Examples of the the word, suitcase , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suitcase ), is the 12808 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were, a white student from Fisk University, and beat him in the face with a, suitcase , knocking out his teeth. The freedom riders continued their rides into Jackson
  2. The owner of the dropped suitcase was arrested but released because his, suitcase ,contained only personal belongings. The 39-year-old man was also arrested and
  3. To a person who carried the royal coat or dress train, now meaning a large, suitcase ,; more often, a clothes hanger. The equivalent of the English" portmanteau "
  4. Stories it contained were all that remained of his work after the loss of the, suitcase , and the third had been written the previous spring in Italy. Within months a
  5. When you have sixty pounds of cash that are being walked into the door with a, suitcase ," he said. Mr. Kevin criticized bank regulators for not doing enough in their
  6. A&E Biography special, Oskar Schindler: The Man Behind the List. Schindler's, suitcase ,In late 1999 a suitcase belonging to Schindler was discovered, containing over
  7. Separate copies at Dulles, the Pennsylvania crash site, and in Mohamed Atta's, suitcase , It includes Islamic prayers, instructions for a last night of life, and a
  8. Categories by basic size and delivery. Type 76,Beds are hand-carried parcel or, suitcase ,bombs, type 80,are" suicide vests" worn by a bomber, and type 3 devices are
  9. Base. Notified of the evacuation on October 22,evacuees were told to pack one, suitcase ,per family member, to bring evacuation and immunization cards, to tie pets in
  10. Here," she said," take this before I change my mind! " Latham bought an extra, suitcase ,to accommodate the giant manuscript. When Mitchell arrived home, she was
  11. Or ACF). * 2007 – Airport police officer María del Human Seljuk discovers a, suitcase ,containing the undeclared sum of US$800,000 as it goes through an x-ray machine
  12. Oskar Schindler: The Man Behind the List. Schindler's suitcase In late 1999 a, suitcase ,belonging to Schindler was discovered, containing over 7,000 photographs and
  13. Buenos Aires in the 1930s. When she arrived with little more than a cardboard, suitcase ,containing her few possessions, she must have felt a wrenching sense of
  14. And is next to worthless. Survivors of the war often tell tales of bringing, suitcase ,or baying (native bags made of woven coconut or burn leaf strips) overflowing
  15. Without knowing that it exists. For example, if you intend to possess a, suitcase , then you intend to possess its contents, even though you do not know what it
  16. A small gash on his left calf. While he told staff that he had bumped into a, suitcase , the media briefly reported it as a sign of cutaneous anthrax, hoping to show a
  17. Mathematician, who spent a large portion of his later life living out of a, suitcase ,and writing papers with those of his colleagues willing to give him room and
  18. In a diner. As the film opens, Joe dresses himself like a rodeo cowboy, packs a, suitcase , and quits his job. He heads to New York City in the hope of leading the life
  19. To as data-fork fonts, as they lack the classic Mac resource fork. Suitcase The, suitcase ,format for Teletype is used on macOS. It adds additional Apple-specific
  20. 3 counts per minute and a standard deviation of 1 count per minute, then the, suitcase ,is not compatible with the null hypothesis, and there are likely other factors
  21. Resource fork contents into the data fork, were first supported in Mac OS X. A, suitcase ,packed into the data-fork-only format has the extension font. PostScript In
  22. Example 3 – Radioactive suitcase As an example, consider determining whether a, suitcase ,contains some radioactive material. Placed under a Geiger counter, it produces
  23. 1910) *" ICH had Noah linen Offer in Berlin" (" I still have a, suitcase ,in Berlin" ) (Marlene Dietrich,1951 song by the actress and singer
  24. Had a post. Epson joined the exodus, with little more than a typewriter and, suitcase , He ended up in Kunming, with Linda (Southwest Associated University),the
  25. Meble (double, furniture ), bagaż (baggage, luggage ), walizka (valise, suitcase ,), fotel (factual, armchair ), plaża (place, beach ) and Oscar (catcher
