Examples of the the word, commencement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commencement ), is the 8522 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nengō -- languished until Mommy reasserted an imperial right by proclaiming the, commencement ,of Tail in 701. In this context, Brown and Ishida's translation of Gunshot
  2. H. W. Bush shaking hands with Philip G. Hoffman at a University of Houston, commencement ,ceremony. GPS can refer to: ** Informally, any GPS navigation device
  3. Within the existing facilities. The first decade of the 21st century saw the, commencement ,of the $1.3 billion Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience, the largest capital
  4. 1882,is commonly played and sung at various events around Jalousie, such as, commencement ,and convocation, and athletic games. Athletics Dalhousie's sports teams are
  5. Prime Minister José Manuel Duran Barros held a summit there days before the, commencement ,of the Iraq War. Transport Aviation Each of the nine islands has an airfield
  6. Among a number of songs commonly played and sung at various events such as, commencement , convocation, and athletic games are: Stand Up and Cheer, the Acadia University
  7. George Washington and Vice President John Adams attended the College's, commencement ,on May 6,1789,as a tribute of honor to the many alumni of the school that had
  8. A number of fight songs commonly played and sung at various events such as, commencement , convocation, and athletic games are: the Acadia University alma mater set to
  9. Concert went ahead playing to about 8,000 people. In May 2009,Parton gave the, commencement ,address at the University of Tennessee. Her speech was about her life lessons
  10. To maintain a relatively high profile in the media. The West Delivering the, commencement ,address at Harvard University in 1978,he called the United States spiritually
  11. Bill Watterson’s Kenyon, commencement ,speech Bill Watterson's Commencement Address to Kenyon College, May 20, 1990
  12. http://www.serverunderground.com/archive/bill_watterson.html Bill Watterson's, commencement ,speech, Kenyon College, http://web.mit.edu/jmorzins/www/C-H-speech.html Calvin
  13. Brown University Band famously flouts this tradition by marching in the yearly, commencement ,procession. Undergraduate members, however,walk through the gates backwards
  14. Commercial planting began in 1930 in British North Borneo; with the, commencement ,of WWII, the supply from the Philippines was eliminated by the Japanese.
  15. Included the light, fast Morane-Saulnier N. In practice, soon after the actual, commencement ,of the war, the pilots of many aircraft began to arm themselves with pistols
  16. Included two top five finishes and a run to the FA Cup semi-finals). At its, commencement , the sponsorship by Foster's was the most lucrative sponsorship ever given to
  17. Child and Family Advocacy Award (2003) On May 8,2009,Parton gave the, commencement ,speech at the commencement ceremony in Knoxville, Tennessee,for the University
  18. Years before the signing of the 1707 accord, which respectively preceded the, commencement ,of Robinson Crusoe by another full ten years. Defoe began his campaign in The
  19. On the ground in Russia. On May 13 of that year, Coleman delivered a taped, commencement ,address to the class of 2011 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The
  20. Of time, since the earth began to exist, perhaps millions of ages before the, commencement ,of the history of mankind, would it be too bold to imagine, that all
  21. Of 1892 required both Russia and France to mobilize immediately followed by a, commencement ,of action against the Triple Alliance if any member of the Trip lice mobilized
  22. Personal struggle in vivid terms:" But I, wretched,most wretched, in the very, commencement ,of my early youth, had begged chastity of Thee, and said,'Grant me chastity
  23. Basis for such a bias. An early example of this concern is evident in his 1906, commencement , address to Atlanta University, at the invitation of W. E. B. Du Boys. Boas
  24. Journal Le Figaro. *1913 – King O'Malley drives in the first survey peg to mark, commencement ,of work on the construction of Canberra. *1931 – The Congress of the United
  25. In June 2011,more than 100 students will be eligible to graduate at the, commencement ,in Philadelphia, on Drexel's Main Campus. Leadership for Northern California
  26. The show expanded from a single station to national syndication. The two were, commencement ,speakers at MIT in 1999. Click and Clack's As the Wrench Turns On July 11
  27. Using tritium. It is a daughter product of nuclear fission reactions. With the, commencement ,of nuclear testing around 1945,and continuing through the mid-1980s
  28. Called in the Hebrew canon 'Eighth, meaning " How," being the formula for the, commencement ,of a song of wailing. It is the first word of the book (see 2 Sam. 1:19-27).
