Examples of the the word, laser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( laser ), is the 4277 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Particles can also be suspended with optical tweezers, using a highly focused, laser ,beam. Cost Scientists claim that antimatter is the costliest material to make.
  2. The forward observer observes the target using tools such as binoculars, laser ,rangefinders, designators and call backfire missions on his radio, or relays
  3. C-BN. Ion beam deposition, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, pulsed, laser , deposition,reactive sputtering, and other physical vapor deposition methods
  4. Makes it a fire-and-forget weapon, except the E version that uses semi-active, laser ,homing. Variants *Maverick A is the basic model and uses an electro-optical
  5. Complementary medicine treatments used for pain include: acupuncture, low-level, laser , therapy,meditation, aroma therapy, Chinese medicine, dance therapy, music
  6. The Papierfabrik Palm paper mill, the alarm system manufacturer Telenor,the, laser ,show provider LOGO electronic and the textile finisher Lindenfarb, which all
  7. Several armies started equipping their artillery observation teams with, laser ,rangefinders, ground surveillance radars and night vision devices, these were
  8. Possibly hand-sized) paired wormholes dedicated to communication by means of a, laser ,which traverses the wormhole. Charles Stross's books Singularity Sky and Iron
  9. Which stated that a part of the Azeris Navy would be equipped with advanced, laser ,marksmanship systems. The US company specialists were also to give training on
  10. Ablation mass spectrometry, and the related techniques with transfer of the, laser ,ablation products into inductively coupled plasma. Advances in design of diode
  11. Laser battle stations, space-based relay mirrors, and nuclear-pumped X-ray, laser ,satellites. Later research indicated that some planned technologies such as
  12. S in-house font-development software, helped popularize PostScript-enabled, laser ,printers. Unlike Madras, then the standard Macintosh vector drawing program
  13. Other types of gas discharge tubes. Argon makes a distinctive blue-green gas, laser , Characteristics Argon has approximately the same solubility in water as oxygen
  14. Size distributions of very fine particles or micelles suspended in a fluid. A, laser ,shining into the mixture produces flicker, which correlates with the motion of
  15. machine's history. **ACS (similar to SCSI) DMA port (for hard disks and, laser ,printers) Because of its bidirectional design, the Centroids printer port
  16. Fortunes changed with the introduction of the Underwriter, the first PostScript, laser ,printer to be offered at a reasonable price, and Pacemaker, an early desktop
  17. With solid-state laser -illuminated low-light-level-TV with a companion YAG, laser ,designator, an improved forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensor, video
  18. Thousands of artificial communications from satellites, cables,and, laser ,lines. Even the partial realization of the UIs will profoundly affect every
  19. Species. This may be mitigated by selection of experiment temperature or, laser ,input energy to influence the ionization number (+, ++,3+ etc.) of the
  20. Engage a moving target. Target location errors were significantly reduced once, laser ,rangefinders, orientation and navigation devices were issued to observation
  21. Of revolutionary technologies, including radio astronomy, the transistor,the, laser , information theory, the UNIX operating system, the C programming language and
  22. Laser Doppler anemometers Laser Doppler anemometers use a beam of light from a, laser ,that is divided into two beams, with one propagated out of the anemometer.
  23. The Nobel Prize in Physics for developing methods to cool and trap atoms with, laser ,light. * 1998: Horst Stormed, Robert Loughlin, and Daniel Sui, were awarded
  24. In. An effort to develop a new method might involve the use of a tunable, laser ,to increase the specificity and sensitivity of a spectrometry method. Many
  25. The problems of the earlier SDI concepts. Rather than use sophisticated large, laser ,battle stations and nuclear-pumped X-ray laser satellites, Brilliant Pebbles
  26. To reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers. The use of, laser ,cooling has produced temperatures less than a billionth of a kelvin. At very
  27. Great detail with a panoramic camera, gamma ray spectrometer, mapping camera, laser ,altimeter, mass spectrometer, and lunar sub-satellite deployed at the end of
  28. In either case the primer is usually percussion but electrical is also used and, laser ,ignition is emerging. Modern 155 mm guns have a primer magazine fitted to their
  29. Soviet ICBM attack. The initial concept envisioned large sophisticated orbiting, laser ,battle stations, space-based relay mirrors, and nuclear-pumped X-ray laser
  30. Storage facilities. Different models of the AGM-65 have used electro-optical, laser , and infra-red guidance systems. The AGM-65 has two types of motor behind the
  31. Stimulated emission, the physical process that makes possible the maser and the, laser , This article showed that the statistics of absorption and emission of light
  32. Optionally, an atom probe may also include laser -optical systems for, laser ,beam preparation, targeting and pulsing, if using laser -evaporation methods.
  33. Argon provide blue light. Argon is also used for the creation of blue and green, laser ,light. Miscellaneous uses It is used for thermal insulation in energy efficient
  34. Agencies such as HUM INT, SIGINT,ELINT and MINT. *Laser guided shells require, laser ,target designators, usually with observation teams on the ground but UAV
  35. In great motion, they produce a Doppler shift for measuring wind speed in the, laser ,light, which is used to calculate the speed of the particles, and therefore the
  36. Prim and Joseph Crustal, revolutionized computer network design. In 1958,the, laser ,was first described, in a technical paper by Arthur Shallow and Charles Hard
  37. To the input power should be doubled. It may mean that the gain of the, laser ,medium should be doubled, for example, doubling the population of the upper
  38. Garment. They deployed the EASE, which included a passive seismograph and a, laser ,ranging retroreflector. Then Armstrong loped about from the LM to snap photos
  39. Well-established techniques of carbon nanotube growth, such as arc-discharge, laser ,ablation and chemical vapor deposition, are used to synthesize IN nanotubes. IN
  40. This model. Achieved initial operation capability in 1983. *Maverick E uses a, laser ,designator guidance system optimized for fortified installations and heavier
  41. Has now been replaced by a more professional exhibition space incorporating, laser , video, slide shows, audio commentaries, and some interactive elements. The
  42. Analysis of solid samples, the new leaders are laser -induced breakdown and, laser ,ablation mass spectrometry, and the related techniques with transfer of the
  43. Medium should be doubled, for example, doubling the population of the upper, laser ,level in a quasi-two level system (assuming negligible absorption of the
  44. Made in silicon. Unlike silicon, it is direct band gap, and so can be used in, laser ,diodes and LEDs to directly convert electricity into light. During the Vietnam
  45. Chemical ionization, electrospray, fast atom bombardment, matrix assisted, laser ,resorption ionization, and others. Also, mass spectrometry is categorized by
  46. Or antimatter particles can be trapped and cooled with slightly off-resonant, laser ,radiation using a magneto-optical trap or magnetic trap. Small particles can
  47. National Laboratory in larger numbers than by any previous synthetic process. A, laser ,drove electrons through a millimeter-radius gold target's nuclei, which caused
  48. The light back into a detector, where it is measured relative to the original, laser ,beam. When the particles are in great motion, they produce a Doppler shift for
  49. Then use sophisticated large laser battle stations and nuclear-pumped X-ray, laser ,satellites, Brilliant Pebbles consisted of a thousand very small, intelligent
  50. And other skincare products. Hexagonal IN is used in xerographic process and, laser ,printers as a charge leakage barrier layer of the photo drum. In the automotive

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