Examples of the the word, indulge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indulge ), is the 8770 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Against sexual double standards and to indict men for encouraging women to, indulge ,in excessive emotion. Wollstonecraft wrote the Rights of Woman hurriedly in
  2. Hostile to humanity. Several, particularly those of the Cthulhu Mythos, indulge ,upon alternate human origins in contrast to those found in Genesis and creation
  3. Any other way but in the spirit of Christ. Do not return evil for evil. Do not, indulge ,in the atrocities which the enemy has been practicing in his usual way, even to
  4. Trotting to the most remote or spectacular of places. This allowed Barks to, indulge ,his penchant for elaborate backgrounds that hinted at his thwarted ambitions of
  5. Gas engines as well. The success of the company gave Benz the opportunity to, indulge ,in his old passion of designing a horseless carriage. Based on his experience
  6. high-tech items in technical projects. Still others may dumpster dive just to, indulge ,in their curiosity for unusual items. Dumpster diving, used in support of
  7. I wouldn't have done it. " The filming timetable afforded her opportunity to, indulge ,in types of activities that undoubtedly would not have been broadcast to the
  8. Great favor with the poor and lower classes. A thriving economy allowed him to, indulge ,in expensive but crowd-pleasing social policies. At the same time, however
  9. He settles for marrying her best friend, Isabella,“ with whom he could forever, indulge ,the melancholy that had taken possession of his soul. " The novel is
  10. Early artistic life and provided the support mechanisms that enabled Barker to, indulge ,in his love of theater and writing novels. Volume 2 of 'The Books of Blood '
  11. Of the child-rearing culture of Japan. Japanese mothers are expected to hug and, indulge ,their children, and children are expected to reward their mothers by clinging
  12. Encouraged by Himmler to terrorize freely, take no prisoners, and generally, indulge ,their perverse tendencies. Favored tactics of the Dirlewanger men during the
  13. And MTV. Akhtar later posted an apology, claiming that The Tool Page" will not, indulge ,itself in such outlandish pranks in the future"—a claim that would be belied by
  14. Twins Paula and Shade through the Ashwani twins. However, Pandu and Madrid, indulge ,in sex, and Panda dies. Madrid dies on his funeral pyre out of remorse. Until
  15. Of the National Socialists. Goebbels was then able to use the new position to, indulge ,his literary aspirations in the German capital, which he perceived to be a
  16. Involved spending a lot of time outdoors in the countryside, allowing him to, indulge ,his new passion for collecting insects. Wallace was able to persuade his
  17. Hunting which had led to it was one in which no clerical person could lawfully, indulge , The King had to refer the matter to a commission of ten, though he said that "
  18. Terminology of my own, explain its application to English verse forms, and, indulge , in certain rather copious details of classification before even tackling the
  19. Throne, he had very little interest in actually ruling; rather, he preferred to, indulge ,in luxuries and to partake in sports. He let others control the kingdom for the
  20. At any time, and infallible dogmatic teachings. * They say that sedevacantists, indulge ,in the logical fallacy of post hoc ergo proper hoc when they attribute
  21. Yearns to relish what being human is truly like and travels to Ankh-Morpork to, indulge ,in new experiences and attempt to feel real human emotion. Conclusively, Mort
  22. Have made a pact, usually with the Devil, and morph into werewolves at night to, indulge ,in nefarious acts. Involuntary werewolves, on the other hand, are werewolves by
  23. By conscientious objection than by a desire to" sleep with hippie chicks" and, indulge ,in hashish. He found the city's émigré community of American draft dodgers
  24. Simon Sebag-Montefiore," reveals a sexual predator who used his power to, indulge ,himself in obsessive depravity. " During the war, Beria was commonly seen on
  25. James I insisted that a play be acted on Christmas night and that the court, indulge ,in games. The Catholic Church responded by promoting the festival in a more
  26. As a dynamic and energetic young leader while the Conservatives were seen to, indulge ,in infighting - with the then Chancellor of the Exchequer Kenneth Clarke
  27. Spending sprees or engage in behavior that is quite abnormal for them. They may, indulge ,in substance abuse, particularly alcohol or other depressants, cocaine or other
  28. As 1926's The Second Revolution and Lenin or Hitler. Here, he was also able to, indulge ,his heretofore latent taste for violence, if only vicariously through the
  29. Show that it is instead kleptoparasitic, with the birds stealing prey. Birds, indulge ,in a peculiar behavior called acting that is as yet not fully understood. Here
  30. More or less intact. Adults who do not experience guilt and shame, and who, indulge ,in criminal behavior, are usually diagnosed as psychopaths, or,using DSM-IV-TR
  31. In addition, such parties offer both exhibitionists and voyeurs a forum to, indulge ,their inclinations without social opprobrium. Sexual intercourse is taboo
  32. Star Trek. When this happens, several problems can occur: When such franchises, indulge ,in crossovers, where characters or events from one series appear, or are even
  33. Him to prove that he believes she is human—by making love to her. Miles gets to, indulge ,his weakness for tall strong women ... He offers her a new life with the
  34. And sexing just a little too recklessly, since this is the first time she can, indulge ,herself. Sal Cinquain of Slant Magazine notes," The disparity between
  35. Our Guido's and Roomettes will move into the ultimate beach house rental and, indulge ,in everything the Seaside Heights, New Jersey scene has to offer. " Prior to
  36. Which they formally name Animalism. Soon after, Napoleon and Squealer, indulge ,in the vices of humans (drinking alcohol, sleeping in beds, trading ).
  37. Of exile produces many changes in attitudes and behaviors. At first, people, indulge , in fantasies, imagining the missing person's return, but then they start to
  38. And urged the monarch to support voyages of discovery to new lands, hoping to, indulge ,his own interest in botany. Newfoundland and Labrador In 1766 Banks was elected
  39. And licking the other wolf's face. When wolves are together, they commonly, indulge ,in behaviors such as nose pushing, jaw wrestling, cheek rubbing and facial
  40. An ambitious second-in-command; and Pete, who mostly plays along as the druids, indulge ,their taste for ultra-violence. Alex is characterized as a sociopath and a
  41. Change:: Meaning/use:::: Exports to adapt to changing circumstances and not, indulge ,in lamentations and useless comparisons. * Mañana era Otto did:: Literal
  42. Parents, and care to the children. Too much love and affection was also said to, indulge ,and spoil the youngsters. Thus, a woman was also to exercise discipline. Though
  43. To be with our baby as much as we can until we feel we can take time off to, indulge ,ourselves in creating things outside the family. " During his career break
  44. Who becomes enthralled with Lord Henry's idea of a new hedonism. He begins to, indulge ,in every kind of pleasure, moral and immoral. * Basil Hallward – an artist who
  45. Spielberg is an avid film buff, and,when not shooting a picture, he will, indulge ,in" movie orgies" ( watching many over a single weekend). He sees almost
  46. Mehta's book 'Maximum City ', he advocates the hanging of Indian Muslims who, indulge ,in terrorism and mass expulsion of Bangladeshi Muslim migrants from India. In
  47. Leaving him bedridden for large periods of his childhood, and allowing him to, indulge ,his imagination with homemade puppet theater productions. Reading A Streetcar
  48. The lead role. The next year, along with producer George Lucas, he was able to, indulge ,himself by making Captain EO (1985),a 12-minute space fantasy for Disney
  49. Fermi teamed up with a fellow student named Franco Rosette with whom he used to, indulge ,in light-hearted pranks. Later, Rasetti became Fermi's close friend and
  50. Trigger-and-response setting in which to anonymously engage in conflicts and, indulge ,in aggressive behavior without facing the consequences that such behavior might

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