Examples of the the word, legislator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( legislator ), is the 6014 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His years in the Assembly, writing more bills than any other New York state, legislator ,did. Already a leading player in state politics, he attended the Republican
  2. Does not always see wherein the common good lies; hence the necessity of the, legislator , But the legislator has, of himself, no authority; he is only a guide who
  3. Fortes cue follows the general pattern set by Aquinas. The objective of every, legislator ,is to dispose people to virtue. It is by means of law that this is accomplished
  4. Greek politician (b. 1904) *1987 – Frank J. Lynch, American jurist and state, legislator ,(b. 1922) *1990 – Ava Gardner, American actress (b. 1922) *1994 – Stephen
  5. Hamas officials denied having any plans to impose Islamic law, one, legislator , stating that“ What you are seeing are incidents, not policy,” and that
  6. They have given up themselves to the absolute arbitrary power and will of a, legislator , they have disarmed themselves, and armed him to make a prey of them when he
  7. Journalist and writer (d. 2007) * 1920 – Francis Lynch, American state, legislator ,(d. 1993) * 1921 – J. James Exon, American politician (d. 2005) *1922 –
  8. Is required before an impeached person can be forcibly removed from office. A, legislator ,in either house is a" member of Congress ", though usually only
  9. Croatian comic book author (b. 1921) *1993 – Francis Lynch, American state, legislator ,(b. 1920) *1994 – Hera Nellie, Italian-born soprano (b. 1909) *1996 –
  10. Office Secretary-General You Shyi-kun was elected in a three-way race against, legislator ,Chai Trong-rong and Wong Clinch with 54.4 % of the vote. Premier Frank High
  11. Minutes and voting records were made available when the Council is acting as a, legislator ,(published in the Official Journal of the European Union). Name "
  12. Steve Price, Australia rugby league player * 1975 – Todd Rock, American state, legislator ,* 1975 – Annabel Port, English radio presenter * 1978 – Christianne Klein
  13. Viceroy of India (d. 1925) *1864 – Thomas Dixon, American playwright and, legislator ,(d. 1946) *1867 – Edward B. Titchener, British psychologist. (d. 1927)
  14. Of Zion is the faith that every Jew harbors in his heart ". Another Hamas, legislator ,and imam, Sheik Runs al-Assad, discussed a Organic verse suggesting that "
  15. Matters. It is very likely that leaders of Miles sent him there as a, legislator ,to create a constitution or simply to maintain the colony’s allegiance.
  16. On students. Hamas officials deny having any plans to impose Islamic law, one, legislator , stating that“ What you are seeing are incidents, not policy,” and that
  17. Tackle Ray Childless, Heisman Trophy winner John David Crow, Heisman runner-up, legislator , and actor John Limbaugh, punt returner Dante Hall, offensive tackle Richmond
  18. German politician (b. 1887) * 1977 – William Paul, American attorney, legislator , and political activist (b. 1885) *1978 – Wesley Colin, former Governor of
  19. Russian serial killer (d. 1994) *1938 – Carl Günter Jr, American state, legislator ,(d. 1999) * 1938 – Nico, German musician, fashion model and actress (d. 1988
  20. Original simplicity, though he afterward showed great prowess as a religious, legislator ,in the organization he gave to the new society. There were a great many rivals
  21. He preferred wearing a formal suit and tie and evincing the dry demeanor of a, legislator ,to the socialist informality of Masai, as a means of accentuating their
  22. Representative from Rapids and Vernon parishes since 2008 * Jock Scott - State, legislator , attorney, professor * William Tecumseh Sherman — First superintendent;
  23. The passion for the God, One and Immaterial .... Philosopher, orator,apostle, legislator , warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of a rational dogma for a cult without
  24. Or her telephone number. * When referring to the constituency of an American, legislator , the preposition" from" is usually used:" Senator from New York," whereas
  25. French painter (d. 1856) *1823 – Leander Clark, American businessman, legislator , Indian agent (d. 1910) *1839 – Ephraim Shay, American inventor (d. 1916)
