Examples of the the word, genetically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( genetically ), is the 6016 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of genetic information in reproductive decision-making and the possibility of, genetically ,altering reproductive cells that may be passed on to future generations. For
  2. Armadillo also serves science through its unusual reproductive system, in which, genetically ,identical quadruplets are born in each litter. Because they are always
  3. To expand without transfers, then this would create a bigger population of, genetically ,impoverished bongo. These animals would be less able to adapt to a dynamic
  4. Its supply of corn and soybeans—the main inputs into biofuels—by developing, genetically ,modified seeds which are resistant to pests and drought. By boosting farm
  5. The fertilized egg or a later stage of embryonic development splits to form, genetically ,identical clones. Within animals, this phenomenon has been best studied in the
  6. Action. This has led to their use as insecticides, and more recently to, genetically ,modified crops using BT genes. There are, however,many crystal-producing BT
  7. In other brain areas: an initial synaptic matrix is generated as a result of, genetically ,determined chemical guidance, but then gradually refined by activity-dependent
  8. The highest global apportion of the Rh blood type (35 % phenotypically,60 %, genetically ,). Additionally, the Basque population has virtually no B blood type, nor the
  9. Bacterioplankton and its role for food web process and biogeochemical cycle to, genetically ,fingerprint phage communities or populations and estimate viral biodiversity by
  10. Tomato-harvesters were developed in the early 1960s,agricultural scientists, genetically ,modified tomatoes to be more resistant to mechanical handling. More recently
  11. Including producing therapeutic proteins in cows and goats. There is a, genetically ,altered salmon with an increased growth rate being considered for FDA approval.
  12. Company Plant Genetic Systems was the first company (in 1985) to develop, genetically ,engineered (tobacco) plants with insect tolerance by expressing cry genes
  13. The results from a laboratory trial that appeared to indicate the pollen of, genetically ,modified BT corn presented a threat to monarch caterpillars. Critics claimed
  14. Disorder (" SCID" ) were reported to have been cured after being given, genetically ,engineered cells. Gene therapy faces many obstacles before it can become a
  15. The identified subspecies of brown bears, both Eurasian and North American, are, genetically , quite homogeneous, and that their genetic phytogeography does not correspond to
  16. Treatment may select for bacterial strains with physiologically or, genetically ,enhanced capacity to survive high doses of antibacterials. Under certain
  17. About environmental risks, transparency about product ingredients such as, genetically ,modified organisms possible health risks, financial risks, security risks, etc.
  18. Restricts use of this gene (among other resistance genes) in commercial, genetically ,modified organisms. The enzyme responsible for degrading ampicillin is called
  19. In 11 countries, including the United States (where 85 % of the maize crop was, genetically ,modified),Brazil (36 % GM),Argentina (83 % GM),South Africa (57 % GM)
  20. Do not use animal by-products. Some might object to the inclusion of, genetically ,engineered rice and animal products used in the brewing process. In July 2006
  21. Blood type of all the peoples of the world, they were widely considered to be a, genetically ,isolated population, preserving the genes of European Paleolithic
  22. Aurochs, and number in the thousands in Europe today. However, they are, genetically ,and physiologically distinct from aurochs. The Heck brothers' aurochs also
  23. The 9-banded armadillos, this process is obligatory and usually gives rise to, genetically ,identical quadruplets. In other mammals, monozygotic twinning has no apparent
  24. Identical quadruplets are born in each litter. Because they are always, genetically ,identical, the group of four young provides a good subject for scientific
  25. Of Cry toxins for production of biological insecticides and insect-resistant, genetically ,modified crops. When insects ingest toxin crystals, the alkaline pH of their
  26. Matter hyperintensities. The" kindling" theory asserts that people who are, genetically ,predisposed toward bipolar disorder can experience a series of stressful events
  27. Evidence indicates that in both men and women, alcoholism is 50–60 percent, genetically ,determined, leaving 40–50 percent for environmental influences. Most alcoholics
  28. Akkadians and Canaanites, built civilizations in Mesopotamia and the Levant;, genetically , they often interlapped and mixed. Slowly, however,they lost their political
  29. Humans with genetic deficiency of catalase —" acatalasemia" — or mice, genetically ,engineered to lack catalase completely, suffer few ill effects. Peroxiredoxins
  30. Species, including 14 species of sea snakes, a population of Du gong that may be, genetically ,distinct, a diverse marine invertebrate fauna, and many endemic species
  31. Controlled by spraying (a more difficult process). Crops have also been, genetically ,engineered to acquire tolerance to broad-spectrum herbicide. The lack of
  32. If not impossible, to maintain live parasite cultures in the laboratory and to, genetically ,manipulate these organisms. In recent years, several of the apicomplexan
  33. The Hag of the mist. Genetically modified maize (corn) has been deliberately, genetically ,modified (GM) to have agronomically desirable traits. Traits that have been
  34. Is placed into a uterus where it is allowed to develop into a fetus that is, genetically ,identical to the donor of the original nucleus. # Therapeutic cloning. The egg
  35. Containing antibiotics and pesticides. " Genetic modification Salmon have been, genetically ,modified for faster growth, although they are not approved for commercial use
  36. And selective breeding. Recent mainstream technological developments include, genetically ,modified food. In late 2007,several factors pushed up the price of grains
  37. Tomatoes, rice tobacco, lettuce,safflowers, and other plants have been, genetically ,engineered to produce insulin and certain vaccines. If future clinical trials
  38. By farmers worldwide. Today,92 % of soybean acreage in the US is planted with, genetically ,modified herbicide-tolerant plants. With the increasing use of
  39. Traits, self-pollination and cross-pollination, and molecular techniques that, genetically ,modify the organism. Domestication of plants has, over the centuries increased
  40. Expanded and scaly, and their habitats are aquatic. The two species are not, genetically ,compatible. North American beavers have 40 chromosomes, while Eurasian beavers
  41. The great invasions of Europe by Asian tribes. Genetics Although they are, genetically ,distinctive in some ways, the Basques are still very typically West European in
  42. Imports remain highly controversial. Bt corn is a variant of maize, genetically ,altered to express the bacterial BT toxin, which is poisonous to insect pests.
  43. Cellular activity. Motivation According to evolutionary theory, all species are, genetically ,programmed to act as though they have a goal of surviving and propagating
  44. Crises (such as avian influenza, mad cow disease and issues such as the use of, genetically ,modified organisms) illustrate the complexity and importance of this debate.
  45. Viruses. Current research Blue tongue virus (BTV) is well characterized both, genetically ,(the sequence was completed in 1989) and structurally. Epidemiology
  46. Both the class structure and the racial divide in the United States result from, genetically ,determined differences in intelligence and ability. Their general assertions
  47. And urban sprawl. The downstream effects of technologies nuclear power, genetically ,modified food and mobile phones may not be well understood. While the
  48. In the absence of males, and in both cases the offspring were shown to be, genetically ,identical to the mothers. Reptiles use the PW sex-determination system, which
  49. Blood and organ system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized, genetically ,modified types of maize which are present in food and feed in the world.
  50. K. Dick. The film depicts a dystopian Los Angeles in November 2019 in which, genetically ,engineered organic robots called applicants—visually indistinguishable from

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