Examples of the the word, interrogation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interrogation ), is the 8531 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And often a sense of impending danger: Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive, interrogation , the false trial, the confiscated passport ... haunt his innocence. " It can
  2. That alibi gave false information because of the use of excessively harsh, interrogation ,methods. An article published in the November 5,2005, New York Times quoted two
  3. Or illocutionary force of the following clause **particles for negation, interrogation , and occasionally for affirmative declarations *unfixed pronouns positioned
  4. Likewise, what I have learned is that as the administration authorized harsh, interrogation ,in April and May of 2002--well before the Justice Department had rendered any
  5. Trial testimony frequently marvels at her astuteness: Her subtle replies under, interrogation ,even forced the court to stop holding public sessions. As noted farther above
  6. Everything she knows about the now fugitive superhero after he fled a military, interrogation , Eventually, Superman is able to clear his name and turn the public to his
  7. Secret police to be closest to me, and they hoped that by means of a grueling, interrogation ,and threats they could extract enough evidence from her to put me on trial. I
  8. Voight-Kampff machine The Voight-Kampff machine (or device) is a fictional, interrogation ,tool, originating in the book where it is spelled Voigt-Kampff. The
  9. Committee would describe Abu Zubaydah as being“ very skilled at avoiding, interrogation , He is an agent of disinformation. ” Numerous anonymous U. S. officials have
  10. John Kyriakos, a CIA officer who had seen the cables regarding Abu Zubaydah's, interrogation ,publicly stated Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded only once for 35 seconds before
  11. Claims there are memos in existence which show the success of the enhanced, interrogation ,techniques. Cheney stated: I haven't talked about it, but I know specifically
  12. Cruel, inhuman,and degrading punishment. Countries have argued that" enhanced, interrogation ,methods ", which amount to torture, are needed for national security. Human
  13. Plane and crash it into a British city. This information was uncovered from, interrogation ,of Ahead Khan, an operative of Harkat-ul-Jihad Alnilam, who had been
  14. Committed suicide in Lundberg by means of a potassium cyanide capsule before, interrogation ,could begin. His last words were ICH bin Heinrich Himmler! (" I am Heinrich
  15. To the technique of waterboarding and has been subjected to numerous other, interrogation ,techniques. These techniques, include forced nudity, sleep deprivation
  16. Memo mentioned Abu Zubaydah several times and claimed that due to the increased, interrogation ,techniques Zubaydah also" provided significant information on two operatives
  17. The top three leaders” in al-Qaeda. - President George W. Bush *Abu Zubaydah’s, interrogation ,“ led to reliable information ”, that Abu Zubaydah was a“ prolific producer ”
  18. Colloquialisms One of the most distinctive Canadian phrases is the spoken, interrogation ,eh, which is stereotyped as being said by almost all Canadians in modern
  19. Of reports that I read, that I saw, that lay out what we learned through the, interrogation ,process and what the consequences were for the country I've now formally asked
  20. Starting the cycle of public persecution and abuse, often proceeding to, interrogation , torture and deportation, if not death. The Russian word troika gained a new
  21. Perceived“ value” as a detainee to justify the use of the CIA's harsher, interrogation ,techniques as well as Abu Zubaydah’s detention in secret CIA prisons around the
  22. Continuous cramped confinement, and sleep deprivation. During Abu Zubaydah's, interrogation ,President Bush learned he was on painkillers for the wounds he suffered during
  23. George Tenet“ who authorized putting him on pain medication? ” Many of the, interrogation ,techniques used against Abu Zubaydah, including waterboarding, cold cell
  24. Before the fugitives moved west to Warwick. In" John Johnson's" initial, interrogation ,he revealed nothing other than the name of his mother, and that he was from
  25. Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. In law, cross-examination is the, interrogation ,of a witness called by one's opponent. It is preceded by direct examination (
  26. On Abu Zubaydah. And was used to provide after-the-fact legal support for harsh, interrogation ,techniques. John Kyriakos stated in July 2009,that Abu Zubaydah was
  27. Intelligence community. The purpose of the memo was to gain approval for harsh, interrogation ,tactics to be used on Abu Zubaydah. And was used to provide after-the-fact
  28. Testimony of witnesses and the defendants on trial at Nuremberg. While under, interrogation ,Rudolf Host, commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp from 1940 to 1943,said
  29. Been found. Fawkes did not admit the existence of such a scheme until his fifth, interrogation , but even then he could not locate the tunnel. If the story is true, however
  30. Cross. The CIA subjected Abu Zubaydah to various forms of increasingly harsh, interrogation ,techniques including temperature extremes, music played at debilitating volumes
  31. The waterboarding sessions were necessary for Abu Zubaydah, since the on-scene, interrogation ,team determined he had stopped producing actionable intelligence. Former
  32. Plot. Bates had been present at most of the conspirators' meetings, and under, interrogation ,he implicated Father Testimony in the plot. On 13 January 1606 he described how
  33. By Ali Sou fan, the FBI interrogator who witnessed part of Abu Zubaydah's CIA, interrogation , multiple U. S. officials including President Obama, and by the International
  34. So furious was this effort that on one particular detainee, even when the, interrogation ,team had reported to Cheney's office that their detainee" was compliant" (
  35. International and the Conference of Catholic Bishops. Defense of enhanced, interrogation ,On April 17, 2007,while defending the Bush administration's program of
  36. Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah was interrogated by two separate, interrogation ,teams, one from the FBI and one from the CIA. The torture of Abu Zubaydah Abu
  37. Byers said he had no idea how that blood might have gotten on the knife. During, interrogation , West Memphis police suggested to Byers that he might have left the knife out
  38. That expressed serious doubts about the information flowing from al-Libi's, interrogation , The information that alibi acknowledged being a member al-Qaeda' executive
  39. By Senator Carl Kevin, that expressed doubts about the results of al-Libi's, interrogation ,in February 2002. The declassified paragraphs are: The January 2003 CIA paper
  40. Because of the Nazi control of the paper (), and he was briefly taken in for, interrogation ,after the war. He claimed that he was simply doing a job under the occupation
  41. But none of them are espionage. Many HUM INT activities, such as prisoner, interrogation , reports from military reconnaissance patrols and from diplomats, etc., are not
  42. At the home of Elizabeth Aux, in Harrow den. Elizabeth was taken to London for, interrogation , There she was resolute; she had never been aware that Gerard was a priest, she
  43. And others should be prosecuted for war crimes because of their approval of the, interrogation ,methods used on prisoners at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp. On December 18
  44. Allowed civilian contractors to use techniques such as sleep deprivation during, interrogation , " The methods consisted of making prisoners stand for long periods, sleep
  45. S author, John Yew, acknowledged the memo was the basis for Abu Zubaydah’s, interrogation , Yew even told an interviewer“ there was an urgency to decide so that valuable
  46. Personnel were subjected to training to certain physical and psychological, interrogation ,techniques … ” These congressional leaders included Nancy Pelosi, the future
  47. McKinley died. Czolgosz was arrested and interrogated around the clock. During, interrogation ,he claimed to be an Anarchist and said he had been inspired to his action after
  48. The memo was written one month before the torture memos were drafted and the, interrogation ,techniques were used against Abu Zubaydah. Former CIA Inspector General, John
  49. Event. For the structuralists, this was a problematic and misleading avenue of, interrogation , and the" depth" and originality of experience could in fact only be an
  50. Of the Communist regime, with Lenin himself having responsibility, detailing, interrogation , procedures,prisoner transports, prison camp culture, prisoner uprisings and

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