Examples of the the word, progression , in a Sentence Context

The word ( progression ), is the 6167 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lyric framework of a blues composition is reflected by a standard harmonic, progression ,of 12 bars in a 4/4 time signature. The blues chords associated to a twelve-bar
  2. When we consider a sample space that cannot be arranged into an arithmetic, progression , such as, the median and arithmetic average can differ significantly. In this
  3. Writer Amanda Murray noted the album" offers a marker for Spears ', progression ,as an artist, as a celebrity, and as a woman. " She is listed by the Guinness
  4. Might denote predicates. Different levels of abstraction might be denoted by a, progression ,of arrows joining boxes or ellipses in multiple rows, where the arrows point
  5. Rock as an alternative way of expression. However, some believe that the, progression ,of bhangra music created an" intermezzo culture" post-India's partition
  6. Dominant (V) turnaround, marking the transition to the beginning of the next, progression , The lyrics generally end on the last beat of the tenth bar or the first beat
  7. Likely folk derived and is known as La Folio. This simple melodic and harmonic, progression ,had served as an inspiration for many baroque composers, and would be used by
  8. Six levels, as in Douglas Hofstadter's illustration of that ambiguity, with a, progression ,from abstract to concrete in Gödel, Escher,Bach (1979):: (1) a publication
  9. Based upon an entirely different modular system. The fourth book completes the, progression ,of the first and second by moving to three-dimensional forms and the
  10. Added between the natural fourth and natural fifth. While the 12-bar harmonic, progression ,had been intermittently used for centuries, the revolutionary aspect of blues
  11. And controversial as they were, simply did not fit with Bede's theme of the, progression ,to a unified and harmonious church. Bede was a Northumbrian, and this tinged
  12. That his friend Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mather's had become so jealous of his, progression ,as a ceremonial magician that he had begun using magic against him, and the
  13. Over time the forms of and ideas about communication have evolved through, progression ,of technology. Advances include communications psychology and media psychology;
  14. Processes are represented by unitary linear operators such as rotation or the, progression ,of time. Operators can also be viewed as acting on bras from the right hand
  15. Genes such as Bcl-2,resulting in inhibition of apoptosis. HIV progression The, progression ,of the human immunodeficiency virus infection into AIDS is primarily due to the
  16. To neurodegenerative diseases, hematologic diseases, and tissue damage. The, progression ,of HIV is directly linked to excess, unregulated apoptosis. In a healthy
  17. Century, blues music was not clearly defined in terms of a particular chord, progression , With the popularity of early performers, such as Bessie Smith, use of the
  18. 19th century social evolutionists, believed there was a more or less orderly, progression ,from the primitive to the civilized. 20th-century anthropologists largely
  19. The sense of the objects in graph 1 above. We might look at other graphs, in a, progression ,from cat to mammal to animal, and see that animal is more abstract than mammal;
  20. Anchoring the harmonic framework (often by emphasizing the roots of the chord, progression ,) and laying down the beat (in collaboration with the drummer). The
  21. As a member of the rhythm section, which provides the chord sequence or ", progression ," and sets out the" beat" for the song. The rhythm section typically consists
  22. Of symptoms is a strong diagnostic factor. Although an individual's, progression ,may sometimes" plateau ", it will not improve. A set of diagnostic criteria
  23. Could be classified into categories of cultural evolution on a scale of, progression ,that ranged from savagery, to barbarism, to civilization. Generally, Morgan
  24. Greatly simplifying navigation. Aircraft management systems There has been a, progression ,towards centralized control of the multiple complex systems fitted to aircraft
  25. Design improvements based on clinical experiences, as well as monitor the, progression ,of the state-of-the-art to redirect procurement patterns accordingly.
  26. Mentally, emotionally and socially. Johnson (1980) explores the emotional, progression ,of the addict’s response to the alcohol. He looks at this in four phases. The
  27. A depressed mood. Form The blues form is a cyclic musical form which repeating, progression ,of chords mirrors the call and response scheme ubiquitous in African and
  28. No reduction in either the risk of developing heart disease, or the rate of, progression ,of existing disease. While several trials have investigated supplements with
  29. And tissue continue to be lost. However, the treatment is alleged to slow the, progression ,of the otherwise untreatable disease, and may have contributed to the longer
  30. Aerobic nature of the dances, and one caller, Gene Hubert, wrote a quadruple, progression ,dance, Contra Madness. Becket formation was introduced, with partners next to
  31. League (AFL) club the North Melbourne Kangaroos. Plans are currently in, progression ,to upgrade Northern Oval (currently known as Eureka Stadium) for hosting
  32. The hall; see Contra Dance Form main article for full characterizations of the, progression ,in the eight dance forms mentioned above). A single dance runs around ten
  33. Or may indicate systemic disease. Radiographs are often used to follow, progression ,or help assess severity. Differential diagnosis Osteoarthritis
  34. Inactives — see Progression below — had significantly different roles). Double, progression ,dances, popularized by Herbie Bureau, added to the aerobic nature of the
  35. MND remains a clinical one. Having excluded other diseases, a relatively rapid, progression ,of symptoms is a strong diagnostic factor. Although an individual's
  36. Of great danger. " MacPherson takes some care to present itself as foreseeable, progression , not a wild departure. Note that Judge Cardozo continues to adhere to the
  37. Infection. HIV-1 expression induces tubular cell G2/M arrest and apoptosis. The, progression ,from HIV to AIDS is not immediate or even necessarily rapid; HIV's cytotoxic
  38. Is a relatively benign mutation called D90A which is associated with a slow, progression , In Japan, the H46R mutation is most common. G93A,the mutation used to
  39. Lines arteries and narrows them. Atheroma tends to increase with age, and its, progression ,can be compounded by many causes including smoking, high blood pressure, excess
  40. Numbers of bars are also encountered occasionally, as with the 9-bar, progression , in " Sitting on Top of the World" by Howling Wolf. The basic 12-bar lyric
  41. By specific chord progression s, of which the twelve-bar blues chord, progression ,is the most common. The blue notes that, for expressive purposes are sung or
  42. And media psychology; an emerging field of study. Researcher divides the, progression ,of written communication into three revolutionary stages called" Information
  43. Scheme. They are labeled by Roman numbers referring to the degrees of the, progression , For instance, for a blues in the key of C, C is the tonic chord (I) and F is
  44. From worsening. Weight loss is the key to improving symptoms and preventing, progression , Physical therapy to strengthen muscles and joints is very helpful. Pain
  45. Anti-apoptotic genes such as Bcl-2,resulting in inhibition of apoptosis. HIV, progression ,The progression of the human immunodeficiency virus infection into AIDS is
  46. ALS patient by only a few months. The lack of effective medications to slow the, progression ,of ALS does not mean that patients with ALS cannot be medically cared for.
  47. Provided by the following guitar entablature for the first four bars of a blues, progression ,in E: E7 A7 E7 E |
  48. Ability in the songs of the album. ... Baby One More Time marked the singer's, progression ,as an artist, celebrity,and woman, and was also responsible for setting Spears
  49. Of cellular functioning, such as decision-making processes in cell cycle, progression , cellular differentiation, and apoptosis. It is also involved in loss of
  50. Time required to run the inner loop body can be expressed as an arithmetic, progression ,:: T_6 + 2T_6 + 3T_6 + \dots + (n-1) T_6 + n T_6 which can be factored as:

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