Examples of the the word, tcp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tcp ), is the 12474 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 32770 locker 100024 1 TCP 32769 status 100021 1 TCP 32769 locker 100021 3,TCP,32769 locker 100021 4 TCP 32769 locker 100005 1 UDP 644 mounted 100005 1 TCP
  2. Etc/Sysco. Conf: net. Inet. Tcp. Ecn_initiate_out=1 net. Inet., tcp , Ecn_negotiate_in=1 Unix-like Linux The Linux kernel supports three
  3. ECN on incoming connections that already have ECN flags set),net. Inet., tcp , Ecn_initiate_out (try to initiate outgoing connections with ECN enabled).
  4. Example. 3600 A _ssh. Tcp. Host1. Example. 3600 SRV _ssh., tcp , Host2. Example. 3600 SRV subset. Example. 3600 NS. example. Com
  5. S -p UDP --port 427 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 548 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p TCP --port 201 -j ACCEPT
  6. S -p TCP --port 206 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 427 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p UDP --port 427 -j ACCEPT
  7. Example------------ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ | | | | | | sub, tcp , tcp | | | | _ssh _ssh The following responses would be synthesized from one of
  8. For about any layer in the OSI model, as with e.g. the --mac-source and -p, tcp ,--port parameters, and there are also protocol-independent matches, such as -m
  9. S -p TCP --port 202 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 204 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p TCP --port 206 -j ACCEPT
  10. 32770 locker 100021 4 UDP 32770 locker 100024 1 TCP 32769 status 100021 1,TCP,32769 locker 100021 3 TCP 32769 locker 100021 4 TCP 32769 locker 100005 1
  11. Server. Unix-like operating systems commonly implement IP blocking using, tcp , wrappers,configured by host access control files /etc/hosts. Deny and
  12. Persistent, put following lines in /etc/Sysco. Conf: net. Inet., tcp , Ecn_initiate_out=1 net. Inet. Tcp. Ecn_negotiate_in=1 Unix-like
  13. ADDRESS FOREIGN ADDRESS root Sendmail 569 4 TCP localhost. Smtp root SSHD 593 4,TCP, Shows that on this machine only the SSH service is listening to the public
  14. For the protocol specified by Protocol. In this case, the Protocol can be, tcp , UDP, tcp v6,or udpv6. If this parameter is used with -s to display statistics
  15. Example------------ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ | | | | | | sub TCP, tcp , | | | | _ssh _ssh The following responses would be synthesized from one of the
  16. anywhere, anywhere state ESTABLISHED 0 0 ACCEPT TCP -- any anywhere, tcp , dpt: SMTP 0 0 LOG all -- any anywhere LOG level warning 0 0 Drops
  17. Only the TCP or UDP protocols, type one of the following commands: net stat -SP, tcp , netstat -SP UDP To display active TCP connections and the process IDs every 5
  18. Tcp 32769 locker 100021 4 TCP 32769 locker 100005 1 UDP 644 mounted 100005 1,TCP,645 mounted 100005 2 UDP 644 mounted 100005 2 TCP 645 mounted 100005 3 UDP 644
  19. S -p TCP --port 204 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 206 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p TCP --port 427 -j ACCEPT
  20. S -p TCP --port 201 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 202 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p TCP --port 204 -j ACCEPT
  21. Nfs 100003 4 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 2 TCP 2049 NFS 100003 3 TCP 2049 NFS 100003 4,TCP,2049 NFS 100024 1 UDP 32770 status 100021 1 UDP 32770 locker 100021 3 UDP
  22. Prot opt in out source destination 0 0 DROP TCP -- any! Server anywhere, tcp , dpt: SMTP There is no need to include any other rules in this example as the
  23. 32769 status 100021 1 TCP 32769 locker 100021 3 TCP 32769 locker 100021 4,TCP,32769 locker 100005 1 UDP 644 mounted 100005 1 TCP 645 mounted 100005 2 UDP 644
  24. 0 0 ACCEPT all -- any anywhere, anywhere state ESTABLISHED 0 0 ACCEPT, tcp ,-- any anywhere TCP dpt: SMTP 0 0 LOG all -- any anywhere
  25. Photo Record Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State TCP 0 0 localhost. Smtp, tcp ,0 0 *. Ssh Active Internet6 connections (including servers) Photo Record