  26. Practice, to magistrates, and especially to the praetors. A praetor was not a, legislator ,and did not technically create new law when he issued his edicts (magistrate
  27. States branch) later hired Haircloth, who has ten years experience as a state, legislator , as Director of Strategy and Policy. Other fields In his role as professor for
  28. Term and was re-elected seven months later). Including his tenure as a state, legislator ,from 1947 to 1953,Byrd's service on the political front exceeded 60
  29. Minos, the son of Zeus. " The earlier legend knows Minos as a beneficent ruler, legislator , and suppressor of piracy. His constitution was said to have formed the basis
  30. The arbitrary power of any magistrate, inclusive of the" power and will of a, legislator , " In Lockean terms, depredations against an estate are just as plausible a
  31. Must be endorsed by a http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp state, legislator , Notaries in the state of New Jersey serve as impartial witnesses to the
  32. Year term. All applicants must first have that application endorsed by a state, legislator ,before submitting their application to the Secretary of State. South Carolina
  33. World of the Draws. Draco (;, Drakōn) (circa 7th century BC) was the first, legislator ,of Athens in Ancient Greece. He replaced the prevailing system of oral law and
  34. The chances of slave rebellion associated with new arrivals. As a Virginia, legislator , Jefferson failed to lead on gradual emancipation and discouraged efforts to
  35. Human-rights violations against members of the Sudanese government. A Sudanese, legislator ,was quoted as saying that Khartoum may permit UN peacekeepers to patrol Darfur
  36. American novelist (d. 1977) *1922 – Frank J. Lynch, American jurist and state, legislator ,(d. 1987) *1924 – Jeanette Schmidt, Austrian professional whistler *1931 –
  37. Branch or common law of the judiciary in a typical democracy/republic) or by a, legislator ,(in the case of an absolute monarchy). Statutes may originate with national
  38. Ensure the election of a black Congressman or reelection of a black state, legislator ,due to the packed concentration of Democratic voters—however, the surrounding
  39. American photographer and filmmaker * Sally Kern (born 1946),Oklahoma state, legislator ,* Sean Kern (born 1978),American water polo player Kermit is a computer file
  40. In accepting the most honorable position, but very difficult to fill, that of, legislator , that a righteous heart would suffice, but I lacked the second quality
  41. Are considered" citizen legislator s ", meaning that their position as a, legislator ,is not their main occupation. Terms for both the Senate and House of
  42. Father was a Confederate Army colonel in the American Civil War and a Kentucky, legislator , He was raised as a Methodist. D. W. was educated by his older sister, Mattie
  43. The thesis that God had the omnipotence and foresight to create as a divine, legislator , making laws (or programs) which then produced species at the appropriate
  44. Wherein the common good lies; hence the necessity of the legislator . But the, legislator ,has, of himself, no authority; he is only a guide who drafts and proposes laws
  45. Aphrodite and Hecate. *Thermoforms (" giver of customs" or even ", legislator ,"),a role that links her to the even more ancient goddess Themes, This title
  46. In 1978,Dick Randolph of Alaska became the first elected Libertarian state, legislator , In 1994,over 40 Libertarians were elected or appointed which was a record for
  47. From them in the extent to which he was also a man of the pen. He was a great, legislator , standing out in the eyes of his people as a high-minded sovereign and a
  48. The Virginia state constitution; this was to be Madison's last appearance as a, legislator ,and constitutional drafter. The issue of the greatest importance at this convention
  49. Lincoln was mostly self-educated. He became a country lawyer, an Illinois state, legislator , and a one-term member of the United States House of Representatives, but
  50. Recorded a gospel record entitled TRUTH: Volume One, Edition One with Missouri, legislator ,Max Bacon, a Democrat. Other books written by Ashcroft are On My Honor: The

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