Examples of the the word, telecom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( telecom ), is the 6017 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With full automation in facilities that handle domestic and international, telecom , Domestically speaking, the county has a nationwide cellular telephone system
  2. Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service. Dot was responsible for, telecom ,services in entire country until 1985 when Manager Telephone Nigam Limited (
  3. And a rise in consumer spending power has helped make India the fastest-growing, telecom ,market in the world. The market's first operator was the state-owned Bharat
  4. Technologies (Cables) unit provides a range of cable-related items for, telecom ,and power networks. LM Ericsson is engaged in the passive fiber access network
  5. Companies such as Infosys are getting a toe-hold in specialized areas in, telecom ,and financial services, but need to overcome language issues. Croatia’s
  6. To the business-enabling environment have resulted in more than $1.5 billion in, telecom ,investment and created more than 100,000 jobs since 2003. The Afghan rugs are
  7. Environment is not very conducive. Revenue and growth The total revenue in the, telecom ,service sector was in 2005-06 as against in 2004-2005,registering a growth of
  8. It still faces problems. These include poor infrastructure and an immature, telecom ,regulatory regime. The Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies (
  9. India The incumbent telecom operators (BSNL & MTNL) have maintained several, telecom ,training centers at regional, circle and district level. BSNL has three
  10. Data is owned and operated by the oldest telecom company in the region, telecom ,Egypt and link. Net is owned by Osasco telecom . On January 27, 2011,almost all
  11. Industry-specific server-based applications. Other teams Some companies have a, telecom ,team that is responsible for the phone infrastructure such as PBX, voicemail
  12. IPTV, mobile TV and other support and media systems, primarily for, telecom ,operators. In addition, there is a very substantial research and development
  13. Telecom company in the region telecom Egypt and link. Net is owned by Osasco, telecom , On January 27, 2011,almost all internet connectivity to Egypt was shut off by
  14. Manager Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) was carved out of Dot to run the, telecom ,services of Delhi and Mumbai. In the 1990s the telecom sector was opened up by the
  15. Came with the announcement of the National Telecom Policy in 1994. Indian, telecom ,sector: recent policies * All villages shall receive telecom facilities by the
  16. Advanced. Belgium possesses the infrastructure for both mobile and land-based, telecom , as well as having significant television, radio and internet infrastructure.
  17. Environment, and has embarked on a wave of privatizations extending to, telecom , electricity distribution, banking,and pension funds. In late 2006,the
  18. He made an agreement to supply telephones and switchboards to Sweden's first, telecom ,operating company, Stockholms Allman Telefonaktiebolag. Also in 1878,local
  19. And mobile users will access services through a single core network. Indian, telecom ,networks are not so intensive as developed country’s telecom networks and India
  20. Carved out of Dot to run the telecom services of Delhi and Mumbai. In the 1990s the, telecom ,sector was opened up by the Government for private investment as a part of
  21. Services. The Company offers managed services capabilities within the, telecom ,industry. Its offerings cover management of day-to-day operations of a customer
  22. And 1 Invariant (Indian Ocean region) Cellular network Greece has three mobile, telecom ,companies; Cos mote, Vodafone and WIND. Number of active lines: 20,285,000 (
  23. Professionals working in 175 countries. Managed Services Ericsson has the, telecom ,industry's most comprehensive managed services offering. It ranges from
  24. In the 1980s when only BT and Mercury were licensed to provide fixed line, telecom ,networks in the UK. Pension fund BT has the largest defined benefit pension
  25. Telephone connections in urban, semi-urban and rural areas promptly. * Two, telecom ,Plus, VSNL and HTL have been disinvested. * Steps are being taken to fulfill
  26. Of magnitude larger (from megabytes to gigabytes) and larger bandwidth for, telecom ,networking at lower cost helped to create an environment in which the common
  27. And was eventually sold to Saab AB on September 1,2006, as a move to focus on, telecom ,and move out of the military market. Business Unit Multimedia Business Unit
  28. Loop Mobile have entered the market (Bharti Airtel currently being the largest, telecom ,company in India). In the fiscal year 2008-09,rural India outpaced urban
  29. Chat room posted a fabricated Bloomberg News article stating that an Israeli, telecom ,company could potentially acquire Regain. As a result, PairGain’s stock
  30. Network. Indian telecom networks are not so intensive as developed country’s, telecom ,networks and India's teledensity is low only in rural areas. 670,000 route
  31. Transport Commission although the abbreviation CRTC remained the same. On the, telecom ,side, the CRTC originally regulated only privately held common carriers, such
  32. Market. Business Unit Global Services Ericsson is the world's largest, telecom ,services provider and the strength in telecom services has a strong correlation
  33. In 1994. Indian telecom sector: recent policies * All villages shall receive, telecom ,facilities by the end of 2002. * A Communication Convergence Bill introduced in
  34. Ericsson is the world's the largest telecom services provider and the strength in, telecom ,services has a strong correlation with the company's technology leadership
  35. Mumbai (due 2011? ), Capacity Unknown. Telecom Training in India The incumbent, telecom ,operators (BSNL & MTNL) have maintained several telecom training centers at
  36. Loop Mobile, Airtel,Idea etc., successfully entered the high potential Indian, telecom ,market. Privatization of telecom munications in India The Indian government was
  37. Egypt are now owned by Tiamat, TEdata is owned and operated by the oldest, telecom ,company in the region telecom Egypt and link. Net is owned by Osasco telecom .
  38. That include a computer for each agent, a telephone set/headset connected to a, telecom ,switch, and one or more supervisor stations. It can be independently operated
  39. Known as BCE Place, now Brookfield Place * Bell Canada Enterprises, the largest, telecom ,corporation in Canada * British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC
  40. TV solutions and services to media companies and operators (cable, satellite, telecom , and terrestrial). * Consumer & Business Applications covers areas like
  41. Connections. It is difficult to ascertain fully the employment potential of the, telecom ,sector, but the enormity of the opportunities can be gauged from the fact that
  42. Market, OTE has been slowly losing market share to" alternative ", competing, telecom , operators,such as Vivid, Q-Telecom,Tells and Forth net. As of 2005,OTE's
  43. Belonged to the Public Works Department, and worked towards the development of, telecom ,throughout this period. A separate department was opened in 1854 when telegraph
  44. Victim in 2002 was Ericsson, then the world's the largest producer of wireless, telecom ,systems, as it was forced to let go thousands of staff and raise about $3
  45. Of FY'2011 is Rs.835 crore (US$ 19 In Approx). The total investment in the, telecom ,services sector reached in 2005-06,up from in the previous fiscal.
  46. And other financial services companies. Technology companies (including, telecom ,and semiconductor) tend to have a Chief Technology Officer (CTO),while
  47. Architecture these server class processors have been targeted at high end, telecom ,and storage applications. In 2006 AMD added the AMD Athlon, AMD Turin and
  48. Corporation is Telecom Cambodia, founded in 2006 as an expansion of the, telecom ,operating department of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Landline
  49. Calls. Currently, Government is working to integrate the whole country in one, telecom ,circle. For long distance calls, the area code prefixed with a zero is dialed
  50. Were initiated in the country. While certain measures were taken to boost the, telecom ,industry from time to time, ( for example introduction of the telex service in

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