Examples of the the word, stalk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stalk ), is the 8771 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Amongst the dappled shadows and long grass of their environment as they, stalk ,their prey. The stripe pattern is also found on the skin of the tiger. If a
  2. Telephone" <" invisible caller (in Sufism) ";" newspaper" <" palm-leaf, stalk ,"). Colloquial or dialectal Arabic refers to the many national or regional
  3. An unexpected flirtation with a mysterious stranger. Kate and the stranger ", stalk ," each other through the museum until they finally wind up outside, where Kate
  4. The Eve of St. Agnes and" La Belle Dame sans Merci" where love and death both, stalk , " I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks;" he wrote to her," ... your
  5. In a closet with a sword and waited until seeing a fiendish cat-like creature, stalk ,around his niece's bedroom and bite her on the neck. He then leapt from his
  6. 11 feet) in length and weighs up to 166 kg (365 pounds),has been known to, stalk , attack, and,on occasion, kill humans. An eight-year-old Indonesian boy died
  7. Called the infundibulum. (Another name for this structure is the pituitary, stalk , ) * Kidney: Part of the collecting system in the kidneys; urine flows from the
  8. Cells similar to Gymnosperm, which then attach themselves and regrow the, stalk ,and base. Classification Gymnosphaerids were originally considered centroids
  9. Is benthic. When feeding, it has a multinucleate base and a contractile, stalk ,up to 150 km in length, supporting a relatively small uninucleate head, where
  10. Is conceived in ghostliness. At its very start, ghosts of Follies showgirls, stalk ,the stage, mythic giants in winged, feathered,black and white opulence.
  11. Narrow, arching leaves 10–35 cm long and 1–2 cm broad, and a central flower, stalk ,25–60 cm tall, ending in an umbel of 20-30 white, or bright blue, funnel-shaped
  12. And Gluteus, among others, have free gills that do not extend to the top of the, stalk , Others have recurrent gills that extend down the stalk , as in the genera
  13. With their prey. When hunting small animals such as mice, they slowly, stalk ,through the grass, and use their acute sense of smell to track down the prey.
  14. Bright tobacco began to be harvested by pulling individual leaves off the, stalk ,as they ripened. The leaves ripen from the ground upwards, so a field of
  15. Cells of trees have secondary walls. Other parts of plants such as the leaf, stalk ,may acquire similar reinforcement to resist the strain of physical forces.
  16. As celeriac, or put into drinks—is known to contain more allergen than the, stalk , Seeds contain the highest levels of allergen content. Exercise-induced
  17. And/or lateral, as in species of Plautus and Pants. In other mushrooms,a, stalk ,may be absent, as in the poly pores that form shelf-like brackets. Puffballs
  18. They join the top of the stalk ; annexed gills, which curve upward to meet the, stalk , and so on. These distinctions between attached gills are sometimes difficult
  19. Autumn is clear and radiant, just as a palm-tree fruit just loosened from the, stalk ,is clear and radiant, just as an adornment of red gold wrought in a crucible by
  20. Period. Hard pellets are made up of hay-like fragments of plant cuticle and, stalk , being the final waste product after redigestion of soft pellets. These are
  21. To toads may be direct, in reference to some species of poisonous toad,The, stalk ,(also called the stripe, or stem) may be central and support the cap in the
  22. The types of attached gills: date gills, which adjoin squarely to the, stalk ,; notched gills, which are notched where they join the top of the stalk ; annexed
  23. To the stalk ; notched gills, which are notched where they join the top of the, stalk ,; annexed gills, which curve upward to meet the stalk , and so on. These
  24. For example, cats waiting in ambush outside burrows, but tending to actively, stalk ,birds. Most breeds of cat have a noted fondness for settling in high places, or
  25. Separated into four parts. The longest part was the shaft with the thicker, stalk ,closer to the tip of the harpoon. The shaft was fitted into the socket of the
  26. Almost exaggerated footwork, while brawlers or bully fighters tend to slowly, stalk ,their opponents. Left-handed or southpaw fighters use a mirror image of the
  27. Moreland. Disc jockey Rodney Bodenheimer jokingly said that Love would often ", stalk ,him" at a downtown Denny's, showing him the band's single and insisting that
  28. Be absent, as in the poly pores that form shelf-like brackets. Puffballs lack a, stalk ,but may have a supporting base. Other mushrooms, like truffles, jellies
  29. Still used today, the entire plant is harvested at once by cutting off the, stalk ,at the ground with a tobacco knife. It is then speared onto sticks, four to six
  30. Exists to describe their parts. The way that gills attach to the top of the, stalk ,is an important feature of mushroom morphology. Mushrooms in the genera
  31. The world of Arkose where characters ride various breeds of aerial mounts, stalk ,the fearsome Meganocerous and vie for knighthood. *Magic: a rules expansion
  32. The" stalk " consists of one protein: the γ subunit, with the tip of the, stalk ,extending into the ball of α and β subunits. Both the α and β subunits bind
  33. Meter:: Down in a | deep dark | hole sat an | old pig | munching a | bean, stalk ,As the absurd meaning of this example demonstrates, quantitative meter is
  34. Next generation, but some amoebae sacrifice themselves to become a dead, stalk , lifting the spores up into the air. The Protostelids have characters
  35. Circles would have been observed, such as the Moon, Sun,and a short plant, stalk ,blowing in the wind on sand, which forms a circle shape in the sand. The circle
  36. Rotating ring in turn drives the rotation of the central axle (the γ subunit, stalk ,) within the α and β subunits. The α and β subunits are prevented from rotating
  37. Are formed. Typically, a single lengthened pseudopod will secrete a hollow, stalk ,that attached the adult to the substrate. The form of the flagella, the tubular
  38. Spring warmth, or may drop all of its leaves and flowers, leaving the stem and, stalk ,only. Evergreen plants, such as pine trees, withstand frost although all or
  39. Remaining. The wild form of celery is known as" small age ". It has a furrowed, stalk ,with wedge-shaped leaves, the whole plant having a coarse, earthy taste, and a
  40. Is called FO and contains a ring of c subunits and the proton channel. The, stalk ,and the ball-shaped headpiece is called F1 and is the site of ATP synthesis.
  41. Of two different kinds (three α subunits and three β subunits),whereas the ", stalk ," consists of one protein: the γ subunit, with the tip of the stalk extending
  42. The base of an enzyme called ATP synthase. The flow of protons makes the, stalk ,subunit rotate, causing the active site of the synthase domain to change shape
  43. Play. This behavior mimics hunting and is important in helping kittens learn to, stalk , capture, and kill prey. Cats will also engage in play fighting, with each
  44. Quality (determined by color, shape,straightness and thickness of petiole, stalk ,and midrib length and absence of disease, cracks,splits, insect damage and rot
  45. Of K-derivations D: OX, p→K, where K is the ground field and OX, p is the, stalk ,of OX at p. Definition via the cotangent space Again we start with a CD
  46. These sharks are found many times swimming along the bottom of the ocean and, stalk ,their prey. Their unique head is used as a weapon when hunting down prey. The
  47. Is used around the world as a vegetable, either for the crisp petiole (leaf, stalk ,) or the fleshy taproot. In temperate countries, celery is also grown for its
  48. To the top of the stalk . Others have recurrent gills that extend down the, stalk , as in the genera Omphalos and Plautus. There are a great number of
  49. Or right (at peak) as the flowers open, about 1/2 to 3/4 the way down the, stalk ,(leaving smaller shoots room to grow). There is some dispute as to what
  50. Only aggregate as individuals or in small groups and do not die to form the, stalk , History The Heterolobosea were first defined by Page and Blanton in 1985 as a

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