Examples of the the word, rival , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rival ), is the 4286 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Plan subsequently met with some skepticism, with Speer's architectural, rival ,Hermann Kaiser sneering," the second most powerful man in the state did not
  2. Of his dress:" he seems to think of himself, in all his elegant finery, as a, rival ,to the old Ionian poets, perhaps even to Anacreon himself. " Plato's Epigram
  3. A Transformers character * Atlas (Castro Boy),the brother and recurring, rival ,of Castro Boy in the Anime and later TV series * In PS 238,Atlas is a famous
  4. Prison charlie" or" Chaplin," an allusion to Charlie Chaplin. ) *Billy boy: A, rival ,of Alex's. Early on in the story, Alex and his druids battle Billy boy and his
  5. Quickly to a membership of nearly a quarter of a million, which dwarfed the, rival ,social democratic unions. " By the 1880s,the slogan" propaganda of the deed "
  6. Grew in power and expanded their control northward, a clash between the two, rival ,dynasties became inevitable. Around 2055 BC the Theban forces under Nebhepetre
  7. Company ME. They were the Turkish Cup winners in 1972 and 1981. Their, rival ,is Gençlerbirliği founded in 1923 known as Ankara Gale or the Poppies because
  8. Members in important priestly positions. Libyan control began to erode as a, rival ,dynasty in the delta arose in Leontopolis, and Kushites threatened from the
  9. Walking home from the library, stomp a panhandling derelict, scuffle with a, rival ,gang, then rob a newsstand and leave its owners bloodied and unconscious.
  10. As a" superb political move for an unannounced candidate, to appear in one, rival ,'s (William H. Seward) own state at an event sponsored by the second rival 's
  11. Of Rome in 409,came to terms with the senate. With their consent, he set up a, rival ,emperor, the prefect of the city, a Greek named Prices At talus. Third siege of
  12. The drug war in Mexico has had a negative effect on tourism in Acapulco as, rival ,drug traffickers fight each other for the Guerrero coast route that brings
  13. rival 's (William H. Seward) own state at an event sponsored by the second, rival ,'s (Salmon P. Chase) loyalists, while not mentioning either by name during
  14. Joseph Stalin, although another translation has him as.; Snowball: Napoleon's, rival ,and original head of the farm after Jones' overthrow. He is mainly based on
  15. Terrorist groups. Pakistan harbors concerns over the growing influence of its, rival ,India in Afghanistan. Relations between the two states were strained further
  16. Trading empire. The concept of a cross-time version of a world war, involving, rival , paratime empires, was developed in Fritz Leiber's Change War series, starting
  17. In 1893 by the Danish linguist Wilhelm Thomsen in a scholarly race with his, rival , the Germano-Russian linguist Wilhelm Karloff. However, Radloff was the first
  18. Fund-raising event took place in New York with the participation of his former, rival ,Garry Kasparov and of Magnus Carlson, both of whom supported his bid and
  19. As Murder on the Links, where he still largely depends on clues, Poirot mocks a, rival ," bloodhound" detective who focuses on the traditional trail of clues that had
  20. Fur trade expanded in the north, but bloody battles occurred between the, rival ,HBC and NWC, and in 1821 the British government forced them to merge to stop
  21. 2nd husband poisoned (suet. ) 49 2. Lillian Paulina as she was a, rival ,for Claudius’ hand in marriage as proposed by the freedman Callisto. (TAC. &
  22. The household, leads to an absurd shift in the metaphor, so that Clean and his, rival ,become Rasta competing for the affections of an erogenous, hawkers of oracles
  23. His plays feature numerous references to other poets. These include not only, rival ,comic dramatists such as Cupolas and Terminus and predecessors such as Magnet
  24. For the nobleman Diego Mendes de Vasconcelos at Malacca, who had been given a, rival ,command of the region. Only three months later, on November 25,Albuquerque
  25. 1040 – King Duncan I is killed in battle against his first cousin and, rival ,Macbeth. The latter succeeds him as King of Scotland. *1057 – King Macbeth is
  26. Who comes to Alex's rescue turn out to be none other than Dim and former gang, rival ,Billy boy. The two policemen promptly beat Alex. Dazed and bloodied, Alex
  27. In 1544 founded the University of Königsberg (the so-called Albertina) as a, rival ,to the Roman Catholic Cracow Academy; it was only the second Lutheran
  28. The General Land Office, but that lucrative patronage job went to an Illinois, rival , Justin Butterfield, considered by the administration to be a highly skilled
  29. His own colony and becomes instead the ruler of the bird kingdom and a, rival ,to the gods. *The resourceful cast: The numerous surprising developments in an
  30. Of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh. Following Timur's death two independent and, rival ,states emerged: Kara Kyushu and AK Kyushu. The Shirvanshahs returned
  31. Abuses, By Erecting a Hospital for Foundlings and Bastard Children by Swift's, rival ,Daniel Defoe. Economic themes Robert Phiddian's article" Have you eaten yet?
