Examples of the the word, resilience , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resilience ), is the 12476 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Concurrently affect the dynamic state of an entire ecosystem. Disturbance and, resilience ,Ecosystems are regularly confronted with natural environmental variations and
  2. To take advantage of another DNS record type, the TXT record. * To provide, resilience ,in the event of computer failure, multiple DNS servers are usually provided for
  3. At each integrative level. Ecological complexity relates to the dynamic, resilience ,of ecosystems that transition to multiple shifting steady-states directed by
  4. Referred to as Biodiversity - of an ecosystem may contribute to greater, resilience ,of an ecosystem, because there are more species present at a location to
  5. Studies provide important track records to better understand the complexity and, resilience ,of ecosystems over longer temporal and broader spatial scales. The
  6. A detailed plan of Adaptive Management that doesn’t move so fast that salmon, resilience ,does not remain intact. According to a study on the ecology of dam removal by
  7. S primitive conditions or the absence of life on Mars, given the proposed ", resilience ," of life in space, also negates this as a viable theory, at least from what
  8. And pilot protection in mind. The Japanese ace Suburb Sakai described how the, resilience ,of early Grumman aircraft was a factor in preventing the Zero from attaining
  9. Organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund, also compliment the, resilience ,of the South Korean economy against various economic crises, citing low state
  10. Reasons it is favored as an erosion-control plant, with its easy spreading and, resilience , some varieties of acacia, are potentially an invasive species. One of the most
  11. A person's characteristic style of coping may be correlated with his or her, resilience , Additionally, low self-esteem and self-defeating or distorted thinking are
  12. Pakistan's performance in the face of adversity. More recent reports of, resilience ,Additional confirmation that the country's economy is not as weather-sensitive
  13. That of many western countries. There are several reasons behind this economic, resilience , for example, the fact, as stated above, that the country is a net lender
  14. Highlight the theoretical usefulness of such a device, combining a tank's, resilience ,and firepower with infantry's ability to cross unstable terrain. In other
  15. Yet entirely flightless at that time, as flightless birds have generally low, resilience ,to the breakdown of trophic webs that follows the initial phase of mass
  16. To absorb the crude oil price increases and most economies have shown high, resilience ,in absorbing higher energy prices. Malaysia is the world's the largest Islamic
  17. As well as a god. In Sparta Ares was viewed as a masculine soldier in which his, resilience , physical strength and military intelligence was unrivaled. Attributes The
  18. About, the males about. The North Island Brown has demonstrated a remarkable, resilience ,: it adapts to a wide range of habitats, even non-native forests and some
  19. Along genetic boundaries. Cultural universals such as emotion and the relative, resilience ,of psychological adaptation to accidental biological changes (for instance the
  20. Various domains (living standards, health,education,ecosystem diversity and, resilience , cultural vitality and diversity, time use and balance, good governance
  21. Level of quality (measured in terms of accuracy, availability,usability, and, resilience , ) and this in turn often implies the use of a general-purpose Database
  22. Two clubs amalgamated, so they could compete in the 1922 season. With the same, resilience ,it had displayed fifteen years earlier, North had once again risen Phoenix-like
  23. Most successful democracies. The economy has shown a considerable degree of, resilience , and an environment already conducive to dynamic entrepreneurial activity has
  24. Constrain energy production. A sensible climate policy would emphasize building, resilience ,into our capacity to adapt to climate changes .... we should consider
  25. The world's best performer in 2008. The Lebanese economy experienced continued, resilience , growing 8.5 percent in 2008 and seven percent in 2009. According to a report
  26. Poor by raising the price of commodities and undermining the independence and, resilience ,of the peasant. In other words, the poor laws tended to" create the poor which
  27. From sudden stress failure when a load capacity is exceeded. The strength and, resilience ,of metals has led to their frequent use in high-rise building and bridge
  28. Growing, and economic growth accelerated towards the end of this period. This, resilience ,has led to a change in perceptions of the economy, with leading international
  29. War – striking proof of the protective value of the armored flight deck. The, resilience ,of well-armoured vessels was shown on 4 May, just after 11:30,when there was a
  30. Out of the patchwork of natural experimentation and opportunity. Ecological, resilience ,is a cornerstone theory in ecosystem management. Biodiversity fuels the
  31. Rather like silk protein. Thermal properties Kevlar maintains its strength and, resilience ,down to cryogenic temperatures (−196 °C); in fact, it is slightly stronger at
  32. On the capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster: their, resilience , This understanding is concentrated in the formulation:" disasters occur when
  33. Without my original sites, systems,people? This defines the amount of business, resilience ,a business may have. # Now that I know how to recover my business. How do I
  34. Into more intervention rather than addressing population concerns. Ecological, resilience , exclusion of plant species, a destabilizing of an ecological system, increased
  35. Into top gear again there is no limit to the city's potential. The scale and, resilience ,of the buildings and people is amazing – it is a world city, far more so than
  36. Institutions are critical in ensuring country’s competitiveness, economic, resilience , and stability. Name ODI1/> They have supported development strategies and
  37. Since the 1990s. The Tel Aviv Stock exchange has also gained attention for its, resilience ,and ability to recover from war and disasters. For example, the Tel Aviv Stock
  38. To these codes at high signal-to-noise ratios. Adaptive transmission The, resilience ,to severe channel conditions can be further enhanced if information about the
  39. Is judged by several factors, such as its loft (its ability to trap air),its, resilience ,(elasticity under tension),its washability and colorfastness, its hand (its
  40. Excellence in two broad thematic areas: (i) vulnerability assessment, resilience ,analysis, risk management and adaptation strategies within linked
  41. Is judged by several factors, such as its loft (its ability to trap air),its, resilience ,(elasticity under tension),its washability and colorfastness, its hand (its
  42. Others for different knitting projects, so there is no one" best" yarn. The, resilience ,and propensity to (un)twist are general properties that affect the ease of
  43. Is a cornerstone theory in ecosystem management. Biodiversity fuels the, resilience ,of ecosystems acting as a kind of regenerative insurance. Metabolism and the
  44. Has the advantage of maintaining a large reservoir of genetic variability and, resilience , The peoples of the Sahel control dam lines and cull puppies heavily at birth
  45. JES3 allowed managing the whole group from one console. This provided greater, resilience ,and let operators decide which processor should run which jobs from a central
  46. Organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund, also compliment the, resilience ,of the South Korean economy against various economic crises, citing low state
  47. Design which prioritized speed and firepower, as against the German emphasis on, resilience , as well as the inadequacies of Britain's hastily-assembled munitions industry
  48. Also promote seed germination. Fire plays a major role in the persistence and, resilience ,of ecosystems. Biogeochemistry Ecologists study and measure nutrient budgets to
  49. Duplicated the technical fire control teams in a battery to give operational, resilience ,and tactical flexibility. Computers reduced the number of men needed and
  50. Early warning strategies *prepare and implement developmental plans to provide, resilience ,to such disasters, *mobilize resources including communication and

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