Examples of the the word, reservoir , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reservoir ), is the 6015 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be referred to using the manufacturer's name. Varieties Most condoms have a, reservoir ,tip or teat end, making it easier to accommodate the man's ejaculate. Condoms
  2. As it takes special high-speed centrifugation to properly fill a ball point, reservoir ,with the viscous ink. The simplest types of ball point pens have a cap to cover
  3. Enhanced water supply appeared in 1830 when water was pumped from the Dee to a, reservoir ,in Union Place. An underground sewer system replaced open sewers in 1865. Some
  4. Walls and bordering several small parks in the Bedford Park neighborhood. The, reservoir ,was built in the 1890s on the site of the former Jerome Park Racetrack. In 2006
  5. Then or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural, reservoir ,for the disease in Texas and Louisiana. Prior to the arrival of Europeans in
  6. Activity Environment - current issues: water resource problems (no natural, reservoir ,catchments, seasonal disparity in rainfall,seawater intrusion to island's
  7. Of the cold reservoir , and: T_H is the absolute temperature of the hot, reservoir , A corollary to Carnot's theorem states that: All reversible engines operating
  8. Area to avail themselves of cheap power. Downriver of Grand Coulee, each dam's, reservoir ,is closely regulated by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA),Army Corps
  9. The river. This dam, frequently referred to as the" fish killer ", and its, reservoir ,form the deadliest stretch of the river for young salmon. In 1902,the United
  10. Water supplies Ballarat with water. The main reservoir is the White Swan, reservoir ,which is topped up through the Goldfields Super pipe sourced from the
  11. A total of 150 troops. The unit secured the hydroelectric power station and, reservoir ,in Al Hadith from August 2003. In December 2008,Azerbaijan withdrew the unit
  12. The courtroom, the transit prison, the country, the railway. It was the, reservoir ,of living details, the identical realistic presentation of ideas, that saved
  13. Tend to be much higher in price. The refill replaces the entire internal ink, reservoir ,and ball point unit rather than actually refilling it with ink, as it takes
  14. And sawflies) and nematodes. Thus, B. Thuringiensis serves as an important, reservoir ,of Cry toxins for production of biological insecticides and insect-resistant
  15. By the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as part of a canal system to be used as a, reservoir ,for a canal basin in Johnstown. With the coming-of-age of railroads superseding
  16. Generation, navigation,irrigation, and flood control. Today, a dam-impounded, reservoir ,lies along nearly every U. S. mile of the once free-flowing river, and much of
  17. Kayak people. A ballpoint pen is a writing instrument with an internal ink, reservoir ,and a sphere for a point. The internal chamber is filled with a viscous ink
  18. Some surviving infection, in a rodent or flea or warm place, that acts as a, reservoir ,so that sooner or later it breaks out again. The plague repeatedly returned to
  19. Of the book marmot, a small rodent considered a very dangerous plague, reservoir , The last significant Russian outbreak of Plague was in Siberia in 1910 after
  20. Point they acquired the disease from humans. The Armadillo is also a natural, reservoir ,for Changes disease. The nine-banded armadillo also serves science through its
  21. In Britain, and the Musette de four in France. Bag The bag is an airtight, reservoir ,that can hold air and regulate its flow while the player keeps the bag inflated
  22. Club in 1881. Prior to the flood, speculators had purchased the abandoned, reservoir , made less than well-engineered repairs to the old dam, raised the lake level
  23. Jury, and the Lower West Red River Soil and Water Conservation District as a, reservoir ,for agricultural irrigation in times of need and for recreation purposes. The
  24. Utilities Central Highlands Water supplies Ballarat with water. The main, reservoir ,is the White Swan reservoir which is topped up through the Goldfields Super pipe
  25. Harnesses ancient sources. Although the Old Testament provides the largest, reservoir ,for such sources, it is not the only one. For example, Howard-Brook and Gather
