Examples of the the word, enroll , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enroll ), is the 3459 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Class at Oxford. " In Beverly Hills, he decides to go to college. He manages to, enroll ,late in the semester at a local secretarial school due to his financial backing
  2. To women, including Jews, allowing Rand to be in the first group of women to, enroll ,at Petrograd State University, where she studied in the department of social
  3. Where, at the advice of Jack Fisk, who was already attending it, he decided to, enroll ,at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, something he preferred far more than
  4. Channing approved of Alcott's methods and promised to help find students to, enroll , including his daughter Mary. Channing also secured aid from Justice Lemuel
  5. The contract signing, EMI forwarded her a sizeable advance which she used to, enroll ,in interpretive dance classes taught by Lindsay Kemp, a former teacher of David
  6. Scientific research programs or other scientific co-operation activity, to, enroll , in training programs, and to qualify for technical assistance. An advisory
  7. Ellen Nurse and Mary Taylor. In 1842, she and Emily travelled to Brussels to, enroll ,in a boarding school run by Constantin Hegel (1809–96) and his wife Claire
  8. Politics and Social Change" and" Zoological Photography. " Students must, enroll ,in one of the PUNY colleges in order to participate; they then have access to
  9. The Lebanese Special Forces are the elite of the Lebanese army, those who, enroll ,are subjected to rigorous training regimes and must be in peak physical and
  10. Of the century the mother of one of her Maverick friends arranged for her to, enroll ,at a nursing program at a hospital in White Plains, an affluent New York City
  11. S mother bought him his first guitar in his early teens. Segovia wanted to, enroll ,in a fine arts high school, but his aunt told his mother that it was supposedly
  12. Housing, today they are best described as student societies. Today students may, enroll ,in any nation, although the nations still preserve their geographic names. In
  13. The Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who, enroll ,in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy
  14. Colleges because they do not meet academic admissions standards can choose to, enroll ,in an associate degree program at one of PUNY’s community colleges, take part
  15. But transferred to Fremont High School due to poor grades. Young attempted to, enroll ,in an apprenticeship program at Northrop Aviation Company, but poor grades at
  16. Grades at the university, but this is no longer compulsory. Students may still, enroll ,in these organizations if they wish. Student Nations The nations in Land are a
  17. Program. His father insisted he go abroad for graduate studies, and had Alta, enroll ,in a German language program at the Goethe Institute in Cairo. In 1992,Atta's
  18. Aged between 7 and 16 must attend full-time education. Six-year-olds can, enroll ,at school at their parents' discretion. The State provides education in its
  19. Under the 10+2+3/4 plan, students complete ten years of schooling and then, enroll ,for two years in Junior College, where they select one of three streams: arts
  20. Potential treatment are called Phase I studies. Early clinical trials typically, enroll ,a very small number of patients, and the purpose is to identify major safety
  21. Will beat the odds). Later studies, called Phase II and Phase III studies, enroll ,more people, and the goal is to determine whether the treatment actually works.
  22. So popular that many wealthy students left their schools in other countries to, enroll ,at Glasgow to learn under Smith. After the publication of The Theory of Moral
  23. In secondary schools, universities and colleges. The number of women allowed to, enroll ,in universities dropped drastically under the Nazi regime, which shrank from
  24. Primary school is 67 %, and fewer than 30 % reach 6th grade. Secondary schools, enroll ,20 % of eligible-age children. Charity organizations, including Food for the
  25. School, which is an extension of the Latin Patriarchate School, continues to, enroll ,a rising number of young students. The primary school was established
  26. Is rarely covered by private insurance and patients are encouraged to, enroll ,in public welfare programs or face upwards of $500 USD per month. Since a
  27. About 10 % of all students at Chalmers come from countries outside Sweden to, enroll ,in a Master's or PhD program.
  28. See Stanford Online High School at http://epgy.stanford.edu/ohs/. Students can, enroll ,in a full-time course load leading to a diploma or enroll in particular courses
  29. Science. Education starts in either pre-schools or elementary schools. Children, enroll ,in elementary schools (Montenegrin: Nova kola) at the age of 6; it lasts
  30. BYU admitted Asians and other ethnic groups from its inception, it did not, enroll ,black students until 1971,eight years after the University of South Carolina
  31. He already had earned BA and MA degrees at Manitoba, Cambridge required him to, enroll ,as an undergraduate" affiliated" student, with one year's credit toward a
  32. The news of the discovery of the New World had reached him, and he decided to, enroll ,himself in the armada of Pediatrics Dávila. Upon his arrival in Panama, he would
  33. These early trials may involve healthy people, but cancer studies normally, enroll ,only people with relatively severe forms of the disease in this stage of
  34. About suicide, terrifying his sisters and Paul. He decided to do two things: to, enroll ,in teacher training college as an elementary school teacher, and to get rid of
  35. Beta Theta Pi. He was awarded a Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship in 1958 to, enroll ,in the creative writing program at Stanford University, which he did the
  36. Laws—and after 1776 those of the states—required able-bodied white men to, enroll ,in the militia and to undergo a minimum of military training, all without pay.
  37. Half of applicants, and approximately one-third of accepted students typically, enroll ,in the fall. In the spring of 2009,29.1 % of applicants were accepted for a
  38. Meredith March, organized by James Meredith, the first African-American to, enroll ,at the University of Mississippi. The march, which began in Memphis, Tennessee
  39. Most of these schools have ventured away from their military roots and now, enroll ,both military and civilian students. The only exception in the United States is
  40. At the university. Of course bachelors from other universities can also, enroll ,in the new master's programs. The departments also offer Ph.D. programs (
  41. Medical examination due to his impaired eyesight. Wilson was able to afford to, enroll ,in the University of Alabama after all. There, he earned his B. S. and M. S.
  42. High school newspaper talked to 172 seniors in 2007,of whom 10 have decided to, enroll ,in Ivy League colleges,13 more in other schools in the top quarter of the US
  43. Remedial education for high school graduates who are not academically ready to, enroll ,in college-level courses. *Continuing – Non-Credit courses offered to the
  44. In private schools. In May 1975,as it prepared to allow unmarried blacks to, enroll , BYU adopted more detailed rules prohibiting interracial dating and
  45. AF) and the student unions. Before July 1,2010,students were required to, enroll ,in a student union, nation or AF in order to receive grades at the university
  46. Member overseeing the capstone submissions felt that students who did not, enroll ,in the technical writing class were at a significant disadvantage when compared
  47. An overseas university. He was accepted to a number of schools, but decided to, enroll ,at the University of Pennsylvania. Pei's choice had two roots. While studying
  48. PA DEP) confirmed Harley-Davidson to be the first corporation to voluntarily, enroll ,in the http://www.epa.gov/oswer/onecleanupprogram/ One Clean-Up Program. This
  49. Live with his uncle. When he was eleven years old, his father paid for him to, enroll ,in the Gymnasium (grammar school) at Neutrality. Heinrich's later interest
  50. Students can enroll in a full-time course load leading to a diploma or, enroll ,in particular courses as part of their enroll ment in another school or

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