Examples of the the word, pink , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pink ), is the 4287 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To yellow/orange to a deep red, but there are also some found with green and, pink ,tones as well. Since pre-Hispanic times, native peoples have believed amber to
  2. Stories with Arcadian shepherds, goddesses and cupids playing against a, pink ,and blue sky. These works mirrored the frolicsome, artificial and ornamented
  3. Manufacturers include" Tack-it" by Faber-Castell," Buddies" ( colored, pink ,)," Pritt-Tack "," Poster Putty "," TAC 'N Stick "," Ricky Tack "," Sticky
  4. Were bred as well. The hybrids are quite distinct in that the many shades of, pink ,also have stripes, veining,darkened edges, white centers and light yellow
  5. Strategy. Insect resistance In November 2009,Monsanto scientists found the, pink ,boll worm had become resistant to BT cotton in parts of Gujarat, India. In four
  6. Color of its skin changes with age. It varies from gray when it is young, to, pink , and white as it matures. The dolphins use sonar to navigate and hunt in the
  7. Pierre Gateau (Madam X) (1884),caused a huge uproar over the reddish, pink ,used to color the woman's ear lobe, considered far too suggestive and
  8. And grace of the early archaic art of Santa. The gracious figure in the, pink ,and buff cloak surrounded by green aureole is emerging to cast blessings on
  9. Dry ice. CO2 is an acidic oxide: an aqueous solution turns litmus from blue to, pink , It is the anhydride of carbonic acid, an acid which is unstable in aqueous
  10. Leave the object in front of her favorite stuffed toy — the large, saggy, pink , and white striped cat named Bag puss. She would then recite a verse:),while
  11. Charge transfer Fe3+ and Fe2+. Dark-blue Maxine color can be produced in green, pink ,or yellow beryl by irradiating it with high-energy particles (gamma rays
  12. In a very wide range of flower sizes, shapes,stem heights and intensities of, pink , Pure white varieties with bright green stems were bred as well. The hybrids
  13. Or greater. This means that they will turn phenolphthalein from colorless to, pink , * Concentrated solutions are caustic (causing chemical burns). * Alkaline
  14. Central angle (red). Hence, all inscribed angles that subtend the same arc (, pink ,) are equal. Angles inscribed on the arc (brown) are supplementary. In
  15. 8.8-13.6 lbs). This crane is pale blue-gray in color with a white crown,a, pink ,bill, and long, dark gray wingtip feathers which trail to the ground. Habitat
  16. In scleroderma. Staining In histology, collagen is brightly eosinophilic (, pink ,) in standard H&E slides. The dye methyl violet may be used to stain the
  17. Apex and a spiny margin. Aloe flowers are tubular, frequently yellow, orange, pink , or red, and are borne, densely clustered and pendant, at the apex of simple or
  18. Bert gang, and Signe dans LE passage (Surrealist ink drawings,1935) *Unit II, pink , Unit III yellow, Unit IV orange, Unit V blue (1961) Sources Print
  19. Blue and yellow. The pattern holds up to a set of twelve: black, gray,white, pink , red, orange,yellow, green,blue, purple,brown, and azure (distinct from
  20. Materials, the firing temperature and the atmosphere in the kiln. For example, pink ,colored bricks are the result of a high iron content, white or yellow bricks
  21. Long, with a serrated margin and a petiole. The flowers are white or pale, pink , diameter with five petals, produced singly or in pairs before the leaves in
  22. Show with Craig Inborn, as coverage of a game resumed he sipped a glass of, pink ,lemonade and said" Ah,that's restaurant quality lemonade. " Costs has been
  23. Dinosaur, the Local Maria lady at Taco Press on South Lamar, the 'migrating ', pink ,flamingos on the lawn in front of the Pots and Plants Garden Center, the Hyde
  24. Festival taking place every year in August. Among the events is" Tripoli goes, pink ," and it ends with a parade. * Round Christiansburg Open Water Swim Race is a 2
  25. Allows the blood vessels to become visible, which gives the characteristic pale, pink ,color of white people. The loss of melanin in white people is thought to have
