Examples of the the word, shark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shark ), is the 6024 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their unique head is used as a weapon when hunting down prey. The hammerhead, shark ,uses its head to pin down stingrays and eats the ray when the ray is weak and
  2. Are not known, dolphins can tolerate and recover from extreme injuries, such as, shark ,bites. The healing process is rapid and even very deep wounds do not cause
  3. There are examples of parthenogenesis in the hammerhead shark and the blacktop, shark , In both cases, the shark s had reached sexual maturity in captivity in the
  4. Smaller species of dolphins, only a few of the larger shark s, such as the bull, shark , dusky shark , tiger shark and great white shark are a potential risk
  5. China and India, but sugar became more important later. Also, deer pelts and, shark ,skin were transported to Japan from Taiwan, as well as books, scientific
  6. And played a large role within the Devonian seas. The first abundant genus of, shark , Cladoselache, appeared in the oceans during the Devonian Period. The great
  7. Distortions of brain geometry, especially in the forebrain area. The brain of a, shark ,shows the basic components in a straightforward way, but in telecast fishes (
  8. More than 5,600 species are currently known (Albert and Was,2011). The bull, shark ,(Carcharhinus Lucas) has been reported up the Amazon River at Iquitos in
  9. Since they generate measurable voltages in a seawater electrolyte relative to a, shark , The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECR ML) is a
  10. While dolphin attacks are much rarer than other sea animal attacks, such as, shark ,ones, some scientists are worried about the careless programs of human-dolphin
  11. Then at all times. The shape of the head was previously thought to help the, shark ,find food, aiding in close-quarters maneuverability and allowing sharp turning
  12. To the various Mayan villages around Lake Titan is on one of the ubiquitous ", shark ," boats. Airports 450 (2006 est. ) Named airports - with paved
  13. Seen in the last batch of F-5E/FS by AID in Taiwan that featured the F-20's, shark ,nose. With the introduction of 150 F-16s,60 Mirage 2000-5s and 130 F-CK-1s in
  14. Decreases along periods and increases down groups. Electromotive, shark ,repellent utilizes electromotive metals as shark repellents, since they
  15. Believed to be family members who passed away and have been reincarnated into, shark ,form. However, there are shark s that are considered man-eaters, also known as
  16. Sharks that showed the wing head shark as its most basal member. As the wing head, shark ,has proportionately the largest" hammer" of the hammerhead shark s, this
  17. Of dolphins, only a few of the larger shark s, such as the bull shark , dusky, shark , tiger shark and great white shark are a potential risk, especially for calves.
  18. Most hammerhead species are placed in the genus Smyrna while the wing head, shark ,is placed in its own genus, Eusphyra. Many, not necessarily mutually exclusive
  19. Criticizing it for the non-stop celebrity guest spots and going into jump the, shark ,territory. Although disappointed with the season, Bonin noted that" the
  20. Regularly scheduled patrols of the French Navy, and by Mexican tuna and, shark ,fishermen. There have been infrequent scientific and amateur radio expeditions
  21. Animal of some children. Hawaiian children who are born with the hammerhead, shark ,as an animal sign are believed to be warriors and are meant to sail the oceans.
  22. Literally means" food table ". A myriad dishes are often served, which include, shark ,fins soup,bird's nest soup, lobster,steamed fish and braised goose. Teacher
  23. And balanced. In Hawaii, if one is caught attempting to fish for or harm a, shark , it is considered a felony because it is detrimental to the Hawaiian way of
  24. American basketball player *1990 – Bethany Hamilton, American surfer and, shark ,attack survivor * 1990 – Tran They Dung, Miss Vietnam 2008 *1991 – Absalom
  25. Aumakua watching over them and protecting them from the night. The hammerhead, shark ,is thought to be the birth animal of some children. Hawaiian children who are
  26. In part) to enhance the animal's vision. The positioning of the eyes give the, shark ,good binocular vision, as well as 360-degree vision in the vertical plane
  27. Major fishing center, the chief catches being perched, tuna,mackerel, cod,pike, shark , and crayfish. The country’s own catch was about 3,500 tons in 2003. Forestry
  28. A tangle with an exploding shark which seizes Batman's leg but is repelled by, shark ,repellent after the Yacht disappears, Batman and Robin head back to
  29. Examples in animals There are examples of parthenogenesis in the hammerhead, shark ,and the blacktop shark . In both cases, the shark s had reached sexual maturity
  30. During the late Devonian. Image: Devonian fishes ATM 1905 Smith 1929. GIF|Early, shark ,Cladoselache, several lobe-finned fishes, including Eusthenopteron, and the
  31. Only a few of the larger shark s, such as the bull shark , dusky shark , tiger, shark , and great white shark are a potential risk, especially for calves. Some of the
  32. For hammerhead shark s and usually occurs with the male shark biting the female, shark ,violently until she agrees to mate with him. The hammerhead shark s exhibit a
  33. Include great white shark s, tiger shark s, and bull shark s. The hammerhead, shark , also known as many kihikihi, is not considered a man-eater or night; it is
  34. Music video, Bad To The Bone by George Thorogood and the Destroyers as a pool, shark , Accolades BO Diddle achieved numerous accolades in recognition of his
  35. A phylogenetic tree of the hammerhead shark s that showed the wing head, shark ,as its most basal member. As the wing head shark has proportionately the largest
  36. Life of the islands. Fish species found in the islands include many species of, shark , ray, moray eel, bream,jack, grunt,scorpion fish, triggerfish, grouper,Toby
  37. With conventional medicine. Examples include immuno-augmentation therapy, shark ,cartilage, bioresonance therapy, oxygen and ozone therapies, insulin
  38. Is small now. At one stage, the island was known for its shark fishing, basking, shark , in particular was fished for its valuable liver oil. There was a big spurt of
  39. Operate Tomahawks, in North Africa, and the unit was the first to feature the ", shark ,mouth" logo, copying similar markings on some Luftwaffe Messerschmidt Bf 110
  40. Though would also shift and provide lift. From what is known about the Wing head, shark , it would appear that the shape of the hammer-head has to do with an evolved
  41. The ray when the ray is weak and in shock. There is a species of the hammerhead, shark ,that is more aggressive and large: the Great Hammerhead. These shark s
  42. Only occurs once a year for hammerhead shark s and usually occurs with the male, shark ,biting the female shark violently until she agrees to mate with him. The
  43. Bottlenose dolphins, manta rays, parrot fish, schools of blue tang and whale, shark , Economy The economy has continued to grow slowly, but the distribution of
  44. Larger shark s, such as the bull shark , dusky shark , tiger shark and great white, shark ,are a potential risk, especially for calves. Some larger dolphins
  45. Launch a rescue mission using the Bat copter. After a tangle with an exploding, shark ,which seizes Batman's leg but is repelled by shark repellent after the Yacht
  46. Commodities: cultured pearls 50 %, coconut products, mother-of-pearl,vanilla, shark ,meat (1997) Exports - partners: Hong Kong 41 %, Metropolitan France 20 %
  47. Aspect of the economy is small now. At one stage, the island was known for its, shark ,fishing, basking shark in particular was fished for its valuable liver oil.
  48. Down groups. Electromotive shark repellent utilizes electromotive metals as, shark ,repellents, since they generate measurable voltages in a seawater electrolyte
  49. Fore-stomachs, and of the viviparous embryological development of the hound, shark ,Mustelus. Classification of living things Aristotle's classification
  50. Known as bad you, and sometimes forms part of a Chinese banquet. Similar to, shark ,fin soup or birds nest soup, it is considered a luxury item, and is

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