Examples of the the word, skip , in a Sentence Context

The word ( skip ), is the 4292 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By wind. One way that dunes can move is by salvation, where sand particles, skip ,along the ground like a bouncing ball. When these skip ping particles land, they
  2. By an opposing team member. In international rules, this player must be the, skip ,; or if the skip is throwing, then the sweeping player must be the third.
  3. Of the stone to influence the trajectory (see Sweeping, below ). When the, skip ,throws, the third takes his role. The thrower's gripper shoe (with the
  4. Often at a loss as to how to deal with them, although in many episodes they do, skip ,school altogether. They have little remorse for their actions, as in one
  5. Team member. In international rules, this player must be the skip ; or if the, skip ,is throwing, then the sweeping player must be the third. 'Burning' a stone
  6. The process of sliding a stone down the sheet is known as the delivery. The, skip ,will usually determine the required weight, turn and line of the stone. These
  7. The Canadian team from Regina, Saskatchewan, skip ped by Ernie Richardson. (The, skip ,is the team member who calls the shots; see below. ) The first curling club in
  8. Loop >+>+>→>> Increase copy and remainder / reduce divisor / Normal case:, skip ,forward <> + ↔ >+> Special case: move remainder back to divisor and increase
  9. The skip calling the line of the shot and the sweepers calling the weight. The, skip ,evaluates the path of the stone and calls to the sweepers to sweep as necessary
  10. Lunar, starting with the New Moon. In reality the calendar could pause or, skip ,days with confused citizens inscribing dates by both the civic calendar and ton
  11. And continue can be used to leave the innermost enclosing loop statement or, skip ,to its reinitialization. There is also a non-structured got statement which
  12. By his band, fans,and managers to be extremely unpredictable. He would often, skip ,sold-out concerts to simply" walk to the beach" or" smell the dew ". In Rome
  13. The guard. Much of the yelling that goes on during a curling game is the, skip ,calling the line of the shot and the sweepers calling the weight. The skip
  14. Trajectory is still influenced by the two sweepers under instruction from the, skip , Sweeping is done for two reasons: to reduce friction underneath the stone, and
  15. Or tapping a broom on the ice. In the case of a takeout, guard or a tap,the, skip ,will indicate the stones involved. Before delivery, the running surface of the
  16. Then consonance, as the rule," and consonances are" resolved" through a, skip , not step. He wrote that" the effect of this discipline" was" one of
  17. One reaches the first coda symbol. Upon reaching the first coda, one is to, skip ,to the second coda symbol (which signifies the ending of the piece),and
  18. Consecutive numbers starting from 1 as there are apples in the selection, then, skip , a number, continue choosing as many consecutive numbers as there are oranges
  19. Was 1 <<< <+> >- Zero divisor and add 13 to copy if quotient was 0 End outer, skip ,loop (jump to here if (( character minus 1)/32) was not 2 or 3) ← Clear
  20. From the disc's TOC (table of contents). This causes audio CD players to, skip ,the CD-i data tracks. This is different from the CD-i Ready format, which puts
  21. Teams are normally named after the Skip, for example, Team Martin for, skip ,Kevin Martin. Amateur league players can (and do) creatively name their teams
  22. Time and space needed for compiler analysis and optimizations, some compilers, skip ,them by default. Users have to use compilation options to explicitly tell the
  23. The line is the direction of the throw ignoring the effect of the turn. The, skip ,may communicate the weight, turn,line and other tactics by calling or tapping
  24. Variables by use of analog circuitry * Anti- skip protection or electronic, skip ,protection, a protection of an audio Compact Disc playback Astronomy Business *
  25. Is ignored). It demonstrates combined use of ALU op, shift,and test (, skip ,). Note that when this routine is called by Jr,AC3 holds the return address.
  26. Of travel is correct and communicating the weight of the stone back to the, skip , Some teams use stopwatch timing, from back line to the nearest hog line as a
  27. A tag via GO: (def var (tag body (set (go end-label);;, skip ,the (print" Hello" ) some-label (print" Hello" ) end-label) → NIL When
  28. Dochar: LDA 0,@pmsg; load ac0 with next character, mov# 0,0,SNR; test ac0;, skip ,if nonzero (don't load result) JMP done. Systm. Pchar; print first JMP her;
  29. The longer distances involved. Some services include express services which, skip ,some stations in order to run faster and separate longer distance riders from
  30. By" masquerading" as a base, causing the DNA replication machinery to, skip ,or insert additional nucleotides at the intercalated site. Most intercalates
  31. All their bowls, then handing over to the next player. The team captain or ", skip ," always plays last and is instrumental in directing his team's shots and
  32. Between the first and the third note may not be dissonant. #If writing a, skip ,in one direction, it is best to proceed after the skip with motion in the other
  33. And increase quotient <<<<← Decrement dividend End division loop >>>± End, skip ,loop; zero former divisor and reuse space for a flag >--- ↔ ++±< Zero that
  34. To get a useful 13 > Skip forward if quotient was 0 - Decrement quotient and, skip ,forward if quotient was 1 -< ↔ > Zero quotient and divisor if quotient was 2
  35. Both people on a team to play Skip and Lead. The lead throws two bowls,the, skip ,delivers two, then the lead delivers his remaining two, the skip then delivers
  36. It is worn by the thrower during delivery from the hack and by sweepers or the, skip ,to glide down the ice when sweeping or otherwise traveling down the sheet
  37. Of that range. #Avoid having any two parts move in the same direction by, skip , #Attempt to have as much contrary motion as possible. #Avoid dissonant
  38. Choosing as many consecutive numbers as there are oranges selected, again, skip , a number, then again for pears, skip one again, and finally choose the
  39. The thrower, now in the hack, lines the body up with shoulders square to the, skip ,'s broom at the far end for line. The stone is placed in front of the foot now
  40. As there are oranges selected, again skip a number, then again for pears, skip ,one again, and finally choose the remaining numbers (as many as there are
  41. Generally tries to score two or more points. If only one point is possible,the, skip ,will often try to avoid scoring at all in order to retain the hammer until the
  42. Dissonant. #If writing a skip in one direction, it is best to proceed after the, skip ,with motion in the other direction. #The interval of a Triton in three notes
  43. The officials. However, all scoring disputes are handled by the third, or vice, skip , No players other than the third from each team should be in the house while
  44. Complete the end with their final 2 bowls. The players act as lead and, skip ,in the same end. In the second end the roles are reversed with the A players
  45. Comments can be nested: prefixing each line (or column) with" --" will, skip ,all that code, while being clearly denoted as a column of repeated" --" down
  46. Two bowls, the skip delivers two, then the lead delivers his remaining two,the, skip ,then delivers his remaining two bowls. Each end, the leads and skip s switch
  47. Present context, a " step" is a melodic interval of a half or whole step. A ", skip ," is an interval of a third or fourth. (See Steps and skip s. ) An interval of
  48. To" call their own fouls ", so to speak, such as alerting the opposing, skip ,if they" burned" a stone. A match traditionally begins with players shaking
  49. Pick up or pick. The thrower throws from the hack. Another player, usually the, skip , is stationed behind the button to determine the tactics, weight,turn and line
  50. S and the larger in R: IF R > S THEN the contents of L is the larger number so, skip ,over the exchange-steps 4,5 and 6: GOT step 6 ELSE swap the contents of R and

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