Examples of the the word, planned , in a Sentence Context

The word ( planned ), is the 4280 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On Apollo 8] came in handy! " In that book he dismissed the incident as a ", planned ,experiment ", requested by the ground crew. This time they gave a tour of the
  2. Borman's crew was scheduled to fly two to three months sooner than originally, planned , leaving them a shorter time for training and preparation, thus placing more
  3. Parts) are added to a product sequentially using optimally, planned ,logistics to create a finished product much faster than with handcrafting-type
  4. Of the cerebrocerebellum presents as disturbances in carrying out voluntary, planned ,movements by the extremities (called appendicular ataxia). **inability to
  5. Of her philosophy to be called The Moral Basis of Individualism. Although the, planned ,book was never completed, a condensed version was published as an essay titled
  6. Architectural design of the new building and its environs. The new campus is, planned ,to house up to 13,000 employees in one central four-storied circular building (
  7. Fertile Crescent of Western Asia, Egypt,and India were sites of the earliest, planned ,sowing and harvesting of plants that had previously been gathered in the wild.
  8. Of Adelaide's domestic requirements respectively. Urban layout Adelaide is a, planned ,city, designed by the first surveyor-general of South Australia, Colonel
  9. The French and Spanish in the West Indies. To punish the Americans the King, planned ,to destroy their coasting-trade, bombard their ports; sack and burn towns along
  10. Calculation debate" which concerns the allocative properties of a centrally, planned ,economy versus a decentralized free market economy. From the middle of the 20th
  11. Building (TBMM) of the Republic of Turkey. The War of Independence was, planned ,and directed here as recorded in various photographs and items presently on
  12. Ottoman capital Istanbul and much of Anatolia were occupied by the Allies, who, planned , to share these lands between Armenia, France,Greece, Italy and the United
  13. Future inhabitants. During the 1920s,1930s and 1940s,the city grew in a, planned ,and orderly pace. However, from the 1950s onward, the city grew much faster
  14. West territories and states to fight American Indians. President Lincoln had, planned ,to reform federal Indian policy, that relied heavily on congressional patronage
  15. Became the capital of the Republic of Turkey in 1923,it was designated as a, planned ,city for 500,000 future inhabitants. During the 1920s,1930s and 1940s,the
  16. The highway system of the Netherlands, with freeways numbered one through eight, planned ,to originate from the city. Besides the A1,A2,A4 and A8,several freeways
  17. His troops. Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC, without realizing a series of, planned ,campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia. In the years
  18. Plan for southern Reconstruction. Discussions with his cabinet revealed Lincoln, planned ,short term military control over southern states, until readmission under the
  19. The German-born consort of King William IV, the city was founded in 1836 as the, planned ,capital for a freely settled British province in Australia. Colonel William
  20. Widened mouth, L sound to look like tongue pulled in, etc.); its design was, planned ,by the government of the time; and it places individual letters in syllable
  21. Medicine, a subject in which he had little knowledge or previous aptitude. He, planned ,to spread the Gospel by the example of his Christian labor of healing, rather
  22. Also in 2007. In addition to the titles issued the following titles are also, planned ,for release: * 2008 Peril at End House Adapted by Thierry Collet and
  23. Po. " After Attila left Italy and returned to his palace across the Danube, he, planned , to strike at Constantinople again and reclaim the tribute which Marian had
  24. The settlement grew and prospered. Adelaide was established as the center of a, planned ,colony of free immigrants, promising civil liberties and freedom from religious
  25. Follow-up tests are often distinguished in terms of whether they are, planned ,(a priori) or post hoc. Planned tests are determined before looking at the
  26. Other former States,Armenia's economy suffers from the legacy of a centrally, planned ,economy and the breakdown of former Soviet trading patterns. Soviet investment
  27. Had the impact on the discipline of anthropology that some expected. Boas had, planned ,for Ruth Benedict to succeed him as chair of Columbia's anthropology
  28. Before the scheduled launch. The standard lunar orbit for Apollo missions was, planned ,as a nominal circular orbit above the Moon's surface. Initial lunar orbit
  29. Argue it is a refutation of socialism and that it shows that a socialist, planned ,economy could never work in the long term for the vast bulk of the economy and
  30. Causing the un planned and uncontrolled urban landscape of Ankara, as not enough, planned ,housing could be built fast enough. Although precariously built, the vast
  31. To shirk his responsibility and his guilt ”. Speer also testified that he had, planned ,to kill Hitler in early 1945 by dropping a canister of poison gas into the
  32. Method of controlling for Type I errors. Comparisons, which are most commonly, planned , can be either simple or compound. Simple comparisons compare one group mean
  33. Plan to put a robot in every household by 2020. Several robot cities have been, planned ,for the country: the first will be built in 2009 at a cost of 500 billion won
  34. To wait. If the crew had not burned the engine or the burn had not lasted the, planned ,length of time, the crew would appear early from behind the Moon. However, this
  35. Italy, devastating the northern provinces, but was unable to take Rome. He, planned ,for further campaigns against the Romans but died in 453. Appearance and
  36. From the umbra of the former Soviet Union in 1991 and migrated from a centrally, planned ,economy (Communist system) to a market economy (capitalist system). Both
  37. Half of Adelaide's water requirements (100GL per annum) is currently being, planned , with construction expected to be completed by 2012. The provision of water
  38. Broadcasting of digital television and radio. By the end of 2010,it is, planned ,that every home in the country will have fibrotic to the home for internet
  39. 2008. These elections were the first since 1992. Presidential elections are, planned ,for 2009. Judicial branch Supreme Court (or" Tribunal the Replaced" ) judges
  40. You Came Along. This role gave Rand time to work on other projects, including a, planned ,nonfiction treatment of her philosophy to be called The Moral Basis of
  41. Kennedy Space Center, Florida,located adjacent to Cape Canaveral. Originally, planned ,as a second Lunar Module/Command Module test in an elliptical medium Earth
  42. Progress reports have been published since 2008. In 2010,workers in China, planned ,to sue iPhone contractors over poisoning by a cleaner used to clean LCD screens
  43. French and Spanish assembled an armada to invade the British Isles. The British, planned ,to re-subjugate the rebellious colonies after dealing with the Americans '
  44. West crater ", named for its location in the western part of the originally, planned ,landing ellipse). Armstrong took semi-automatic control and, with Aldrin
  45. Great Houses The Ancestral Puebloan People crafted a unique architecture with, planned ,community spaces. The ancient population centers such as Chico Canyon (outside
  46. The client extensively to ascertain all the requirements and nuances of the, planned ,project. This information, known as a program or brief, is essential to
  47. That they would be unable to sleep. Lunar surface operations The astronauts, planned ,placement of the Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package (EASE) and the
  48. Content for China, India,and Korea, with additional countries and regions, planned ,for future content. In philosophy and logic, an argument is an attempt to
  49. Most recently, on the 4th of October, Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S,which is, planned ,to be released to the public on the 14th of October. However, it is
  50. Days, and provided a substantial amount of evidence to suggest that Christie, planned ,the entire disappearance to embarrass her husband, never thinking it would

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