Examples of the the word, olive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( olive ), is the 6013 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of a special Canon. After this, the senior priest (or bishop) pours pure, olive ,oil and a small amount of wine into the shrine lamp, and says the" Prayer of
  2. Alcott renovated the property, moving a barn and painting the home a rusty, olive ,color, as well as tending to over six acres of land. On May 23, 1845,Abby May
  3. Ce crops) accepted the olive tree and with it the patronage of Athena, for the, olive ,tree brought wood, oil,and food. Robert Graves was of the opinion that "
  4. Towns in the provinces of Izmir and Aydin are particularly famous for their, olive ,oil and related products; such as soap and cosmetics. The region is home to
  5. Diet is similar to other traditional Mediterranean diets: consisting mostly of, olive ,oil, bread,abundant fruit and vegetables, a moderate amount of wine and
  6. Green peppers is a common condiment with many Cajun meals. *Marinades made with, olive ,oil, brown sugar, and citrus juices *Various barbecue rubs similar to those in
  7. Are used widely in salads. Common vegetable preparations include potatoes in, olive ,oil and parsley, pickled cauliflower and beets, asparagus and Taro. Other
  8. In the city dates back to its founding. Numerous shops in Bethlehem sell, olive ,wood carvings — for which the city is renowned — made from the local olive
  9. Also included Greece and Crete, which provided, among other goods, supplies of, olive ,oil. In exchange for its luxury imports and raw materials, Egypt mainly
  10. The chopped salad known as pipirrana or Prince. Hot and cold soups based in, olive ,oil, garlic,bread, tomato and peppers include gazpacho, salmorejo, porra
  11. Lunar landing by the United States. " He chose an eagle as the symbol, put an, olive ,branch in its beak, and drew a lunar background with the Earth in the distance.
  12. To the urban legend that the seal is changed to have the eagle face towards the, olive ,branch in peace, and towards the arrows in wartime. Contrary to popular legend
  13. Very good for drinking. Athena, however,offered them the first domesticated, olive ,tree. The Athenians (or their king, Cecrops) accepted the olive tree and with
  14. Wrapped in aluminum foil or kept in metal containers. Some fatty foods such as, olive ,oil are partially protected from oxidation by their natural content of
  15. Of that of the country overall. As in many regions of Greece, viticulture and, olive ,groves are significant; oranges and citrons are also cultivated. Until recently
  16. Most frequently in the winter. Because the season's lower temperatures damage, olive ,trees and citrus fruits, groves and orchards are restricted to sheltered places
  17. Middle East and Mediterranean there is a common thread marking the use of lamb, olive ,oil, lemons,peppers, and rice. The vegetarianism practiced in much of India
  18. Session. It is a mild, lightweight oil that can be used as a substitute for, olive ,oil. Almond oil is also used as a wood conditioner of certain woodwind
  19. Peace and prosperity. The Athenians, under their ruler Ce crops, accepted the, olive ,tree and named the city after Athena. Since the official abandonment of
  20. Of the United States including a Bald Eagle grasping 13 arrows and a 13-leaf, olive , branch with its talons. The Bald Eagle appears on most official seals of the U.
  21. Domesticated olive tree. The Athenians (or their king, Cecrops) accepted the, olive ,tree and with it the patronage of Athena, for the olive tree brought wood, oil
  22. Sell olive wood carvings — for which the city is renowned — made from the local, olive ,groves. The carvings are the main product purchased by tourists visiting
  23. Organic foods and much of it is exported to the European Union. Croatian wines, olive ,oil and lavender are particularly sought after. Tourism is traditionally a
  24. In the Subset regions of the provinces of Córdoba and Jaén, where irrigated, olive ,orchards constitute a large component of agricultural output. There are
  25. And some products include ornaments handmade from mother-of-pearl, as well as, olive ,wood statues, boxes,and crosses. Bethlehem has a wine-producing company
  26. Wheat, rye,and fats of animal origin predominate, while in Southern Europe, olive ,oil is ubiquitous and rice is more prevalent. In Italy the cuisine of the north
  27. Is a popular dish and is called vita or fleet. It's boiled, then served with, olive ,oil and lemon like a salad, usually alongside fried fish. Greeks stop
  28. To the 18th century and is primarily dedicated to the history and process of, olive ,oil production. Bethlehem, like other Palestinian localities, participates in
  29. From one another by fruit gardens. Ana marks the boundary between the, olive ,(north) and the date (south). Arab's poets celebrated its wine, and Murtaugh
  30. The ground with his trident, symbolizing naval power. Athena created the, olive ,tree, symbolizing peace and prosperity. The Athenians, under their ruler
  31. Cremation Trees and shrubs * Ash (Trains),genus of flowering plants in the, olive ,and lilac family * Australian Mountain Ash, common name for Eucalyptus regnant
  32. Near many towns; it is about 12 cm across, with angulated wings, and in color, olive ,brown, with white markings. Other Lepidoptera whose larvae feed on Acanthus
  33. In the countries bordering the Mediterranean, there are groves of orange and, olive ,trees, evergreen oaks, cork trees and pines, intermixed with cypresses, myrtles
  34. Came up with the Apple logo with a bite out of it. The design was originally an, olive ,green with matching company logotype all in lower case. Steve Jobs insisted on
  35. Suber),various pines, and Spanish Fir (Babies Pissaro). Due to cultivation, olive ,(Flea European) and almond (Prunes ducks) trees also abound. The dominant
  36. A dish combining ham, sausage,sometimes other pork, egg,potatoes, and, olive , oil. Confectionery is popular in Andalusia. Almonds and honey are common
  37. The fig tree doesn’t flourish, nor fruit be in the vines; the labor of the, olive ,fails, the fields yield no food; the flocks are cut off from the fold, and
  38. Melchizedek priesthood holders are also authorized to consecrate any pure, olive ,oil and often carry a personal supply in case they have need to perform a
  39. 1800 years, suggests a cure for gum ailments containing" dough water" and, olive ,oil. Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the famous 17th century microscopist, discovered
  40. Strawberry tree (Arbutus Arachne),Meredith (Pistachio terebinthus), olive , ( Flea European),Hermes oak (Quercus conifer) and straw (Straw
  41. country's third-largest city and second-largest port after Istanbul. Olive and, olive ,oil production is particularly important for the economy of the region. The
  42. And rice, stands in contrast to that of the south, with its wheat pasta and, olive ,oil. China likewise can be divided into rice regions and noodle & bread regions
  43. Herakles with curly hair and a beard rests on the lion skin. Beside him,an, olive ,tree is seen carved on the wall, while a quiver full of arrows is hanging from
  44. Alicante became a major Mediterranean trading station exporting rice, wine, olive , oil,oranges and wool. But between 1609 and 1614 King Felipe III expelled
  45. The soil is not very fertile: agricultural produce includes wine, fruit,wheat, olive ,oil, and tobacco. Cooler temperatures are in higher elevations and mainly do
  46. Must be an ordained member of the clergy, whether the oil must necessarily be, olive ,oil and have been previously specially consecrated, and about other details.
  47. Various seafoods, cooked vegetables and pasta, as well as condiments such as, olive ,oil and garlic. Well-known dishes from these areas include mantra (vegetable
  48. Of fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers,green peppers and olive s with, olive ,oil, vinegar and salt. Lunch also includes a main dish of vegetables and meat.
  49. Ge'EZ, style " background-color:, olive ,; color: white;" > color "Taney/IN"> white">Taney
  50. The talons of the eagle looked too" warlike" and after some discussion,the, olive ,branch was moved to the claws. The crew decided the Roman numeral XI would not

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