Examples of the the word, eagles , in a Sentence Context
The word ( eagles ), is the 12814 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the case of the animals on each of the six steps. From the sixth step the, eagles ,raised the king and placed him in his seat, near which a golden serpent lay
- Sindh and Balochistan. Apart from crows, sparrows and myna, hawks,falcons, and, eagles , are the more commonly found birds in Pakistan. A lot of birds sighted within
- Lift, the eagle will be dragged into the water. It may swim to safety, but some, eagles ,drown or succumb to hypothermia. When competing for food, eagles will usually
- Storks, secretary birds, hornbills, crowned cranes, ostriches,long-crested, eagles , African pygmy-falcons and the lilac-breasted roller, which is the national
- Across the Rhine, which resulted in the recovery of two of the three legion's, eagles ,lost in 9,Germanic us was recalled to Rome and informed by Tiberius that he
- Permits are primarily issued to public educational institutions, and the, eagles ,which they show are permanently injured individuals which cannot be released to
- Fourth, everyone grew weary of the meaningless affair. The gods grew weary,the, eagles ,grew weary, the wound closed wearily.: There remains the inexplicable mass of
- Can obtain a" Native American Religious Use" permit to keep non-releasable, eagles ,as well. They use their naturally molted feathers for religious and cultural
- Making the bird either sterile or unable to lay healthy eggs. Female, eagles ,laid eggs that were too brittle to withstand the weight of a brooding adult
- Spawning trout and salmon provide most of the Bald Eagles' diet. Locally, eagles ,may rely largely on carrion, especially in winter, and they will scavenge
- Deer, coyotes,bobcats, elk,and birds such as quail, doves,cardinals, bald, eagles , red-tailed hawks, and pheasants. In prairie ecosystems, american bison
- He describes two pillars near the altar which had once been topped by golden, eagles , Although Ananias alludes to secret sacrifices which took place on this altar
- Through diplomacy. By this time, Parthia had acquired an assortment of golden, eagles , the cherished standards of Rome's legions, captured from Mark Antony, and
- Coyotes, wolves,Muslims (such as wolverines, badgers and fishers),Cougar, eagles , ospreys, herons,Canada geese, swans,loons, hawks,owls, ravens,Harlequin
- In the Caucasus for betraying the secrets of the gods to men, and the gods sent, eagles ,to feed on his liver, which was perpetually renewed.: According to the second
- And accusative are easily distinguishable from each other, e. g., kuä'CARMI ", eagles ,' (genitive plural) " and UA'mid" eagles (accusative plural) " in
- Be given on an event such as a graduation from college. The Pawnee considered, eagles ,as symbols of fertility because their nests are built high off the ground and
- Of a dog can set a full-grown male boomer into a wild frenzy. Wedge-tailed, eagles ,and other raptors usually eat kangaroo carrion. Gonna and other carnivorous
- Upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as, eagles ,; they shall run, and be not weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. "
- Of Constantinople also portrayed in dazzling color animals - lions, elephants, eagles , and griffins - confronting each other, or represented Emperors gorgeously
- Eagles such as white-tailed sea eagles , raven and other birds. The Ainu hunted, eagles ,to obtain their tail feathers, which they used in trade with the Japanese. The
- Commander-In-Chief of the German Army. The differences were that four golden, eagles ,had been added to the corners of the flag. Moreover, a white swastika was placed
- Mice are also common. This rodent is eaten by large birds such as hawks and, eagles , They are known to invade homes for food and occasionally shelter. The American
- Important food resource for the Ainu as were salmon. They also hunted sea, eagles ,such as white-tailed sea eagles , raven and other birds. The Ainu hunted eagles
- A wide range of wildlife including deer, beaver,wild turkeys, foxes,and, eagles , Springfield's Forest Park (Springfield),which at is the largest city park
- Then the rest of Nicaragua. A great variety of birds can be observed including, eagles , turkeys, toucans,parakeets and macaws. Animal life in the area includes
- Fountain. Santo Domingo has indigenous decorative details such as double-headed, eagles ,as well as a statue of the founding monk. In San Cristóbal, the Diego de
- Used on Chrysler automobiles. The corners of the 61st floor are graced with, eagles , replicas of the 1929 Chrysler hood ornaments; on the 31st floor, the corner
- That" the League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when, eagles ,fall out. " After a number of notable successes and some early failures in the
- The defeat at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest and retrieving the legion's, eagles ,lost during the battle. Germanic us was the grandson-in-law and great-nephew of
- Site black-tailed deer, humpback whales, orcas,five species of salmon, bald, eagles , harlequin ducks, scoters, and marbled currents. Cities and towns Major cities
- The Ainu as were salmon. They also hunted sea eagles such as white-tailed sea, eagles , raven and other birds. The Ainu hunted eagles to obtain their tail feathers
- Is a haven for migratory and resident birds of the desert. One can see many, eagles , harriers, falcons,buzzards, kestrel and vultures. Short-toed Eagles (
- Each other, e. g., kuä'CARMI" eagles ' ( genitive plural) " and UA'mid ", eagles ,(accusative plural) " in Short Sami. Slavic languages In Slavic languages
- And facilities, as well as workers experienced in the handling and care of, eagles , Bald Eagles cannot legally be kept for falconry in the United States. As a
- Such as birth defects in humans and animals, and the near extinction of, eagles ,in the Great Lakes region. Raw Sewage The amount of raw sewage dumped into the
- To the area after being introduced from China, and growing populations of bald, eagles ,are spread throughout the state, especially near the Missouri River. Rivers and
- Crocodiles, gharials and caimans * All birds of prey, such as hawks, eagles , falcons and all vultures (Old and New World) * Some waterfowl, such as gulls
- Of Death ". The former, for example, is characterized by the mention of ravens, eagles , and wolves preceding particularly violent depictions of battle. Among the most
- As" the leading cause of direct mortality in both adult and immature bald, eagles ," according to a 1978 report in the Endangered Species Technical Bulletin. In
- Bat, and the European free-tailed bat. Birds A large variety of birds includes, eagles ,(can be seen in Last),swallows (throughout Crete but throughout the year
- The corpses? Are these marks of victory or defeat? Are these vultures, crows, eagles , the messengers of death or evil? The brutality of the conquest led him to adopt
- Was forgotten in the course of thousands of years, forgotten by the gods,the, eagles , forgotten by himself.: According to the fourth, everyone grew weary of the
- Finds another Near Eastern parallel in the Critic hero AHT, torn apart by, eagles ,incited by Death who wanted his hunting bow. The virginal Artemis of classical
- Injured individuals which cannot be released to the wild. The facilities where, eagles ,are kept must be equipped with adequate caging and facilities, as well as
- Placed the crown on his head, the serpent uncoiled itself, and the lions and, eagles ,moved upward to form a shade over him. The dove then descended, took the scroll
- 1.1 tons) in weight. Taxonomy A species placed in the genus Haliaeetus (sea, eagles ,) which gets both its common and scientific names from the distinctive
- Constellation The Eagle * Aquila (genus),a genus of birds including some, eagles ,* Aquila (of Priscilla and Aquila). They were a prominent New Testament
- Fishermen Freezes (" Grand Cross of the Iron Cross" ) between four Luftwaffe, eagles , He had the flag carried by a personal standard-bearer at all public occasions.
- But some eagles drown or succumb to hypothermia. When competing for food, eagles ,will usually dominate other fish-eaters and scavengers, aggressively displacing
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