Examples of the the word, relieve , in a Sentence Context

The word ( relieve ), is the 4294 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They are second-line agents, benzodiazepines can be used for a limited time to, relieve ,severe anxiety and agitation. CPA guidelines note that after 4–6 weeks the
  2. Poverty in the same developing countries where the Foundation is attempting to, relieve ,poverty. These include companies that pollute heavily, and pharmaceutical
  3. As a herbal medicine, aloe vera juice is commonly used internally to, relieve ,digestive discomfort. Some modern research suggests Aloe vera can significantly
  4. Are exposed, as in peptic ulcers. Indications Antacids are taken by mouth to, relieve ,heartburn, the major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or acid
  5. Licorice (DGL),an extract of the popular herb licorice, reportedly helps, relieve ,the symptoms of gastritis. In a 1979 research study, a dose of 350 milligrams
  6. Scan, Sharon underwent a five-hour operation to halt bleeding in his brain and, relieve ,pressure that had built up on his skull. Following the operation, Sharon was
  7. Early 1950s while traveling through South America in the hopes that it could, relieve ,or cure opiate addiction (see The Age Letters). Ayahuasca became more widely
  8. Example being the American Civil War. However, the ability of alcohol to, relieve ,severe pain is likely inferior to many analgesics used today (e.g. morphine
  9. The technique can improve performance, self observation and impulse control and, relieve ,chronic stiffness, tension and stress. The technique is named after Frederick
  10. Quintus Phillips Cereals, then commanding the Legion IX Hispano, attempted to, relieve ,the city, but suffered an overwhelming defeat. His infantry was wiped out; only
  11. Works to combat the plague simply because he is a doctor and his job is to, relieve ,human suffering. He does not do it for any grand, religious purpose, like
  12. And received the title of KBE after his personal storage of grain was used to, relieve ,famine in Palestine following World War I, but never used the title. Early life
  13. Transit the Suez Canal, navigating from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea to, relieve ,the. *1987 – American engineer Ben Liner is killed in an ambush by U. S.
  14. And northern parts of the city. These new neighborhoods were built to, relieve ,the city's shortage of living space and give people affordable houses with
  15. When a squadron of British ships under Captain Charles Douglas arrived to, relieve ,the siege. Another attempt was made by the Americans to push back towards
  16. Samoa) Other * Aspirin, a salicylate drug, often used as an analgesic to, relieve ,minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce fever, and as an
  17. And onions were used regularly to promote good health and were thought to, relieve ,asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set broken bones
  18. Kingdom. In 1184,in spite of his great age, he still had sufficient energy to, relieve ,his son DOM Sancho, who was besieged in Antares by the Moors. Alfonso died
  19. The resinous yellow Alvin from wounding the Aloe plant are used externally to, relieve ,skin discomforts. As a herbal medicine, aloe vera juice is commonly used
  20. Successfully ambush English forces, led by Sir Confers Clifford, sent to, relieve ,Clooney Castle. *1695 – French forces end the Bombardment of Brussels
  21. Coalesced with Hastein's force at Shoe bury. Alfred had been on his way to, relieve ,his son at Thorny when he heard that the Northumbrian and East Anglican Danes
  22. Acid (; abbreviated ASA),is a salicylate drug, often used as an analgesic to, relieve ,minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce fever, and as an
  23. An antidepressant, to increase the blood concentration of another drug, or to, relieve ,the psychotic or paranoid symptoms that often accompany clinical depression.
  24. Peter, failed to join him; a fourth, IX Hispano, had been routed trying to, relieve ,Camulodunum. Bodice exhorted her troops from her chariot, her daughters beside
  25. The French hoped to raise 9,000 troops, but the army was not ready in time to, relieve ,Harder. After Henry V marched to the north the French moved to blockade them
  26. Founded the city of Hyderabad on the banks of the Must River in 159120 to, relieve ,a water shortage the dynasty had experienced at its old headquarters at
  27. Dragon Spears. Air Force Special Operations Command is arming these aircraft to, relieve ,the high operational demands on its regular AC-130 gunships until new AC-130Js
  28. Professional athletes may choose to have a non-essential digit amputated to, relieve ,chronic pain and impaired performance. Australian Rules footballer Daniel Chick
  29. Goes back to its normal behavior. This suggests that there are two ways to, relieve ,anxiety in humans with serotonergic drugs: by blocking stimulation of 5-HT2A
  30. The III Amphibious Corps, sent elements of 81st Infantry Division to Ellis to, relieve ,the regiment. The 321st Regiment Combat Team landed on the western beaches of
  31. Of the Iberian Peninsula (Landaus). *1429 – Joan of Arc arrives to, relieve ,the Siege of Orleans. *1483 – Gran Canaria, the main of the Canary Islands is
  32. Fort Steinway. American militiamen and their Native American allies marched to, relieve ,the siege but were ambushed and scattered at the Battle of Brisbane. When a
  33. Activated cause constipation. Drugs such as morphine or codeine can be used to, relieve ,diarrhea this way. A notable opioid for the purpose of relief of diarrhea is
  34. By the amine drugs: * Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that helps to, relieve ,allergic disorders due to cold, hay fever, itchy skin, insect bites and stings.
  35. Sir George Homers, and the new Governor of Jamestown, Sir Thomas Gates, to, relieve , the colony of Jamestown, settled two years before. Homers had previous
  36. Is a tranquilizer that sedates without inducing sleep. It is used to, relieve ,anxiety, excitement,restlessness or even mental disorder. * Ephedrine and
  37. Scorched earth raid) north from the English base in Aquitaine, in an effort to, relieve ,allied garrisons in central France, as well as to raid and ravage the
  38. After indicting Rousseau's plan for female education, she writes" I must, relieve ,myself by drawing another picture. " These terse exclamations are meant to draw
  39. Pads and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection, while opium was used to, relieve ,pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to promote good health and were
  40. Also known as a painkiller) is any member of the group of drugs used to, relieve ,pain (achieve). The word analgesic derives from Greek an- (" without" ) and
  41. The service was established to broadcast federal parliamentary sittings, to, relieve , the local ABC radio network from this intermittent task, and to provide a news
  42. Scotia their ways parted: Tristan the Cuba sailed for India, where he would, relieve ,the Portuguese besieged at Bangalore, and Albuquerque sailed with a fleet of
  43. March 1915. The Police–Narrow Offensive started as a minor German offensive to, relieve ,the pressure of the Russian numerical superiority on the Austro-Hungarians, but
  44. A basin, but its elevation (about) tends to moderate summer temperature and, relieve ,oppressive high humidity. Sofia is also sheltered from the northern European
  45. By stimulating the endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDF). Used to, relieve ,both exertional and vasospastic angina by allowing venous pooling, reducing the
  46. To Colonia do Sacramento on the Rio de la Plate (opposite Buenos Aires) to, relieve ,the garrison there; this voyage also conveyed a consignment of convicts
  47. Appears, Barry,who has no money, is dropped. Nora and her family plan to, relieve ,their poverty with an advantageous marriage. Barry refuses to accept the
  48. Jordanian Arab Legion in the first Battle of Lat run, an unsuccessful attempt to, relieve ,the besieged Jewish community of Jerusalem. In September 1949,Sharon was
  49. At local expense. They also routed a Roman legion, the IX Hispano, sent to, relieve ,the settlement. On hearing the news of the revolt, Suetonius hurried to
  50. For the disfranchised African Americans in the segregated state, but did not, relieve ,them of paying taxes. Continued racial discrimination, agricultural depression

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