  32. Power. By 2160 BC, rulers in Herakleopolis controlled Lower Egypt, while a, rival ,clan based in Thebes, the Inter family, took control of Upper Egypt. As the
  33. Relationship in which the slave dupes his master. The introduction of a, rival , who is not a member of the household, leads to an absurd shift in the metaphor
  34. Union to become powerful enough—as a direct result of not having a strong, rival ,dictator like Hitler to keep his power in check—to launch a massive campaign to
  35. To Claudius wasn’t based on love, but on power. She quickly eliminated her, rival ,Lillian Paulina. In 49,shortly after marrying Claudius, Agrippina charged
  36. And the country was well on its way to being divided into zones controlled by, rival ,armed political groups. The superpowers were quickly drawn into the conflict
  37. Any Ottoman sovereign before or since to breaking the power of his northern, rival , whose armies his grand vizier Nevşehirli Dam at Ibrahim Pasha succeeded in
  38. Succeeded by Dennis O'Neil, a writer known for groundbreaking 1970s work at, rival ,DC Comics, and penciled John Romina, Jr. Roger Stern, who had written nearly
  39. To Albuquerque, and to provide him with resources so that he could fight the, rival ,forces. However, when the letter arrived, Albuquerque had already died. His body
  40. Europeans when Peter the Great, king of the Stardom of Russia, defeating, rival , claims of Sweden and the Ottoman Empire to the eastern lands, and armed
  41. General Assembly. At, he was tall and" strong enough to intimidate any, rival ,". At his first speech, when he saw a supporter in the crowd being attacked
  42. To crush him, and Maurice of Saxony led an army against his former comrade. The, rival ,forces met at Sievershausen on 9 July 1553,and after a combat of unusual
  43. About the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC),in which Athens was defeated by its, rival ,Sparta. By the end of Late Antiquity the city experienced decline followed by
  44. The electrical firm of Siemens & False (S&H) managed to set up a, rival ,manufacturer of Bell telephones under their own patent. The Siemens company
  45. War was carried on between the two parties. The only engagement between the, rival ,factions which is told at length is noteworthy, inasmuch as it was preceded by
  46. King Stephen Bros III, after months of anarchy, surrenders to his son and, rival ,Stephen Susan, who succeeds as King of Serbia. *1680 – Pueblo Indians capture
  47. Of his transgression: Bibliophile states that his offense was that he was a, rival ,of Zeus for Female, his mother's sister, whereas in Euripides' Bacchus he has
  48. Tens against Persia. He soon transferred his services to Teos's cousin and, rival ,Nectanebo II, who,in return for his help, gave him a sum of over 200 talents.
  49. By Charles II of England to the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) in 1670,and, rival ,fur trading companies were not allowed to trade in it. After the ar rival of
  50. Mother of Messaging executed (TAC. ) 9. Marcus Julius Sinus potential, rival ,to Nero poisoned (Pliny, Tac. Did) 10. Radius Rufus was executed on

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