Examples of the the word, classes , in a Sentence Context

The word ( classes ), is the 8773 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Schools, especially Muslim schools. Universities around the world have, classes ,that teach Arabic as part of their foreign languages, Middle Eastern studies
  2. GTS),and purpose built sports prototype cars compete within their respective, classes ,on closed circuits. The main global championship series for GT car racing is
  3. High-level abstract data types, including structures/records, unions, classes , and sets * Sophisticated macro processing (although available on ordinary
  4. Amongst other machines) * Object-oriented programming features such as, classes , objects, abstraction,polymorphism, and inheritance See Language design below
  5. ANOVA are useful in comparing two, three or more means. Models There are three, classes ,of models used in the analysis of variance, and these are outlined here.
  6. Many savants, but it may be said that all the engraved stones fall into three, classes , : * Abrasives, or stones originating in ancient forms of worship, and adapted
  7. Denoted as OK. These are the prototypical examples of Dedekind domains. Special, classes ,of algebraic number Notes In mathematics, an automorphism is an isomorphism
  8. Development of new neighborhoods consisting of housing blocks for all social, classes , After the Second World War, large new neighborhoods were built in the western
  9. Feed. Napoleon announces an alliance with the humans, against the laboring, classes ,of both" worlds ". He abolishes practices and traditions related to the
  10. World Challenge consists of a one-hour race for each round, combining three, classes ,: GT (Chevrolet Corvette, Aston Martin DB9,etc.)," GTS" ( Acura TSX, BMW
  11. And value Art is sometimes perceived as belonging exclusively to higher social, classes , In this context, art is seen as an upper-class activity associated with wealth
  12. Of their vast expense, were also dependent on taxation and the commercial, classes ,who also began to demand a greater role in society. The great commercial powers
  13. A high honor for a man of 22. As such, Speer taught some of Tessenow's, classes ,while continuing his own postgraduate studies. In Munich, and continuing in
  14. From some radio stations. A number of websites on the Internet provide online, classes ,for all levels as a means of distance education. Examples Sir Alfred Joseph
  15. Items.; The Octagon Center for the Arts: The Center includes galleries, art, classes , art studios, and retail shop. They sponsor the local street fair, The Octagon
  16. Mouth rinsing following mechanical cleansing became common among the upper, classes , and Hippocrates recommended a mixture of salt, alum,and vinegar. The Jewish
  17. Richer—a fact demonstrated by larger and better burials among all social, classes , In bursts of creativity, provincial artisans adopted and adapted cultural
  18. To classify the problems themselves instead of the algorithms into equivalence, classes ,based on the complexity of the best possible algorithms for them. Bur gin (2005
  19. S formal elementary education consisted approximately of a year worth of, classes ,from several itinerant teachers; he was mostly self-educated and was an avid
  20. Only began offering an International Degree in 2007. While CCSET's graduating, classes ,have consistently been awarded the ESSD this is somewhat controversial because
  21. Increasing demand for grain-fed animal products from the growing middle, classes ,of countries such as China and India, diversion of food grain to biofuel
  22. Related problems in one field are often studied together. Some example, classes ,are search algorithms, sorting algorithms, merge algorithms, numerical
  23. That the fastest solutions must involve some randomness. There are two large, classes ,of such algorithms: ## Monte Carlo algorithms return a correct answer with
  24. Or Arabic language school classes available. Radio series of Arabic language, classes ,are also provided from some radio stations. A number of websites on the
  25. Was one of his classmates. He learned the piano at a music school and attended, classes ,at an art school. The family lived on Shipos Street in the Zamoskvorechye
  26. Prevent damage either in its own right, or under one or both of the preceding, classes ,of defense in that a threat or attempt to damage property might be considered a
  27. The ancient Egyptians viewed men and women, including people from all social, classes ,except slaves, as essentially equal under the law, and even the lowliest
  28. Championship Car Racing. The FISA decided to separate the rally cars into three, classes ,: Group N (production cars),Group A (modified production cars),and Group B
  29. The Financial Times as the“ world’s most famous futurologist. ” People’s Daily, classes ,him among the 50 foreigners that shaped modern China. Selected awards He is the
  30. Always failed unless they had the support and patronage of the noble or gentry, classes , The new armies, because of their vast expense, were also dependent on taxation
  31. Dates and figs. Wine and meat were enjoyed by all on feast days while the upper, classes ,indulged on a more regular basis. Fish, meat,and fowl could be salted or dried
  32. And purpose-built sports prototypes, one race usually involves several racing, classes ,each fighting for their own championship. Another prototype and GT racing
  33. Although he was enrolled as a student in Latin and Greek, he instructed, classes ,himself in return for board and £10 per session. The following year, he
  34. Serve as faculty spend much of their time teaching undergraduate and graduate, classes , Most universities also have outreach programs including public telescope time
  35. Mostly metallic asteroids, such as the M-type. There are also several smaller, classes , Note that the proportion of known asteroids falling into the various spectral
  36. Is stronger than the axiom of choice for sets because it also applies to proper, classes , And the axiom of global choice follows from the axiom of limitation of size.
  37. Christie's books are whodunits, focusing on the British middle and upper, classes , Usually, the detective either stumbles across the murder or is called upon by
  38. Beneficiaries" are the middle strata which are about to become social, classes , However, overall almost half the population has to be considered as poor, but
  39. As a respectable aspect of their culture. Generally, the upper and middle, classes ,shun Antigua Creole. The educational system dissuades the use of Antigua
  40. May live in places where there are no academic or Arabic language school, classes ,available. Radio series of Arabic language classes are also provided from some
  41. The ages of 12 and 40 who could not read or write was mandated to attend, classes ,to learn. Since then the country's literacy rate has improved remarkably.
  42. S mobilization of troops was the conflicting interests of distinct social, classes , which tended to undercut a unified commitment to the Patriot cause. The
  43. Interest in having such events. Off-road racing In off-road racing, various, classes , of specially modified vehicles, including cars, compete in races through
  44. Rallying at international and most national championship levels involves two, classes ,of homologized road legal production based car; Group N Production cars and
  45. Are prescribed psychoactive drugs or anticonvulsant, with the most common drug, classes ,being antidepressants, stimulants,and antipsychotics. Aside from
  46. Linen sheets that were bleached white, and both men and women of the upper, classes ,wore wigs, jewelry,and cosmetics. Children went without clothing until
  47. While days and evenings were occupied by his teaching and private, classes , Bell began to stay awake late into the night, running experiment after
  48. Is two cars head-to-head, the winner proceeding to the next round. Professional, classes ,are all first to the finish line wins. Sportsman racing is handicapped (slower
  49. And subsequent evolution. He divided continental islands into two separate, classes ,depending on whether they had recently been part of a continent (like Britain
  50. Students, mostly from wealthy families. It was named the Temple School because, classes ,were held at the Masonic Temple on Tremont Street in Boston. His assistant was

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