  26. Items, including gloves, wristbands,and shoes. The team thought the, pink ,accents looked better with white uniforms than with red. The season saw the
  27. Survive, included widespread use of brightly colored scagliola and blue and, pink ,laps, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. King Edward VII oversaw a partial
  28. Albert. August Appearance The August face base makeup color is a variation of, pink , red, or tan rather than white. Features are exaggerated in size and are
  29. The company in Folkestone dyeing the material made a mistake, and it turned out, pink ,and cream. It was the best thing that ever happened," said Firming. Madeleine
  30. Paley, California. In December 1910,the New York Academy of Sciences named the, pink ,variety of beryl" organize" after financier J. P. Morgan. The crystal
  31. Is illegal, including the shell. Only red abalone may be taken; black, white, pink , and flat abalone are protected by law. An abalone diver is normally equipped
  32. The 13th country to have access to the Open Campus. Main sights Bermuda's, pink ,sand beaches and clear, cerulean blue ocean waters are popular with tourists
  33. Heart-shaped, green to grayish-green leaves. The flowers are white, blue, pink , or lilac and occur in several clusters toward the tip of the stems. The flowers
  34. Survive, included widespread use of brightly colored scagliola and blue and, pink ,laps, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. King Edward VII oversaw a partial
  35. Appearance to each other). The usual color is white with crimson veins, but, pink , or purple also occur naturally. The common name" naked lady" stems from the
  36. And light yellow centers also setting them apart from the original light, pink , In addition, the hybrids often produce flowers in a fuller circle rather than
  37. Veal, or fed on grain and hay and killed at 22 to 35 weeks to produce red or, pink ,veal. Growth A commercial steer or bull calf is expected to put on about per
  38. A sort of beehive hairstyle) and gingham clothes after wearing a checkered, pink ,dress, designed by Jacques Steal, at her wedding to Carrier. She was the
  39. Bag puss is an actual cloth cat, but was not intended to be such an electric, pink , " It should have been a ginger marmalade cat but the company in Folkestone
  40. Goshenite is relatively low. However, goshenite can be colored yellow, green, pink , blue and in intermediate colors by irradiating it with high-energy particles.
  41. Of alabaster. There are several types of alabaster found at the site, including, pink , white, and the rare black alabaster. Uses The finer kinds of alabaster are
  42. Used in the Western hemisphere to symbolize the male gender in contrast to, pink ,used for females, although in the early 1900s,blue was the color for girls (
  43. As it had traditionally been the color of the Virgin Mary in Western Art) and, pink ,was for boys (as it was akin to the color red, considered a masculine color.
  44. Livery. One Boeing 777 and one Boeing 757 are painted in standard livery with a, pink ,ribbon on the sides and on the tail, in support for the Susan G. Women for the
  45. During March 2008,Blu-Tack changed color for the first time since 1971 – to, pink ,– to help raise money for Breast Cancer Campaign. 20,000 numbered packs were
  46. Pinnate or bipinnate, thread-like leaflets. The flowers are small, white or, pink , and borne in umbels. The fruit is a lateral fusiform or ovoid achene 4–5 mm
  47. Colors are the achromatic colors (black, gray and white) and colors such as, pink , tan, and magenta. Two different light spectra that have the same effect on the
  48. Including tail; the giant armadillo grows up to and weighs up to, while the, pink ,fairy armadillos are diminutive species with an overall length of. All species
  49. A fuller circle rather than a" side facing" habit like the" old-fashioned ", pink , The hybrids are able to adapt to year round watering and fertilization but can
  50. An areola (nipple-areola complex, NAC ), the skin color of which varies from, pink ,to dark brown, and has sebaceous glands. Within the mammary gland, the

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