Examples of the the word, blast , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blast ), is the 4285 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of foods and biotechnology products, like vaccines, requires nitrogen in, blast ,freezing or immersion freezing systems. Certain soft or elastic materials
  2. Libraries collection began in 1771,when Richard Smith, owner of a local, blast ,furnace, used community contributions to buy 200 books in London. Patrons could
  3. Delivered without the fuselage package guns, because it was discovered muzzle, blast ,from these guns was causing severe stress in the fuselage; this was cured with
  4. And oxygen is given below.: Iron is reduced from its oxides with coke in a, blast ,furnace, producing pig iron and carbon dioxide:: Yeast metabolizes sugar to
  5. Muslims who participated in the two minutes' silence on July 18 to mourn the, blast ,victims '. In 2008,Thackeray wrote 'Islamic terrorism is growing and Hindu
  6. The Torch wood novel Almost Perfect by James Loss mentions a fictional nuclear, blast ,taking place in the town. Sports Aberdeen Athletic F. C. were members of the
  7. The bubble implodes, becoming liquid, giving off various forms of energy that, blast ,apart the rock. List of cavitation tunnels Canada *National Research
  8. Underground nuclear explosions. Small samples of rock were extracted from the, blast ,area immediately after the test to study the explosion products, but no
  9. Yard glass, which,if not correctly mastered, resulted in the user receiving a, blast ,of beer in his or her face. The 1969 edition of the Guinness Book lists The
  10. Seismological detectors, matches,pound locks, the double-action piston pump, blast ,furnace and cast iron, the iron plow, the multi-tube seed drill, the
  11. A bright flash on Mars in August 1941,which he now attributed to an atomic, blast , Tombaugh also noted that the first atomic bomb tested in New Mexico would have
  12. Employs heavily distorted guitars, tremolo picking, deep growling vocals, blast ,beat drumming, minor keys or atonality, and complex song structures with
  13. Also used in the shipping industry. The largest non-cooling use for dry ice is, blast ,cleaning. Liquid carbon dioxide forms only at pressures above 5.1 atm; the
  14. Righted the ferry five months after it sunk, they found evidence of a bomb, blast , Also, a man named Resend Cain Della admitted to planting the bomb on board
  15. Could thwart Sino-Soviet aggression in a general war. Diseases such as wheat, blast ,and rice blast were weaponized in aerial spray tanks and cluster bombs for
  16. Plant. Portland blast furnace cement contains up to 70 % ground granulated, blast ,furnace slag, with the rest Portland clinker and a little gypsum. All
  17. Was almost completely destroyed by a massive explosion. The concussion of the, blast ,alone was sufficient to rip open the seams of the nearest ships, Swiftsure
  18. A stroke, before the police could arrest him. In May, Norris Cole received a, blast ,from the past with the reappearance of his estranged brother Ramsay Cl egg (
  19. 53 were missing and presumed dead. Despite claims from terrorist groups,the, blast ,was initially thought to have been an accident, caused by a gas explosion. But
  20. Aggregates, while a number of manufactured aggregates, including air-cooled, blast ,furnace slag and bottom ash are also permitted. Decorative stones such as
  21. Tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, blast ,beat drumming, raw recording, and unconventional song structure. During the
  22. Steel. The coke must be strong enough to resist the weight of overburden in the, blast ,furnace, which is why coking coal is so important in making steel using the
  23. Into civilian life.; Conventional This would be conventional explosives. A, blast ,shelter designed to protect only from radiation and fallout, however,would be
  24. These cannon could fire heavy stone balls a mile, and the sound of their, blast ,could reportedly be heard from a distance of. These were cast in bronze into
  25. Also see fallout shelter.; Nuclear Shelter intended to protect against nuclear, blast ,effects would include thick concrete and other sturdy elements which are
  26. Home run, hit on June 29,also came off a former teammate: Ivan Hernández. The, blast ,came in the 8th inning and at that point tied the game at 3–3. On July 19
  27. To kill the creature. Crone stands up to Laos but is vaporized by a powerful, blast , after which Laos destroys Zeal. Crono's friends awake in a village and find
  28. One American serviceman was killed and another seriously injured by a bomb, blast ,in Zambian City. 2003 * February 12 - The Philippines expelled an Iraqi
  29. Silos are developed. These would have been designed to withstand a one megaton, blast ,at a distance of half a mile (800 m) and were a British innovation
  30. While calcareous fly ash has latent hydraulic properties. * Ground granulated, blast ,furnace slag (GGBFS or GGBS): A by-product of steel production is used to
  31. Sino-Soviet aggression in a general war. Diseases such as wheat blast and rice, blast ,were weaponized in aerial spray tanks and cluster bombs for delivery to enemy
  32. Further away from populated areas. Preparation consists of building, blast ,shelters, and pre-positioning information, supplies and emergency
  33. At high altitude to make an attack; they could fire and turn away to escape the, blast , Nuclear strike aircraft were generally finished in bare metal or anti-flash
  34. III) oxide a material for high temperature refractory applications, like, blast , furnaces,cement kilns, molds for the firing of bricks and as foundry sands for
  35. Coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron ore in a, blast ,furnace. The coking coal should be low in sulfur and phosphorus so that they
  36. On New Year's Eve 1999/2000; the combined explosives could have produced a, blast ,forty times greater than that of a devastating car bomb. Although Christianity
  37. Superimposed over the 12-inch primary. Results were poor: recoil factors and, blast ,effects resulted in the 8-inch battery being completely unusable, and the
  38. Same as those produced by Portland cement. Slag-lime cements. Ground granulated, blast ,furnace slag is not hydraulic on its own, but is" activated" by addition of
  39. In the Afghan civil war. In 1992 Abu Zubaydah was injured from a mortar shell, blast ,which left shrapnel in his head and caused severe memory loss, as well as the
  40. SWINE). In an April 1969 letter to Time, Capp insisted," The students I, blast ,are not the dissenters, but the destroyers—the less than 4 % who lock up deans
  41. There was no firing; sailors from both sides were either too shocked by the, blast ,or desperately extinguishing fires aboard their own ships to continue the fight
  42. Due to some reasons mentioned elsewhere in this article, such as muzzle, blast ,and recoil, these carbines generally chamber lighter rounds than some of their
  43. Arc," are built, an " exodus sequence" starts in which all Launch Marcos, blast ,into space. This parallels parts of Soleri's book, in which hyperstructures
  44. Since the toxic gas is readily dispersed and diluted in the atmosphere by the, blast , The Iraqi authorities have tightened up security for chlorine, which is
  45. Then traditional heavy equipment and are protected against the effects of, blast ,and fragmentation. Good examples are the American M9 ACE and the UK FV180
  46. Component. Supersulfated cements. These contain about 80 % ground granulated, blast ,furnace slag,15 % gypsum or anhydrite and a little Portland clinker or lime as
  47. In the American League) his career. With the Giants trailing 10–8,Bonds hit a, blast ,to deep center field on a 2–0 pitch off the Brewers' Chris Spurring with
  48. Explosives. The biggest threats from a nuclear attack are effects from the, blast , fires and radiation. One of the most prepared countries for a nuclear attack
  49. Manufacturing tool steel until the early 1900s. With the introduction of the, blast ,furnace to Europe in the Middle Ages, pig iron was able to be produced in much
  50. A drunken rooftop tour of Virginia City until a town constable threatened to, blast ,all three of them with a shotgun loaded with rock salt. In 1866,Ward visited

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