  26. 4 USER COMMAND PID FD PHOTO LOCAL ADDRESS FOREIGN ADDRESS root Sendmail 569 4,TCP, localhost. Smtp root SSHD 593 4 TCP Shows that on this machine only the SSH
  27. Behavior: Sysco -w net. Inet. Tcp. Ecn_negotiate_in 1 and Sysco -w net. Inet., tcp , Ecn_initiate_out 1 To make the settings persistent, put following lines
  28. S -p UDP --port 427 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 548 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p TCP --port 201 -j ACCEPT
  29. Policy ACCEPT) puts bytes target plot opt in out source destination 0 0 DROP, tcp ,-- any! Server anywhere TCP dpt: SMTP There is no need to include any other
  30. 32770 locker 100021 3 UDP 32770 locker 100021 4 UDP 32770 locker 100024 1,TCP,32769 status 100021 1 TCP 32769 locker 100021 3 TCP 32769 locker 100021 4
  31. Openroot if your X server has been started with -no listen, tcp , and if you do not run an ssh server * using an X11 VNC server and connecting a
  32. S -p TCP --port 204 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 206 -j ACCEPT # Multiport variant of the neatly ports above. # I'm
  33. TCP. It is controlled using the following boolean Sysco variables: net. Inet., tcp , Ecn_negotiate_in (enable ECN on incoming connections that already have ECN
  34. Nfs 100003 3 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 4 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 2 TCP 2049 NFS 100003 3,TCP,2049 NFS 100003 4 TCP 2049 NFS 100024 1 UDP 32770 status 100021 1 UDP 32770
  35. Parameter is used with -s to display statistics by protocol, Protocol can be, tcp , UDP, icmp, ip, tcp v6,udpv6,icmpv6,or ipv6. -p Linux: Process: Show which
  36. ECN support can be enabled with the following shell command: nets interface, tcp , set global incapability=enabled Apple Macintosh Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6
  37. For TCP. It can be activated through the Sysco interface: Sysco net. Inet., tcp , Ecn. Enable=1 ECN support in IP by routers Since ECN marking in routers is
  38. 3600 TXT" this is not a wildcard" host1. Example. 3600 A _ssh., tcp , Host1. Example. 3600 SRV _ssh. Tcp. Host2. Example. 3600 SRV
  39. Protocol the client wants to use. $ racing -p program very photo port 100000 2,TCP,111 port mapper 100000 2 UDP 111 port mapper 100003 2 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 3 UDP
  40. Protocol. In this case, the Protocol can be IP,ipv6,ICMP,icmpv6,imp, udp, tcp , or radio. -r: Displays the contents of the IP routing table. (This is
  41. Including servers) Photo Record Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State, tcp ,0 0 localhost. Smtp TCP 0 0 *. Ssh Active Internet6 connections (including
  42. S -p TCP --port 202 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 204 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p TCP --port 206 -j ACCEPT #
  43. 0,but can be set to 1 to enable the respective behavior: Sysco -w net. Inet., tcp , Ecn_negotiate_in 1 and Sysco -w net. Inet. Tcp. Ecn_initiate_out 1 To
  44. Should work with # older versions of iptables. -A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 427 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p UDP --port 427 -j ACCEPT
  45. Modules: élan, GM,IB (infiniband),MX (Marine express),New Madeleine, tcp , ; and several internode variants of shared memory for large messages (LMT
  46. 100003 2 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 3 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 4 UDP 2049 NFS 100003 2,TCP,2049 NFS 100003 3 TCP 2049 NFS 100003 4 TCP 2049 NFS 100024 1 UDP 32770 status
  47. S -p TCP --port 201 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 202 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p TCP --port 204 -j ACCEPT
  48. Not quite sure why 427 is missing. -A USAF -m multiport -s -p, tcp ,--sports 548,201,202,204,206 -j ACCEPT The Apple II series (Trademarked with
  49. S -p TCP --port 548 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 201 -j ACCEPT #-A USAF -s -p TCP --port 202 -j ACCEPT
  50. S -p TCP --port 548 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p, tcp ,--port 201 -j ACCEPT -A USAF -s -p TCP --port 202 -j ACCEPT

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