Examples of the the word, laughter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( laughter ), is the 6025 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then one who types lol ", and opines that" these standard expressions of, laughter ,are losing force through overuse. " Began describes LOL, ROTFL, and other
  2. Henri Bergson, in his book Le fire (Laughter,1901),suggests that, laughter ,evolved to make social life possible for human beings. *Sigmund Freud's "
  3. May be. " Such experiments also have therapeutic implications (for example, in, laughter , therapy,dance therapy). Some people may believe that emotions give rise to
  4. Preceding another consonant: e.g. Style" font-size:14pt;" >हँसी ", laughter ,", style " font-size:14pt;" >गंगा" the Ganges ". When an Asmara has a
  5. Human follies),the terms American laughter , which means scoffing, incessant, laughter , and Moderate, which means a scoffer, are derived from Democritus. To his
  6. James writing in The Observer said the second episode had him" retching with, laughter ,". By the time the series had ended, it was an overwhelming critical success.
  7. Amuse themselves in their leisure time, and may also provide fun, enjoyment and, laughter , Entertainment is generally passive, such as watching opera or a movie. Active
  8. At night. The vocalization of the spotted hyena resembling hysterical human, laughter ,has been alluded to in numerous works of literature:" to laugh like a hyæna "
  9. Of the Comic, Bergson develops a theory not of laughter itself, but of how, laughter ,can be provoked (see his objection to Deluge, published in the 23rd edition of
  10. Koreans express the sound of derisive laughter by" Zeke ". Other forms of, laughter ,include" heeled "," Soho "," Java "," haha ", etc. In the written Korean
  11. S impulse to create. Bergson also discussed the nature and mechanism of, laughter , Creativity Bergson considers the appearance of novelty as a result of pure
  12. And perception, sometimes evoking empathy from the viewer, sometimes, laughter , and sometimes outrage and bewilderment. 1931 marked a year when several
  13. Derry, who loved to see little folks merry; So he made them a book, and with, laughter ,they shook at the fun of that Derry down Derry. In Lear's limericks the first
  14. The Laughing Philosopher (for laughing at human follies),the terms American, laughter , which means scoffing, incessant laughter , and Moderate, which means a scoffer
  15. Ideal combination of entertainment and official ideology. A struggle between, laughter ,for laughter ’s sake and entertainment with a clear ideological message would
  16. London Palladium music hall in 1948,he" roused the Royal family to shrieks of, laughter ,and was the first of many performers who have turned English variety into an
  17. A" Germanic" colony—a plan to which Nietzsche responded with mocking, laughter , Through correspondence,Nietzsche's relationship with Elisabeth continued on
  18. Into an occasionally mawkish or nostalgic love plot with equal doses of, laughter ,mingled with pain and regret. These themes were expanded upon in two of his
  19. By trying to walk between them with the resulting falls and cascades bringing, laughter ,from the audience. Today they are far more complex and in many modern shows the
  20. Affect, also known as emotional lability, pseudobulbar affect, or pathological, laughter ,and crying. Patients with pseudobulbar palsy are particularly likely to be
  21. Image, and to avoid being generic as to confuse the audience, and provide no, laughter , To properly arrange the words in the sentence is also crucial to get precision
  22. Farces, monologues and pantomimes to be entertaining. Comedy provides, laughter ,and amusement. The audience is taken by surprise, by the parody or satire of an
  23. Mystification which will yet provide posterity with an inexhaustible theme for, laughter ,at our times, that it is a pseudo-philosophy paralyzing all mental powers
  24. The wise, instead of anger, Heraclitus was overtaken by tears, Democritus by, laughter , " The view is expressed by the satirist Juvenal: The motif was also adopted by
  25. Of film in which the main emphasis is on humor. They are designed to elicit, laughter ,from the audience. Comedies are mostly light-hearted dramas and are made to
  26. New link is made in the brain via a different route than expected, then, laughter , occurs as the new connection is made. This theory explains a lot about jokes.
  27. An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic, Bergson develops a theory not of, laughter ,itself, but of how laughter can be provoked (see his objection to Deluge
  28. Appearing as a television wag. Of one unsuccessful comedy he wrote," There was, laughter ,at the back of the theater, leading to the belief that someone was telling
  29. The entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally, laughter ,; when this does not happen the joke is said to have" fallen flat" or" bombed
  30. Activities, such as literature and science.: Marvin Minsky suggests that, laughter ,has a specific function related to the human brain. In his opinion jokes and
  31. To see that scene, and was often shushed by angry patrons when his delighted, laughter ,got too loud. " Filmmakers have mimicked it many times, such as Lee Marvin's
  32. And of the magistrates run up and down through the city naked, for sport and, laughter ,striking those they meet with shaggy thongs. And many women of rank also
  33. The ways in which pent-up emotional hurt can be released,e.g. via crying, laughter , etc. *Discharge petition, the process of bringing a bill out of committee to
  34. Are considered to be hobbies. Entertainment may also provide fun, enjoyment and, laughter , The industry that provides entertainment is called the entertainment industry.
  35. And fats, and she says that television is an exaggeration of social cues of, laughter , smiling faces and attention-grabbing action. Magazine centerfolds and double
  36. Into a heap. The game used randomized ambient sounds and noises, such as evil, laughter , chains rattling, distantly ringing bells and water dripping in addition to the
  37. Represents the ungrateful wealth of his humanistic vision in which pain and, laughter , participation and detachment are mixed. The novel So Mario (1911) signals
  38. Further amusement: XD and the addition of further CD' letters can suggest, laughter ,or extreme amusement e.g. ADDED. There are hundreds of other variations
  39. Done as a spitting" Bronx cheer ", and occasionally, they would break up into, laughter ,after the" PFFT ", unable to finish the song (Who got spat upon during the "
  40. Remained chugs and bursts of steam from a departing train. Somebody cries in, laughter , a whistle, the station bell, the clanking locomotive ... whispers, shouts
  41. Eulogy to Chapman, which began as follows: Cheese continued after a break from, laughter ,in the audience, claiming that Chapman had whispered in his ear the night
  42. Men ought to know that from nothing else, but the brain come joys, delights, laughter , and sports, and sorrows, griefs,despondency, and lamentations. " Nevertheless
  43. The pattern is already there, so there can be no new connections, and so no, laughter ,.: *Why jokes have an elaborate and often repetitive set up: The repetition
  44. Has a specific function related to the human brain. In his opinion jokes and, laughter ,are mechanisms for the brain to learn nonsense. For that reason, he argues
  45. Treated badly by her, but he found comfort in his father, Ronald Truffaut's, laughter ,and overall spirit. The relationship with Ronald was more comforting than the
  46. Χ (chi) in other words as well. Keep Koreans express the sound of derisive, laughter ,by" Zeke ". Other forms of laughter include" heeled "," Soho "," Java ","
  47. But when Daisy shows her boyfriend her new hat, his reaction is uncontrollable, laughter , Daisy goes into a rage of her own and the short ends by pointing out that
  48. Was dyed pale blonde, and her eyes," brown as fir cones in autumn, scattered, laughter ,". Francesco, in his capacity of Captain General of the Venetian armies, was
  49. With great hostility. Aleksandr defended his work by arguing the notion of, laughter ,for laughter ’s sake. Finally, when Aleksandr showed the film to Stalin, the
  50. This phenomenon. I don't know who told you this. " The latter statement drew, laughter ,from the audience. The Manhattan District Attorney's Office accused Columbia

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