Examples of the the word, supernatural , in a Sentence Context

The word ( supernatural ), is the 8774 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Printed by the Auburn Journal. The theme of much of his work is egotism and its, supernatural ,punishment; his weird fiction is generally macabre in subject
  2. And has been used in drama many times. In Mahagonny, though there are no, supernatural ,occurrences for most of the opera, there is in fact a deus ex machina; God
  3. To falsify, and describes natural events in terms of scientifically untestable, supernatural ,causes such as divination. It has also been suggested that much of the
  4. Even toxicity of its remedies. During the seventeenth century, a short-lived ", supernatural ," interpretation of alchemy become popular, including support by fellows of the
  5. In life after death, while secular humanists explicitly reject the idea of a, supernatural ,afterlife. Agnostics generally hold the position that, like the existence of a
  6. Thor. On 24 February 2010,it was announced that Hopkins had been cast in the, supernatural ,thriller The Rite, which was released on 28 January 2011. He played a priest
  7. Or anyone else demonstrates" knacks" ( an ability to perform seemingly, supernatural ,feats) to the North American continent. Thus, the early American colonists
  8. But attacking Darwin's naturalistic mechanism. Eventually it was realized that, supernatural ,intervention could not be a scientific explanation, and naturalistic mechanisms
  9. Woman being killed by one. He emphasized the Bun yip was believed to have, supernatural ,powers. In Popular Culture and Fiction Numerous tales of the bun yip in written
  10. And scientific terms stating," Not only had I got rid of the theology and the, supernatural , but I had found the truth of evolution. " Later in life,Carnegie's firm
  11. Since it depicts the historical legend when the greatest of the popes Leo, with, supernatural , aid,deterred the Huns from looting Rome. From a baroque standpoint it is a
  12. Has many components, of which he believed the most important to be belief in, supernatural ,beings (as opposed to moral systems, cosmology,etc.). Fraser, a Scottish
  13. Fantasy comedy films are types of films that uses magic, supernatural ,and or mythological figures for comic purposes. Most fantasy comedy includes an
  14. The poem presents an interpretation of the Thallium Bun yip story. In the, supernatural ,television series" Charmed ", Phoebe Caldwell the youngest sister, alludes to
  15. That it does not assume the actual existence or non-existence of the, supernatural , Views in the United States In the United States some religious communities
  16. The flesh of the dead floated in the Ganges in pursuit of immortality and, supernatural ,powers. Members of the Afford drink from human skulls and practice cannibalism
  17. A small but memorable performance as ill-fated blues' singer Toots Sweet in the, supernatural ,thriller movie, Angel Heart. He also appeared in a 1988 episode of" Family
  18. Belief that humanity, life,the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a, supernatural ,being. As science developed from the 18th century onwards, various views
  19. Fire raining down are an ancient vision of modern weapons, others would say a, supernatural ,intervention by God, yet others that they refer to events in history, and some
  20. Survives the death of the body of this world and this lifetime, by natural or, supernatural ,means. In some popular views, this continued existence often takes place in a
  21. For their part prefer not to attempt to explain astrology, or give it, supernatural ,explanations such as divination or synchronicity. Others have proposed
  22. Fellows of the Royal Society: Robert Boyle and Elias Ash mole. Proponents of the, supernatural ,interpretation of alchemy believed that the philosopher's stone might be used
  23. Beliefs involve purported forces that lie outside of nature, such as, supernatural ,intervention, and often do not allow predictions at all. Therefore, these can
  24. The planes" flew off to Mars. " Sand's article was the first to suggest a, supernatural ,element to the Flight 19 incident. In the February 1964 issue of Argosy
  25. For their powers, this was done to demonstrate to the non-Christians that no, supernatural ,powers protected the trees from the Christians. (See: Iconoclasm) When they
  26. Extreme violence including devouring their own kind, and possess many evil, supernatural ,powers. These are however the Hindu equivalent of" demons" and do not relate
  27. named him the prime witness of her cure. Alexis Carrel refused to discount a, supernatural ,explanation and steadfastly reiterated his beliefs, even writing a book
  28. A year. Supernatural explanations Triangle writers have used a number of, supernatural ,concepts to explain the events. One explanation pins the blame on leftover
  29. For Today series. * To Kill a King (1980),part of the BBC series of plays on, supernatural ,themes, Leap in the Dark: an atmospheric story about a writer overcoming
  30. Entity, that is: natural in that humanity is a product of nature, supernatural ,in that through our conceptual powers we extend nature's realm, allowing it to
  31. Secular understanding of Siddhārtha Gautama's life by omitting the traditional, supernatural ,elements of his early biographies. The ancient Indians were generally
  32. In numerous articles in Down Beat over the next few years. Are Japanese, supernatural ,beings that devour dreams and nightmares. They have a long history in Japanese
  33. Certain explanations of phenomena, particularly where they point towards, supernatural ,elements. They argue that this effectively excludes any possible religious
  34. As well as his founding of the publisher Arkham House (which did much to bring, supernatural ,fiction into print in hardcover in the US that had only been readily available
  35. Who travels great distances to prove his strength at impossible odds against, supernatural ,demons and beasts. The poem also begins in medias res (" into the middle of
  36. At age forty). The two poets display a similar sensibility of the macabre and, supernatural ,turn of mind; each struggled with illness, poverty,and melancholy. Like Poe
  37. Member of other societies such as the Ghost Club, concerned with investigating, supernatural ,phenomena, and the Extractors Club, dedicated to liberating its members from
  38. A science consonant with Christian and theistic convictions" which accepts, supernatural ,explanations. It is widely accepted in the scientific and academic communities
  39. Feet, and had opened every artery in his body to obtain all the blood. Again, supernatural ,claims were made: the child's wounds were said to have bled for five days
  40. Biographies of Gautama generally include numerous miracles, omens,and, supernatural ,events. The character of the Buddha in these traditional biographies is often
  41. Eugenia and Eugenics (stage play) * Witch hazel (, supernatural ,short story) * Someone at the Window (play adapted
  42. Revolver Ocelot who claims" There's no such thing as miracles or the, supernatural , only cutting-edge technology. " * Isaac Asimov wrote a corollary to Clarke's
  43. Due to karmic retribution. AHIMA is described as a prerequisite for acquiring, supernatural ,faculties, highest bliss and ultimate salvation; moreover it is said to protect
  44. To baptism as not only a symbolic burial and resurrection, but an actual, supernatural ,transformation, one that draws parallels to the experience of Noah and the
  45. Wrote an introduction for the last of these, described Williams’s novels as ", supernatural ,thrillers" because they explore the sacramental intersection of the physical
  46. Traditional ballads by theme, but commonly identified types are the religious, supernatural , tragic, love ballads, historic,legendary and humorous. By the 18th century
  47. Around and a series of toasts are made, first to the Air, then to other, supernatural ,beings, then to heroes or ancestors, and then to others. Participants make also
  48. I-Spy" hidden-object game) (PC) Unpublished material * Personal Call (, supernatural ,radio play, featuring Inspector Narrator who also appeared in The Stanford
  49. Of the assassins was rewritten with Conan replacing Francis Xavier Gordon and a, supernatural ,element added. Conan's chronologies In an attempt to provide a coherent timeline
  50. The divine right of kings. The Egyptian pantheon was populated by gods who had, supernatural ,powers and were called on for help or protection. However, the gods were not

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