Examples of the the word, nasty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nasty ), is the 6012 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Enough to ask for his help to get them out of a number of scrapes—including a, nasty ,election feud in Hollerith between Melodic Stanworth and Mike Madden of the
  2. Brown's daughter) and Polly show up at the same time, setting the stage for a, nasty ,argument that builds to the" Eifersuchtsduett" (" Jealousy Duet" ). After
  3. District in which the party's last candidate had lost his election deposit. A, nasty ,campaign ensued, in which Diefenbaker was called a" Hun" because of his
  4. To play The Penguin. We didn't really officially cast it, but for a short, nasty ,little guy,it's a short list. I ended up writing the character for Danny
  5. A murder mystery set at a science fiction convention. While containing mostly, nasty ,caricatures of fans and fandom, many fans take it with good humor. A. E. van
  6. Treatment of black, female,and homosexual characters, calling him a" rather, nasty ,man at times ". Anderson nevertheless praised Chandler as" probably the most
  7. By Aramco. The track surface was made safer in some spots where there were, nasty ,bumps and jumps before. Racing line markers were added to the corners all
  8. Where Greece cancels payment on their debts or a part of them, would create a, nasty ,situation in Greece as well as for those who lent the money. Since the Greek
  9. To Gogol," You're a cheater, and cheaters never prosper! " Scrooge has a, nasty ,temper and rarely hesitates to use violence against those who provoke his ire;
  10. Often takes the form of cursing, swearing,expletives, bad words, dirty words, nasty ,words, cussing,blasphemy, and irreverent, obscene,foul, indecent,strong
  11. The social contract (or contraction) theory, arguing that to overcome the ", nasty , brutish and short" quality of life without the cooperation of other human
  12. Acting like a baby ". Patrick Nielsen Hayden described this as" pathetic and, nasty ,and sad and most of us didn't want to watch it ". Ellison responded three days
  13. S received or sent mail, the Good Times virus caused a wide variety of other, nasty ,things to happen. For example, one version said that if an infected computer
  14. Columns were full of their snarling public donnybrooks. " In 1950,Camp wrote a, nasty ,article for The Atlantic entitled" I Remember Monster. " The article recounted
  15. With the pay and terms of their deals with the National League. This led to a, nasty ,turf war that heated up in 1901 enough to concern Patrick T. Powers, president
  16. But is saved by Veronica. Heather Duke, however,has turned out to be as, nasty ,and malicious as the late Heather Chandler, and she and Veronica cease to be
  17. If, after hearing my songs, just one human being is inspired to say something, nasty ,to a friend, or perhaps to strike a loved one, it will all have been worth the
  18. For the Study of Popular Culture has produced a vast amount of text marked by, nasty ,polemic and exceptional insensitivity around issues of race, ethnicity,gender
  19. Kicked his brains out. He was so goddamned mean to everybody. He was truly a, nasty ,old man. " The next day, Cagney was slightly late on set, incensing Ford.
  20. The World Bank's senior water advisor in South Asia. " But we all have very, nasty ,fears that the flows of the Indus could be severely, severely affected by
  21. Were 'objectively' Fascist, hindering the Republican cause. " A particularly, nasty ,poster appeared, showing a head with a POEM mask being ripped off to reveal a
  22. Or software. 2. n. A clever programming trick intended to solve a particular, nasty ,case in an expedient, if not clear, manner. Often used to repair bugs. Often
  23. Introduction:" I am ... omitting Crowley's Preface to the book. It is a, nasty , malicious piece of writing, and does not do justice to the system with which
  24. To his partner, he was deprived of the" exquisite agony" of experiencing a, nasty ,and painful divorce like heterosexuals. This, of course, satirized the claim
  25. Dude's apartment, Deakins said," it's kind of seedy and the light's pretty, nasty ," with a grittier look. The visual bridge between these two different looks was
  26. Of every man against every man" in which human life is" solitary, poore, nasty , brutish, and short. " Rejecting Cicero's view that men join in society
  27. Reality in most cases. A member of a crime organization, in the middle of a, nasty ,divorce, or a foreign intelligence agent might have reason to worry, but,even
  28. Produced for the video market and were credited with fueling the" video, nasty ," era in the United Kingdom. Directors in this genre included Lucio Full, Joe
  29. For public appearances. Old ham ended up promoting the Rolling Stones as the, nasty ,opposites of the Beatles by having the band pose unsmiling on the cover of the
  30. Of the" tour bus ", a Cadillac with 10-year-old expired license plates and a, nasty ,predilection for going into a coma at the most inconvenient moment (but
  31. It is easy to see why the Church might discourage it. Given the generally, nasty ,nature of conflict at the time, and the proliferation of ballistic, blunt and
  32. TFT. This detailed the province of Dark, whose inhabitants worship a mean and, nasty ,god of war and fire. This land was to be detailed over the course of several
  33. Outside the home. In East Germany, people who were disgruntled resorted to, nasty ,jokes at the expense of the oppressive regime; their names were recorded, and
  34. In the United Kingdom, the film was one of the first to be labeled a video, nasty ,during the mid-1980s controversy over such movies and was finally released
  35. And one teenager from Philadelphia said" That Hucklebuck was a very, nasty ,dance ". Also in 1949,a new version of a 1920s blues song," Ain't Nobody's
  36. Ukraine, Georgia and Estonia; in conflicts over gas and oil pipelines; in, nasty ,diplomatic exchanges between Russia and Britain; and in a return to Russian
  37. Photographs and physical descriptions, which they considered led to a ", nasty ,dehumanization ". In 1920,the League of Nations held a conference on passports
  38. The multiverse. The vast majority of alternate Americas in most episodes are, nasty ,dystopias, although sometimes this is not evident at first. In Lost, the
  39. The stories as successive bosses are sacked, leave,are committed, or have, nasty ," accidents" ) *" Bean counters" aka accountants (disposable
  40. Wolsey, The Statesman and the Fanatic, describing More than" a particularly, nasty ,sadomasochistic pervert," a line of thinking followed by the late Joanna Denny
  41. That exists otherwise. Life is, without an ordered society," solitary, poor, nasty , brutish and short ". It is commonly commented that Hobbes' views about the
  42. White-clad, and (like most creatures in the Scandinavian folklore), nasty , when offended. In the stories, they often play the role of disease-spirits. The
  43. Theory to my Dad as one of his hobbies and learned early that I could get a, nasty ,shock from playing with his wiring. I could not account for their enthusiasm. I
  44. Tendency to identify with individuals physically resembling oneself, and to be, nasty ,to individuals different in appearance ". Simulation-based experiments in
  45. Dochartaigh," destroyer" or" obtrusive" ), Garvery (Garth," rough" or ", nasty ,"),Canton (manta ch," toothless" ), Bane (ban," white ", as in" white
  46. At telling Pete he had to go. Historically it may look like we did something, nasty ,to Pete, and it may have been that we could have handled it better. " Starr, on
  47. Several fallen angels; and Jesse's own redneck 'family' — particularly his, nasty ,Cajun grandmother, her mighty bodyguard Jody, and the 'animal-loving' T. C.
  48. Is full of plums that I keep hoping somebody will find. For instance,the, nasty ,commentator is not an ex-King of Wembley nor is he professor Income. He is
  49. To know, but the result is a seamless, utterly consistent universe full of, nasty ,notions about societal deterioration, greed and other base impulses. " He
  50. Alive or sane, and that the only safe way to deal with the vast majority of, nasty ,things described in the rule books was to run away. A well-run COC campaign

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