Examples of the the word, eradication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eradication ), is the 12812 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Peace negotiations, observe elections, and advance disease prevention and, eradication ,in developing nations. Carter is a key figure in the Habitat for Humanity
  2. Vegetation and coconut palms on the island. This report urgently recommended, eradication ,of all the rats on the island, so that vegetation might be reduced and the
  3. Their massive destruction of forest trees, and efforts are being made for their, eradication , The drastically different ecosystem has led to substantial environmental
  4. A 5 % increase over 1996; *Colombia maintains an active U. S. -backed aerial, eradication ,program. Narcotics & Terrorism By the 1990s,Colombia had become the world's
  5. With drugs targeting the latent reservoir may one day allow for total, eradication ,of HIV infection. Prognosis Without treatment, the net median survival time
  6. Tons. The Mexican government conducts the largest independent illicit-crop, eradication ,program in the world, but Mexico continues to be the primary transshipment
  7. Illicit cultivation of cannabis; government has an active manual cannabis, eradication ,program A good resource about Jamaica's foreign policies is Holder Henke's
  8. Enhanced capability and capacity for the invasive species interdiction and, eradication ,program in order to mitigate these species on Guam and prevent it from
  9. Rodents have suffered a severe population decline, only partly due to human, eradication ,action. During the American Civil War, General Sherman reported that
  10. Declares that social liberation could be made possible only through the, eradication ,of sexism. Relationships and family Courtney Love met Cobain on
  11. And opium poppy, mostly for CIS consumption. There is a limited government, eradication ,program. Kyrgyzstan is used increasingly as a transshipment point for illicit
  12. 1971 – The United Arab Emirates join the United Nations. *1979 – The, eradication ,of the smallpox virus is certified, making smallpox the first and to date only
  13. Means surviving on the equivalent to US$1.50,AUD$2 or 1 pound per day. The, eradication ,of extreme poverty and hunger was the first Millennium Development Goal, as set
  14. Of ulcers may require H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors and, eradication ,of H. pylori. Side effects Excess calcium from supplements, fortified food and
  15. We have lost millions of the best of our people; millions more are in danger of, eradication , And The Land of Israel is closed off and quarantined because the British rule
  16. S assessment of Khmelnytskyi is overwhelmingly negative given that he had made, eradication ,of Jews from Ukraine one of his goals. Indeed, between 1648–1656,Khmelnytskyi
  17. Theories of Adolf Loos found resonance with Main, particularly the ideas of, eradication ,of the superficial and unnecessary, replacing elaborate applied ornament with
  18. Resistant mosquitoes, Others argue that the avoidance behavior slows the, eradication ,of the disease. Residents' concerns For IRS to be effective, at least 80 % of
  19. A relatively small supplier of coca for cocaine. Those left unemployed by coca, eradication ,streamed into the cities, especially El Alto, the slum-neighborhood of La Paz.
  20. Outside influence. With the establishment of a German state in Prussia, and the, eradication ,or flight of much of the Baltic Prussian population in the 13th century, the
  21. Of illicit opium poppy and cannabis for the international drug trade; active, eradication ,program in 1996 effectively eliminated the cannabis crop; proximity to Mexico
  22. Of 500 Euro for those with salaries of less than 3,000 euro and complete, eradication ,of the 13th and 14th salary for those with salaries of over 3,000 Euro
  23. Possible nor honorable nor desirable. Our long-term objective must be the, eradication ,of Communism from the face of the earth. " In one of his final acts in the
  24. All, he wins all, completely. Thus, as in Buddhism, in these sacred texts the, eradication ,of Duke is a desired and promised outcome; here Duke serves as an antipodes to
  25. 12-16 of the Fatah constitution: 12. Complete liberation of Palestine, and, eradication , of Zionist economic, political,military and cultural existence. 13.
  26. On IQ in a sample of Mexicans. Exposure during the birth year to malaria, eradication ,was associated with increases in IQ. It also increased the probability of
  27. For CRB and the current strategy on Guam is to implement an integrated, eradication ,program using pheromone-baited, attractive traps to capture adults, various
  28. GU-08-1,http://www.guaminsects.net/uogces/kbwiki/images/d/dc/CRB_EA.pdf). The, eradication ,program is a cooperative effort between USDA (APHID and Forest Service),GDP
  29. Effective vaccines for smallpox and polio, which would later result in the, eradication ,and near- eradication of these diseases, respectively. Alexander Fleming
  30. Currently, tobacco,cotton and coffee are the main export crops. Coca, despite, eradication , programmes in some countries, remains an important crop for legal local use in
  31. Of its statewide public space cleanliness, due to overall state and related, eradication ,standards and performance indicators. Indian reservations Seven American Indian
  32. Narcotics control activities. Through aerial spraying of herbicide and manual, eradication , Colombia has attempted to keep coca, opium poppy, and cannabis cultivation
  33. Of the deadly malarial variant caused by Plasmodium falciparum. The goal of, eradication ,was abandoned in 1969,and attention was focused on controlling and treating
  34. Of the colonial areas. It is also imperative that Japan insist upon the, eradication ,of racial discrimination. " Apparently, Saionji had not seen the article, or
  35. And quality of its statewide public space cleanliness—due to state and related, eradication ,standards and performance indicators. Governance While the organization of the
  36. Patient treated responds, e. g., in comparing antibiotics with placebo in the, eradication ,of Helicobacter pylori. An NNT of 2 or 3 indicates that a treatment is quite
  37. Recent research is exploring the link between sexual partner treatment and, eradication ,of recurrent cases of BV. Pregnant women and women with sexually transmitted
  38. The sole cause for reducing the numbers of island birds, and in some instances, eradication ,of cats has caused a ‘ mesopredator release’ effect; where the suppression of
  39. Cannabis cultivation from expanding. The government has committed itself to the, eradication ,of all illicit crops, interdiction of drug shipments, and financial controls to
  40. Government pursued a policy of offering monetary compensation for voluntary, eradication ,of illegal coca by its growers in the Chapeau region. The policy produced
  41. All microbes can trigger an antibody response. Successful recognition and, eradication ,of many types of microbes requires diversity among antibodies; their
  42. Primarily from roadway and adjacent litter/debris)--in state and related, eradication ,standards. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development is the
  43. Has completed an Environmental Assessment for the coconut rhinoceros beetle, eradication ,program on Guam (EA Number: GU-08-1
  44. Few specimens planted in the garden of Millimole House in Victorian times, but, eradication , of this non-native plant has been undertaken by volunteers over the past
  45. The psychological implications of sexual stereotypes. Melva calls for an, eradication ,of female sexual objectivity in order to align herself with second-wave
  46. Without supplemental oxygen, by Reinhold Messier and Peter Labeled. *1980 – The, eradication ,of smallpox is endorsed by the World Health Organization. *1984 – The Soviet
  47. This military threat to concentrate on a controversial campaign of systematic, eradication ,of his political opponents—namely the communists. It was only with U. S.
  48. In areas where malaria is endemic, include prophylactic drugs, mosquito, eradication , and the prevention of mosquito bites. The continued existence of malaria in an
  49. With which vaccines are administered among the general population since the, eradication ,of the disease would leave most people unprotected in the event of an outbreak.
  50. Of its statewide public space cleanliness, due to overall state and related, eradication ,standards and performance indicators. Also that year, Montana ranked among the

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