  26. 1930s,it has a capacity of 135 million gallons (614,000 cubic meters). The, reservoir ,is supplied with water taken from the Cheddar Yes, which rises in Gough's Cave
  27. Of musical instrument, aerophones,using enclosed reeds fed from a constant, reservoir ,of air in the form of a bag. Though the Scottish Great Highland Bagpipe and
  28. America). Thermal properties An adobe wall can serve as a significant heat, reservoir ,due to the thermal properties inherent in the massive walls typical in adobe
  29. Heat energy entering the system),: T_C is the absolute temperature of the cold, reservoir , and: T_H is the absolute temperature of the hot reservoir . A corollary to
  30. Not visibly ill, took two doses at a 40-day interval. This eliminated the human, reservoir ,of the disease and reduced hospital admissions to 1 % or less of January 2008
  31. Mill brook, Hope Valley, Little Para and South Para. The yield from these, reservoir ,catchments can be as little as 10 % of the city's requirements in drought
  32. To be immune to infection and therefore are not considered to be a T. Cruz, reservoir , Even when colonies of insects are eradicated from a house and surrounding
  33. Series, fights in the Capoeira style. A carbon sink is a natural or artificial, reservoir ,that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for an
  34. Lake Roosevelt, from which water was pumped into the dry coulee, forming the, reservoir ,of Banks Lake. The river flows past The Gorge Amphitheater, a prominent concert
  35. Were repaired, and additional facilities were constructed as necessary. A, reservoir ,pond, surrounded by trees, served as a recreational area one mile north of the
  36. Into a large vat of chemicals. Shortly thereafter, he emerges from an adjacent, reservoir , his skin bleached white, his hair dyed green and his lips dyed red. Following
  37. Was formed by damming the Kurt in western Azerbaijan. The waters of the, reservoir ,provide hydroelectric power and irrigation of the Kura-Aras plain. Most of the
  38. Puppies should live. This approach has the advantage of maintaining a large, reservoir ,of genetic variability and resilience. The peoples of the Sahel control dam
  39. Such as a fireworks display, duck races in the Gorge, a dragon boat race on the, reservoir ,and concerts on the grounds of the nearby St Michael's Cheshire Home. Several
  40. Represents only a tiny fraction of the total potential comet population: the, reservoir ,of comet-like bodies in the outer Solar System may number one trillion. The
  41. Poisoned. Work has begun on a plan to drain toxic wastewater from the plant's, reservoir ,into the Marisa River. Environmental improvements for the copper plant and
  42. By which time 109,917 people lived in the province. In 1860 the Thornton Park, reservoir ,was opened, finally providing an alternative water source to the now turbid
  43. By the Antarctic ice sheet, the world's the largest ice sheet and also its largest, reservoir ,of fresh water. Averaging at least 1.6 km thick, the ice is so massive that it
  44. Ran to the clock' to fetch water, indicating that their water clock had a, reservoir ,large enough to help extinguish the occasional fire. A new mechanism The word
  45. Of a gas or mixture of gases through a de Laval nozzle from a high pressure, reservoir ,into a vacuum chamber. As it expands, the nozzle climates the gas into a
  46. SCSI) around the village. Cheddar Reservoir is a near-circular artificial, reservoir ,operated by Bristol Water. Dating from the 1930s,it has a capacity of 135
  47. That, in the center of mass frame, can be significantly below that of the, reservoir ,gas. Each nozzle produces a characteristic temperature. This way, any
  48. Store water in their humps as is commonly believed. The humps are actually a, reservoir ,of fatty tissue. Concentrating body fat in their humps minimizes heat-trapping
  49. An extensive system of locks allowed ships and barges to pass easily from one, reservoir ,to the next. A navigation channel reaching to Lewiston, Idaho,along the
  50. Of Iraq Dr. Maya Said described the structure before the filling of the, reservoir ,: 'It has an octagonal body enhanced by alcoves, some of which are blind. ...

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