the Cheney, created to, punish ,desertions. These troops were used to forcibly repatriate deserters, taking and
  12. Nymph-daughters of the sea god Nears and often seen accompanying Poseidon. To, punish ,the Queen for her arrogance, Poseidon,brother to Zeus and god of the sea, sent
  13. To have used implements such as whips, canes and birches, to chastise and, punish ,her male clients, as well as the Berkley Horse, a specially designed flogging
  14. Speaks only to personal ethics and is distinct from civil government's duty to, punish ,crime. In the Old Testament, Leviticus provides a list of transgressions in
  15. San Francisco. After the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania passed an ordinance to, punish ,landlords who rented to illegal immigrants and businesses who hired illegal
  16. The middle part of Chapter 1,God explains that he will send the Chaldean's to, punish ,his people. 1:5“ Look among the nations, watch,and wonder marvelously; for I
  17. Teenage killers, but that of a single person who set out to taunt and ", punish ," the victims. Douglas was formerly FBI Unit Chief of the Investigative Support
  18. Damages clause will not be enforced if the purpose of the term is solely to, punish ,a breach (in this case it is termed penal damages). The clause will be
  19. Roger Khan and Jules Thiel, were upset by what they saw as an attempt to, punish ,political speech. Khan canceled an appearance in the Hall and Thiel called for
  20. Employment of non-Christians and also authorized the Archbishop of Esztergom to, punish ,the king in case he ignored his promise. In the second half of 1231,Andrew
  21. Time, Ivinskaya had served four years of an eight-year sentence, apparently to, punish ,her for her role in Doctor Zhivago publication. In 1978,her memoirs were
  22. Particular the Athenians had earned Darius's lasting enmity, and he vowed to, punish ,both cities. The Persian naval victory at the Battle of Lade (494 BC) all but
  23. As to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to, punish ,its perpetrators (2 Samuel 3:31-39; cf. 1 Kings 2:31ff. ). David had Abner
  24. Postwar policy. Austin Stone man and other radical congressmen are determined to, punish ,the South, using harsh measures that Griffith depicts as typical of the
  25. Looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should, punish ,the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order
  26. And he assured Pope Adrian VI that he was anxious to reform the Order and, punish ,the knights who had adopted Lutheran doctrines. Luther for his part did not
  27. Band Hill tribes migrated to the West. Having been sent by the Fatimids to, punish ,the Berber Birds for abandoning Shiism, they travelled westwards. The Band
  28. Coast of Attica, en route to complete the final objective of the campaign—to, punish ,Athens. Prelude The Persians sailed down the coast of Attica, and landed at the
  29. Boxers who have been able to develop relative power in their jabs and use it to, punish ,or 'wear down' their opponents to some effect include Larry Holmes and
  30. Equal illegality ". Even in cases of real crimes, the positive laws frequently, punish ,only the particular offense, while in public opinion the offender, even after
  31. Which books may or may not be read, to regulate comings and goings, and to, punish ,and excommunicate. A tight communal timetable (honorarium) is meant to ensure
  32. Power of life and death, by the legal and judicious exercise of which they, punish ,the guilty and protect the innocent. The just use of this power, far from
  33. That highly restricted the black' rights to work (see Apartheid). Markets, punish ,the discriminator The Nobel Prize winning economist Gary Becker showed in his
  34. Earth and water) to Achaemenid Persia. Athens at once appealed to Sparta to, punish ,this act of medium, and Cleomenes I, one of the Spartan kings, crossed over to
  35. Other forces would attack the French and Spanish in the West Indies. To, punish ,the Americans the King planned to destroy their coasting-trade, bombard their
  36. Be put on hold for review before a jury — which might annul it and perhaps, punish ,the proposer as well. Remarkably, it seems that a measure blocked before the
  37. As a civilian court of law. NJP proceedings are commonly used to correct or, punish ,minor breaches of military discipline. However, if a NJP proceeding fails to
  38. Agents of the State can compel populations to conform to codes and can opt to, punish ,or attempt to reform those who do not conform. Authorities employ various
  39. In 1990,beginning with Loom. Their philosophy was that the game should not, punish ,the player for exploring the game world. Accordingly, in most Lucasarts
  40. A court of record under the Supreme Court Act 1981 and accordingly has power to, punish ,for contempt of its own motion. The Divisional Court has stated that this power
  41. Determined" never to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and to, punish ,their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a war which promised to be
  42. Darius thus resolved to subjugate and pacify Greece and the Aegean, and to, punish ,those involved in the Ionian Revolt. The Ionian revolt had begun with an
  43. Darius the Great led a Persian invasion into what is now Southern Russia to, punish ,the Scythians for their raids into the Achaemenid Empire. Due to a false
  44. That Serbia failed to prevent genocide committed by Serb forces and failed to, punish ,those who carried out the genocide, especially general Ratio Magic, and bring
  45. Observe the" ban" ( harm),just as Moses frequently persuaded God not to, punish ,the people (Ex. 32:11–14,Sum. 11:2,14:13–19). *Joshua and the Israelites
  46. Implementation by the U. S. of the Helms-Burton Act of 1996 which attempted to, punish ,any foreign companies operating in Cuba, especially those using expropriated US
  47. The assembly broke the law, the only thing that might happen is that it would, punish ,those who had made the proposal that it had agreed to. If a mistake had been
  48. Saxons. Having unified the Franks under his banner, Charles was determined to, punish ,the Saxons who had invaded Australia. Therefore, late in 718,he laid waste
  49. Institutionalized religions have established systems of earthly justice which, punish ,crimes against the divine will and against specific devotional, organizational
  50. With the Normans. As soon as the Norman threat had passed, Alexios set out to, punish ,the rebels and deserters, confiscating their lands. This led to a further

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