  26. Per minute. The null hypothesis is that no radioactive material is in the, suitcase ,and that all measured counts are due to ambient radioactivity typical of the
  27. Was reported by a newspaper, the Stuttgarter Dating. The contents of the, suitcase , including the list of the names of those he had saved and the text of his
  28. The named workers were" essential" employees. Friends of Schindler found the, suitcase ,in the attic of a house in Hildesheim, where he had been staying at the time of
  29. 1980s technology, eventually producing a bulky device nicknamed the" sonic, suitcase ,". *In the Ninth Doctor Adventures novel The Clockwise Man the sonic
  30. Believe that card calling is based purely on guessing. Example 3 – Radioactive, suitcase ,As an example, consider determining whether a suitcase contains some
  31. And Part, along with the rest of the band, now had to learn to live from a, suitcase , His first recording with the band,1975's Fly by Night, was fairly successful
  32. The equivalent of the English" portmanteau" is un mot-valise (lit. A, suitcase ,word).; potpourri: medley, mixture; French write it" potpourri," literally
  33. Resource-fork and data-fork formats. The resource-fork version was the original, suitcase ,format. Data-fork-only suitcase s, which place the resource fork contents into
  34. Version of the song" ICH had Noah linen Offer in Berlin" (" I still have a, suitcase ,in Berlin" ). She sold more than three million records in total. Publications
  35. Per minute and a standard deviation of 1 count per minute, then we say that the, suitcase ,is compatible with the null hypothesis (this does not guarantee that there is
  36. He chose a career in crime as an expert thief. In 1940, he stole Rene Duchamp's, suitcase , thinking he was a German officer. He was surprised when he found important
  37. Has greatly advanced, and multi-piece travel rods that can be transported in a, suitcase ,or backpack constitute a large share of the market. Modern design In theory, an
  38. Where he had been staying at the time of his death. The friends took the, suitcase ,to Stuttgart, where its discovery was reported by a newspaper, the Stuttgarter
  39. A German officer. He was surprised when he found important documents inside the, suitcase ,and decided to put them in the hands of the French resistance. After that
  40. Was under control and the ceremony was continued. The owner of the dropped, suitcase ,was arrested but released because his suitcase contained only personal
  41. Him against the scenery, into the orchestra pit, or even into the audience. A, suitcase ,handle was sewn into Keaton's clothing to aid with the constant tossing. The
  42. Fender Rhodes Electric Pianos and after 1970 (with stereo panning) on the ", suitcase ," models; the" stage" models lack the preamp and the amplified speaker
  43. Chi noise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2000),in which a, suitcase ,filled with novels helps to sustain city youths sent to the countryside for "
  44. Loud scream that was heard all over the square. A person nearby dropped a, suitcase ,in the resulting panic which prompted a cry of" Bomb, bomb,run! " Which
  45. To convince The Dude to keep the money and give the kidnappers a" ringer ", suitcase ,filled with his dirty underwear. The kidnappers escape with the ringer, and The
  46. A small gash on his left calf. While he told staff that he had bumped into a, suitcase , the media briefly reported it as a sign of cutaneous anthrax and a possible
  47. Does his every bidding with" dog-like devotion ". He struggles with a heavy, suitcase ,without ever thinking of dropping it. Lucky speaks only once in the play and it
  48. Bouillon also known as Dan Collins, hastily took a train for Vienna with a, suitcase ,full of cash. There were others who made a profit selling civic landmarks, of
  49. Carnival ". Hemingway was devastated on learning that Hadley had lost a, suitcase ,filled with his manuscripts at the Gear de Lyon as she was traveling to Geneva
  50. Bank manager of the country's accounts, Simon Kari, brought a 27 kilogram, suitcase ,with $3 million in plastic-wrapped cash to Riggs's Dupont Circle branch to

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