Examples of the the word, bee , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Other bee s, including familiar species of bee such as the Eastern carpenter, bee ,(Xylocopa Virginia),alfalfa leaf cutter bee (Megacycle rotunda ta),orchard
  2. 5/64" ) long. The largest bee in the world is Megacycle Pluto, a leaf cutter, bee ,whose females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5" ). Members of the family
  3. Colony cycle, drones. When humans provide the nest, it is called a hive. Honey, bee ,hives can contain up to 40,000 bee s at their annual peak, which occurs in the
  4. Though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies. The best-known, bee ,species is the European honey bee , which,as its name suggests, produces honey
  5. Male bee s are effective pollinators). In a very few cases only one species of, bee ,can effectively pollinate a plant species, and some plants are endangered at
  6. Megacycle rotunda ta),orchard mason bee (Ostia Liguria) and the horn faced, bee ,(Ostia confront) are solitary in the sense that every female is fertile
  7. Bees. The European (or Western) honey bee , Apis mellower, is the best known, bee ,species and one of the best known of all insects. Africanized honey bee
  8. Had sharply criticized Darwin’s comments in the Origin on how hexagonal honey, bee ,cells could have evolved through natural selection. Another notable defense of
  9. Corresponding SI prefix, and that the second syllable should be pronounced as, bee , NIST has stated the SI prefixes" refer strictly to powers of 10" and that
  10. To the casual observer that they are social. Large groups of solitary, bee ,nests are called aggregations, to distinguish them from colonies. In some
  11. Their time were lecturers at Bauhaus: Beowulf (; in Old English or, literally ", bee ,wolf" i.e." bee hunter ", a kenning for" bear" ) is the conventional title
  12. Paradise ', but the others are Latin for" Indian Bee ";" APIs" ( Latin for ", bee ,") is presumably an error for" Avis" or" bird ". This confusion seems to
  13. Of 2007,a new phenomenon called colony collapse disorder (CCD) is affecting, bee ,hives all over North America. Initial speculation on possible causes ranged
  14. Mistaken for wasps or flies. The best-known bee species is the European honey, bee , which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of bee .
  15. Evolved from predatory ancestors. Up until recently, the oldest non-compression, bee ,fossil had bee n Cretotrigona Prince in New Jersey amber and of Cretaceous age
  16. Wine as an estrogen in the Aegean world: on some Minoan seals goddesses had, bee ,faces: compare Me rope and Melissa. Propolis, a hive product also known for its
  17. Such as the Eastern carpenter bee (Xylocopa Virginia),alfalfa leaf cutter, bee ,(Megacycle rotunda ta),orchard mason bee (Ostia Liguria) and the horn faced
  18. In New Jersey amber and of Cretaceous age, a Melpomene. A recently reported, bee ,fossil, of the genus Melittosphex, is considered" an extinct lineage of
  19. To produce honey from clover and fire weed. Hybrid canola also requires, bee ,pollination, and some bee keepers service this need. The vast northern forest
  20. Imaginary partner: although this endeavor is not crowned with success for the, bee , it allows the orchid to transfer its pollen, which will be dispersed after the
  21. To produce honey from clover and fire weed. Hybrid canola also requires, bee ,pollination, and some bee keepers service this need. The vast northern forest
  22. Many bee species (both wild and domesticated) have increasingly caused honey, bee ,keepers to become migratory so that bee s can be concentrated in seasonally
  23. Pollen from many sources. Specialist pollinators also include, bee ,species which gather floral oils instead of pollen, and male orchid bee s, which
  24. Cinereum (Ash Flea bane) W2 IMG_2850. JPG|Vernon Canada with its pollinator, bee ,File: Eclipse prostrate in AP W2 IMG_9785. JPG|Eclipse prostrate File:
  25. Of which is accomplished by bee s, especially the domesticated European honey, bee , Contract pollination has overtaken the role of honey production for bee keepers
  26. And lay their eggs in cells provisioned by the host bee . When the cuckoo, bee ,larva hatches it consumes the host larva's pollen ball, and if the female
  27. But none are wingless. The smallest bee is Trigonal minima, a stingless, bee ,whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64" ) long. The largest bee in the world is
  28. Pollen collecting species, and lay their eggs in cells provisioned by the host, bee , When the cuckoo bee larva hatches it consumes the host larva's pollen ball
  29. That make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless. The smallest, bee ,is Trigonal minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64" )
  30. Of the losses. In 2009 some reports from the US suggested that 1/3 of the honey, bee ,colonies did not survive the winter, though normal winter losses are known to
  31. Of two constellations:" Avis Indica" to" Apes" and the constellation of the, bee , APIs, to Muscat the fly. After its introduction on Plancius's globe, the first
  32. Bee, which,as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of, bee , Human management of this species is known as bee keeping or agriculture. Bees
  33. Both by direct poisoning and by contamination of their food supply. A honey, bee ,queen may lay 2000 eggs per day during spring buildup, but she also must lay
  34. Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bee s, are the most common type of, bee ,in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps
  35. Bees" because their behavior is similar to cuckoo birds, occur in several, bee ,families, though the name is technically best applied to the acid subfamily
  36. Most complex social behavior among the bee s. The European (or Western) honey, bee , APIs mellower, is the best known bee species and one of the best known of all
  37. For bee keepers in many countries. Monoculture and the massive decline of many, bee ,species (both wild and domesticated) have increasingly caused honey bee
  38. Character of Sanjay Some was expected to represent Raj Thackeray. B (; named, bee ,) is the second letter in the basic modern Latin alphabet. It is used to
  39. Virginica),alfalfa leaf cutter bee (Megacycle rotunda ta),orchard mason, bee ,(Ostia Liguria) and the horn faced bee (Ostia confront) are solitary in
  40. Wallace's defense of the Origin on the topic of evolution of the hexagonal, bee ,cell. * 1863: http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/wallace/S078. Htm On the Physical
  41. Radiation of the angiosperms, and,in turn, the bee s themselves. Among living, bee ,groups, the " short-tongued" bee family Collective has traditionally bee n
  42. Known bee species and one of the best known of all insects. Africanized honey, bee ,Africanized bee s, also called killer bee s, are a hybrid strain of APIs
  43. And animal alkanes play a role, is the ecological relationship between the sand, bee ,(Andrea nigroaenea) and the early spider orchid (Offs spheres); the
  44. Eggs that have not gone through meiosis, thus cloning themselves. The cape, bee ,APIs mellower subs. Capensis can reproduce asexually through a process called
  45. Bees. Solitary and communal bee s Most other bee s, including familiar species of, bee ,such as the Eastern carpenter bee (Xylocopa Virginia),alfalfa leaf cutter
  46. A stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64" ) long. The largest, bee ,in the world is Megacycle Pluto, a leaf cutter bee whose females can attain a
  47. Their own unique parasites, pests and diseases (see also diseases of the honey, bee ,). Solitary bee s are important pollinators, and pollen is gathered for
  48. At Bauhaus: Beowulf (; in Old English or, literally " bee wolf" i.e. ", bee ,hunter ", a kenning for" bear" ) is the conventional title of an Old English
  49. Odor. The orchid takes advantage of this mating arrangement to get the male, bee ,to collect and disseminate its pollen; parts of its flower not only resemble
  50. In turn, the bee s themselves. Among living bee groups, the " short-tongued ", bee ,family Collective has traditionally bee n considered the most" primitive ", and

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