Examples of the the word, subtitle , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Cyborg II: Operation Nuke, Cyborg III: High Crystal, and Cyborg IV (with no, subtitle ,), respectively about a black market in nuclear weapons,a chariot of the Gods
  2. Of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and" other dirty melodies" ( so stated by the, subtitle ,), was released on the album EIN planes kitchen Horrorschau. The track Hear
  3. From the original English into several other languages have appeared. The, subtitle ," Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies ", was dropped in some later editions. Video
  4. In his work. The Real State of the World The Skeptical Environmentalists, subtitle ,refers to the State of the World report, published annually since 1984 by the
  5. Which are created by the bakes person as needed. * Summary: Used as a, subtitle , this either clarifies the title, gives a summary or a humorous line. Once
  6. The nickname Robins in its title" Buccaneers Take Last From Robins ", but the, subtitle ,of the article reads" Subdue The Superb as By 11 To 4,Making Series An Even
  7. A physical explanation for any effects are hallmarks of junk science. ' As the, subtitle ,of Huber's book, Junk Science in the Courtroom, suggests,his emphasis was on
  8. The Katzenjammer Kids. The German title satirizes the German custom of giving a, subtitle ,to the name of dramas in the form of" EIN Drama in ... After" ( A Drama of
  9. Is" a study in sociological semantics and the sociology of science ", as the, subtitle ,of the book declares. It further develops the idea of serendipity as scientific
  10. Of poems was published 25 May 1816,and Coleridge included" A Fragment" as a, subtitle ,to the 54 line version of the poem to defend against criticism of the poem's
  11. The term itself was coined in 1928 by George McLean Harper, who borrowed the, subtitle ,of The Nightingale: A Conversation Poem (1798) to describe the seven other
  12. And romantic interest. (This segment also provided the game's original, subtitle , Where in Corpsman Santiago is Roger Wilcox?, which was not used due to legal
  13. Latin and Hebrew had evolved. The Latin parallel title is Atlantic and the, subtitle ,of both is Mannheim, that is, home of mankind. According to Redneck, Atland
  14. The first film in the series was simply titled Star Wars, it later had the, subtitle ,Episode IV: A New Hope added to distinguish it from its sequels and prequels.
  15. Tom Folsom, Hopper: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream. The, subtitle ,is a direct reference to the Hunter S. Thompson book Fear and Loathing in Las
  16. With Kazan on East of Eden, James Dean's film debut. Travels with Charley (, subtitle ,: In Search of America) is a travelogue of his 1960 road trip with his poodle
  17. In the background are noticeably different from what is shown on screen via, subtitle ,(which is based on the Japanese voice over" translation" ). At Favicon 2003
  18. 3GPP Timed Text specification (MPEG-4 Part 17) which is a standardized, subtitle ,format and partial parsing support for the 'list' atom which is the ID3
  19. So in one of the scientific community's premier journals, Science. Indeed,the, subtitle ,for the essay is" The population problem has no technical solution; it
  20. A catastrophic dinner party, with misunderstandings and dialogue justifying the, subtitle ," A Comedy of Biology and Manners ". The author has stated that the series
  21. The Medieval Dead. " (" The Medieval Dead" would later be used as the films, subtitle ,for its UK release as Army of Darkness: The Medieval Dead). Screenplay and
  22. On several occasions to revive the series for another episode, with a working, subtitle ,of" the Return to Roman numerals ", since the previous game was titled Space
  23. 1830 to 1833 his multi-volume Principles of Geology was published. The work's, subtitle ,was" An attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface by
  24. Foreign currency, such as the Hans Search case of 2001. The first, subtitle ,tightened the record keeping requirements for financial institutions, making
  25. A week later. Its title, Sniffin' Glue, derived from a Ram ones song. Its, subtitle ,affirmed the connection with what was happening in New York:" + Other Rock 'n
  26. Tom Wilson and engineered by Roy Hale. On its cover sleeve the album bears the, subtitle ,:" Exciting new sounds in the folk tradition ". The album was initially
  27. Adventure Soft. Since then, the game has gained" The Original Adventure" as a, subtitle , and comes in the same black packaging used by the sequel. The CD has also been
  28. English-language egoist journal, was published from 1898 to 1900 with the, subtitle ,'A Journal of Egoistic Philosophy and Sociology. American anarchists who
  29. Oldest theater festivals in the world. New Theatre Tendencies is the constant, subtitle ,of the Festival. Founded in 1967,Bite has continually followed and supported
  30. Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by George Fürth * Company is the, subtitle ,of String Quartet No. 2 by composer Philip Glass A corporation is a legal
  31. By philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and later adopted by Freud. It is the, subtitle ,of episode 4 and is mentioned in that episode by Mist Pasturage as
  32. Fans who wanted to get a hold of anime would leak copies of anime movies and, subtitle ,them to exchange with friends in the community, thus marking the start of
  33. The" Will you be mine? " Hook in" Earth Angel," which was also the song's, subtitle , was borrowed from the #9 R&B hit of the same name by the Swallows. The
  34. Xvi,66. Dante's influence is everywhere seen in the Cameron, from its, subtitle ,(a reference to Inferno, v ) to its physical arrangement and careful attention
  35. Charles Lyell's multi-volume Principles of Geology was published. The work's, subtitle ,was" An attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface by
  36. Game Boy Color version was released. In the 1993 a Super AMISOM version, with, subtitle , : Kyushu Kyuujotai Shutsudou San! Was released only in Japan. A thunderbird
  37. 50 editions of his 6-volume History of England, a work of immense sweep. The, subtitle ,tells us as much," From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in
  38. Old lady named Sharpe, a pun on the dog Star Pei, a wrinkly dog. The game's, subtitle ,comes from the final portion, in which Roger has to undergo miniaturization and
  39. And the New Testament. Raise and Tickle assert that the introduction of this, subtitle ,was intended to emphasize the Christ-centered nature of the Book of Mormon.
  40. Newsletter that follows racism and extremism, and the Hate watch blog whose, subtitle ,is" Keeping an Eye on the Radical Right ". Two articles published in
  41. Fans, many of whom were college-age young people who found it easier to obtain, subtitle , and exhibit videotapes of anime than translate, reproduce,and distribute
  42. As well as expanding record keeping and reporting requirements. The third, subtitle ,deals with currency smuggling and counterfeiting, including quadrupling the
  43. In his Poetical Works of 1834. In the final work, Coleridge added the expanded, subtitle ," Or, A Vision in a Dream. A Fragment ". In some later anthologies of Coleridge
  44. Wine, malt beverages, or tobacco, as those terms are defined or used in, subtitle ,E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. " Some have argued that this is an
  45. Later anthologies of Coleridge's poetry, the Preface is dropped along with the, subtitle ,denoting its fragmentary and dream nature. Sometimes, the Preface is included
  46. Have done--but on the experiences of African Americans under slavery—hence the, subtitle ," The World the Slaves Made ". Edward Said's Orientalism is another
  47. For the bow and arrow, similar to archery in Wii Sports Resort. The game's, subtitle ,was announced at E3 in 2010 as Skyward Sword, but delayed to 2011. In addition
  48. With the phrase" Real Journalism. " Comedian Al Frankel used the slogan in the, subtitle ,for his 2003 book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced
  49. Pagan in 1980,he claimed to consider himself the pagan of the book's, subtitle , In volume 51 of the Mars Hill Audio Journal (2001),Ken Myers includes his
  50. Mind. Francis Crick's book, The Astonishing Hypothesis, for example, has the, subtitle ," The scientific search for the soul ". Crick held the position that one can

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