  29. Of time, since the earth began to exist, perhaps millions of ages before the, commencement ,of the history of mankind, would it be too bold to imagine, that all
  30. Award (2003) On May 8,2009,Parton gave the commencement speech at the, commencement ,ceremony in Knoxville, Tennessee,for the University of Tennessee,Knoxville's
  31. Degree from Johns Hopkins University was bestowed on Mandelbrot in the May 2010, commencement , exercises. Fractals and regular roughness Although Mandelbrot coined the term
  32. Most prestigious honor given to American Catholics, during the University's, commencement , He performed" Travelling' Blues" for the graduating class of 2006. Brubeck
  33. Shores of the Adriatic to the banks of the Tiber, for which he set out at the, commencement ,of his twenty-fourth year. Career in Rome File: Tomb of Pope Clement XIII
  34. Documentary television series Understanding. On May 16, 2004,Center gave the, commencement ,speech at Boston University. In a 2007 interview with New Scientist when asked
  35. Governors to succeed themselves once. The constitution had no set date for the, commencement ,of a governor's term until 1901,when it was set at the first Monday after the
  36. Rewrites. Having invested over $2.5 million in pre-production, as the date of, commencement ,of principal photography neared, Filmways withdrew financial backing. In ten
  37. An honorary doctorate and spoke briefly at his alma mater's undergraduate, commencement ,ceremony on May 16, 2005; he is thus credited as" Dr. Denis Leary" on the
  38. Is US$1.48 billion, and future payments of over US$1 billion contingent on, commencement ,of construction on the smaller railroad's Powder River extension and specified
  39. To cranberry juice. In 1703,cranberries were served at the Harvard University, commencement ,dinner. In 1787,James Madison wrote Thomas Jefferson in France for background
  40. Academy on November 13, 1749,and it opened on August 13, 1751. At its first, commencement , on May 17, 1757,seven men graduated; six with a Bachelor of Arts and one as
  41. S own hand, and 285 are transcribed by his wife Maria and sisters. In his, commencement ,address at Harvard University in 1978 (A World Split Apart),Solzhenitsyn
  42. Robot ".; Norman Burg is Roger's butler. Forty years before the, commencement ,of the story, Norman,like the rest of Paradigm, lost all memories from before
  43. Chapter. He later completed his MBA from Oklahoma State and participated in the, commencement ,ceremony on May 6,2011. Brooks married his college sweetheart, songwriter
  44. Infarction and a fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Adams had been due to deliver the, commencement ,address at Harvey Mud College on 13 May. His funeral was held on 16 May in
  45. Within the center square () at every center bounce, which occurs at the, commencement ,of each quarter, and to restart the game after a goal is scored. There are also
  46. Caesium is often created far from the original site of fission. With the, commencement ,of nuclear weapons testing around 1945,137Cs was released into the atmosphere
  47. Contains the four hands which have been dealt and placed in the board prior to, commencement ,of the game.: Auction or Bidding: The bidding starts with the dealer and
  48. To tour because of the pressures of the road, and quit the band after the, commencement ,of the Born Again album. " I fell apart with the idea of touring," Ward later
  49. Nengō -- languished until Mommy reasserted an imperial right by proclaiming the, commencement ,of Tail in 701. In this context, Brown and Ishida's translation of Gunshot
  50. Both the qualifying and the races themselves free on ITV. However, upon the, commencement ,of its coverage for the 2009 season, the BBC reintroduced complementary

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