Examples of the the word, atom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( atom ), is the 4278 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Removing one of its electrons. The electric charge causes the trajectory of an, atom ,to bend when it passes through a magnetic field. The radius by which the
  2. Local density of states. Name jacox1997/> name NF_physics1986/> An, atom ,can be ionized by removing one of its electrons. The electric charge causes the
  3. Shows the extent to which scanning-tunneling-microscope images of an individual, atom ,are visible. It confirms that for low bias, the microscope images the
  4. And its higher homologies are chiral due to their stereogenic center at carbon, atom ,number 3. Chiral alkanes are of certain importance in biochemistry, as they
  5. A group of atom s can remain bound to each other, forming a molecule. An, atom ,containing an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically neutral
  6. Become less electronegative but also significantly larger, and the size of the, atom ,tends to dominate its acidity when sharing a bond to hydrogen. Hydrogen sulfide
  7. Carbon atom must have 4 bonds (either C-H or C-C bonds),and each hydrogen, atom ,must be joined to a carbon atom (H-C bonds). A series of linked carbon atom s
  8. The vacuum between two planar metal electrodes, on each of which is an adsorbed, atom , providing a tunneling-current density that can be measured. Scanning one atom
  9. And motion of the outermost electron. Name fitzpatrick20070216/> When an, atom ,is in an external magnetic field, spectral lines become split into three or
  10. When subjected to external fields, like an electrical field, the shape of an, atom ,may deviate from that of a sphere. The deformation depends on the field
  11. Atom, providing a tunneling-current density that can be measured. Scanning one, atom ,(taken as the tip) as it moves past the other (the sample) permits plotting
  12. Change their energy level. Those excited electrons that remain bound to their, atom ,spontaneously emit this energy as a photon, traveling in a random direction
  13. Are more electrons (electron excess). A positively or negatively charged, atom ,is known as an ion. An atom is classified according to the number of protons
  14. Was not known at this time). In 1911,Ernest Rutherford gave a model of the, atom ,in which a central core held most of the atom 's mass and a positive charge
  15. To which the electron cloud extends from the nucleus. However, this assumes the, atom ,to exhibit a spherical shape, which is only obeyed for atom s in vacuum or free
  16. Excess). A positively or negatively charged atom is known as an ion. An, atom ,is classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus:
  17. Rutherford gave a model of the atom in which a central core held most of the, atom ,'s mass and a positive charge which, in units of the electron's charge, was to
  18. Either C-H or C-C bonds),and each hydrogen atom must be joined to a carbon, atom ,(H-C bonds). A series of linked carbon atom s is known as the carbon skeleton
  19. Comparison. Hydrogen The element hydrogen, with its solitary one electron per, atom , is usually placed at the top of Group 1 of the periodic table for convenience
  20. Valence and bonding behavior The outermost electron shell of an, atom ,in its uncombined state is known as the valence shell, and the electrons in
  21. Mass defect is usually very small compared to the mass, the atom ic mass of an, atom ,is roughly equal to A. Atoms having the same atom ic number Z but different
  22. Caused by the interaction of the magnetic field with the magnetic moment of the, atom ,and its electrons. Some atom s can have multiple electron configurations with
  23. Atoms are joined in a chemical bond. The radius varies with the location of an, atom ,on the atom ic chart, the type of chemical bond, the number of neighboring atom s
  24. In a given sample of uranium, there is estimated to be only one francium, atom ,for every 1×1018 uranium atom s. It is also calculated that there is at most 30
  25. The symbol Z. The atom ic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. In an, atom ,of neutral charge, the atom ic number is also equal to the number of electrons.
  26. Units of the electron's charge, was to be approximately equal to half of the, atom ,'s atom ic weight, expressed in numbers of hydrogen atom s. This central charge
  27. A, which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an, atom , The number of neutrons, N,is known as the neutron number of the atom ; thus, A
  28. The members differ by a constant relative molecular mass of 14. Each carbon, atom ,must have 4 bonds (either C-H or C-C bonds),and each hydrogen atom must be
  29. Lose a proton is the strength of the bond between the acidic hydrogen and the, atom ,that bears it. This, in turn, is dependent on the size of the atom s sharing the
  30. By several centiseconds. The SI second was defined in terms of the cesium, atom ,in 1967,and in 1971 it was renamed International Atomic Time (TAI). Also in
  31. All ground state, except for the mentioned astatine-213. The, atom ,is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense central nucleus surrounded
  32. As a single spectral line. The interaction of the magnetic field with the, atom ,shifts these electron configurations to slightly different energy levels
  33. To the corresponding alcohol; the replacement of an electronegative oxygen, atom ,with two electromotive hydrogens yields a product which is essentially
  34. Of an atom . The number of neutrons, N,is known as the neutron number of the, atom ,; thus, A = Z + N. Since protons and neutrons have approximately the same mass (
  35. Properties as a consequence of the number of electrons present in the neutral, atom , which is Z. The configuration of these electrons follows from the principles
  36. This super-cooled collection of atom s then behaves as a single super, atom , which may allow fundamental checks of quantum mechanical behavior.
  37. Onto a flat plane. However, the torsion angle between a given hydrogen, atom ,attached to the front carbon and a given hydrogen atom attached to the rear
  38. Which is the only stable nuclide with no neutrons). The electrons of an, atom ,are bound to the nucleus by the electromagnetic force. Likewise, a group of
  39. First formally suggested that the central charge and number of electrons in an, atom ,was exactly equal to its place in the periodic table (also known as element
  40. A carboxyl group (thus they are carboxylic acids),an amino group, a hydrogen, atom ,and a variable group. The variable group, also called the R group or side chain
  41. Amino acid. In glycine, the simplest amino acid, the R group is a hydrogen, atom , but in all other amino acids it is contains one or more carbon atom s bonded to
  42. Lab (and who had used Van den Broek's hypothesis in his Bohr model of the, atom ,), decided to test Van den Broke and Bohr's hypothesis directly, by seeing if
  43. Between a given hydrogen atom attached to the front carbon and a given hydrogen, atom ,attached to the rear carbon can vary freely between 0° and 360°. This is a
  44. Atomic vibrations In 1907 Einstein proposed a model of matter where each, atom ,in a lattice structure is an independent harmonic oscillator. In the Einstein
  45. As the proton number) is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an, atom ,and therefore identical to the charge number of the nucleus. It is
  46. Alkanes (especially those linear and short),by oxidizing the terminal carbon, atom , The product is an alcohol, that could be next oxidized to an aldehyde, and
  47. Additional electron is required to fill in the outermost shell of the hydrogen, atom , so hydrogen can in some circumstances behave like a halogen, forming the
  48. To break a bond. In other words, it takes less energy to break the bond as, atom ,A growth larger, and the proton is more easily removed by a base. This partially
  49. On the size of the atom s sharing the bond. For an acid HA, as the size of, atom ,A increase, the strength of the bond decreases, meaning that it is more easily
  50. Structure is an independent harmonic oscillator. In the Einstein model, each, atom , oscillates independently – a series of equally spaced quantized states for each

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