Examples of the the word, curb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( curb ), is the 8520 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Around this time, the Alcott family set up a sort of domestic post office to, curb ,potential domestic tension. Abby May described her idea:" I thought it would
  2. His reputation as a frightening warrior and a heartless general, he was sent to, curb ,the riots in the Av anti province of the Mauryan empire. Rise to power The
  3. The autonomy of the Cossack Hetmanate in the face of Russia's attempt to, curb ,it. But it was also instrumental in the onset of the period of Ruin that
  4. Road signs. Under the 1966 Vandalism Act of Singapore, originally passed to, curb ,the spread of communist graffiti in Singapore, the court sentenced him to four
  5. It using an Army blanket as a shooting surface. With no backboard or sidewalk, curb ,to hit against, this gave rise to presumed methods of dice control, of which
  6. Production and exports. Increased fiscal and monetary discipline was imposed to, curb ,inflation and to focus on priorities. Through November 1987,the CEDI was
  7. Europe to Italy and from there on to Palestine. Despite British efforts to, curb ,immigration, during the 14 years of the Aliyah Bet, over 110,000 Jews secretly
  8. Except for the external debt. The Croatian National Bank had to take steps to, curb ,further growth of indebtedness of local banks with foreign banks. The dollar
  9. Continue as local officials, who are faced with penalties for failing to, curb ,population growth, may resort to forcible measures, or manipulation of census
  10. Steady progress in child survival. Countries such as Uganda are attempting to, curb ,the MTCT epidemic by offering VCT (voluntary counselling and testing),PMT CT
  11. Kept his old friend General Antoine Gambia as Chief of Staff. Due to failure to, curb ,deepening unrest in the northern part of the country, Gambi was in July 2006
  12. The increase in company health and safety regulations, and the increasing, curb ,weights of buses, many operators now contract their towing needs to a
  13. Pressure to the poll, chin groove and mouth of the horse are in the category of, curb ,bits. Any bit with shanks that works off of leverage is a" curb " bit
  14. Of oil in the later half of the 19th century, even oil stocks entered into the, curb ,market. By 1865,following the Civil War, stocks in small industrial companies
  15. Published in 2007,argues against taking immediate and" drastic" action to, curb ,greenhouse gases while simultaneously stating that" Global warming is
  16. S plans were successful: the Edict on Maximum Prices (301),his attempt to, curb ,inflation via price controls, was counterproductive and quickly ignored.
  17. Sahabzada Yaqui Khan, used an excessive amount of show of military force to, curb ,the uprising in the province. With such action, the situation became highly
  18. By Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 CE) Taoist priests to legitimize as well as, curb ,imperial power. They deal with treasure objects that were part of the Zhou (
  19. The pace of climate change while overestimating societies' abilities to, curb ,greenhouse gas emissions ". Climate scientist James E. Hansen argues that the
  20. Restore imperial control through strong personal rule, implemented reforms to, curb ,Fujiwara influence. He also established an office to compile and validate
  21. World Out games and Surnames. * Midnight basketball, a basketball initiative to, curb ,inner-city crime in the United States and elsewhere by keeping urban youth off
  22. Such as the single mouthpiece Pelham bit and the double bridle, which places a, curb ,and a snaffle bit simultaneously in the horse's mouth. In the wrong hands even
  23. Systematic anti-money laundering initiatives on a global scale, to better, curb ,the activities of the financiers of terrorism and those engaged in laundering
  24. Resorted to torture and other types of physical abuse, in attempts to, curb ,the growth of the movement. The Protestants under Zwingli were the first to
  25. Cuts" ( or dropped curb s) in the sidewalk at street crossings. While these, curb ,cuts enable pedestrians with mobility impairments to cross the street, they
  26. Lanes. Initially, they were separated by the traffic lanes by only a metal, curb , but railings between the walkways and the traffic lanes were added in 2003
  27. And instituted many measures to modernize Tibet. These included provisions to, curb ,excessive demands on peasants for provisions by the monasteries and tax evasion
  28. The styles of socialist realism. Beards were banned as unhygienic and to, curb ,the influence of Islam (many Imams and Babas had beards) and the Orthodox
  29. Cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. ". It was once used to, curb ,female masturbation. This procedure is also ritual in certain tribes such as
  30. Of industries. Even if the initial regulation was well-intentioned (to, curb ,actual abuses),and even if the initial lobbying by corporations was
  31. By his sons Carlo man and Pepin the Short, the father of Charlemagne. To, curb ,separatism in the periphery of the realm, the brothers placed on the throne
  32. In the Gulf of Aden in September '08 as part of an international effort to, curb ,piracy," part of Combined Task Force 150. Appear (also known as Dear
  33. Beyond. Anti-corruption laws of 65 and 63 BCE attempted but signally failed to, curb ,their political usefulness to sponsors. Following Caesar's assassination and
  34. He maintained Catholicism's status as the official state religion but tried to, curb ,the church's political powers and to encourage religious tolerance as a means
  35. Of England, attempting to obtain royal revenue whilst Parliament sought to, curb ,his Royal prerogative which Charles believed was divinely ordained. Many of his
  36. On May 4,2009,United States President Barack Obama declared his intentions to, curb ,the use of financial centers by multinational corporations. In his speech, he
  37. The biannual Exchequer to reform the treasury. He used itinerant officials to, curb ,the abuses of power at the local and regional level that had characterized
  38. Everest, in 1933. Examples of Assistive technology in architecture include the, curb ,cut is a related structural innovation. Other examples are standing frames
  39. Category of curb bits. Any bit with shanks that works off of leverage is a ", curb ," bit, regardless of whether the mouthpiece is solid or jointed. Some
  40. User as well; good accessible design is universal design. One example is the ", curb ,cuts" ( or dropped curb s) in the sidewalk at street crossings. While these
  41. Powers Often regarded as a second limb functioning alongside the Rule of Law to, curb ,the powers of the Government. In most modern nation states, power is divided
  42. Together with an increased emphasis on discipline in the RIC, this helped to, curb ,the random atrocities the Black and Tans committed since March 1920 for the
  43. Street craps may be played by rolling the dice against a back-stop, such as a, curb ,or stair-stoop, or without a back-stop, at the choice of the players. During
  44. On states that do not have nuclear weapons while making no efforts to, curb ,weapons development by declared nuclear weapons states. Negotiations for the
  45. An indefinite flow of further Chinese aid and in 1972 Albania was advised to ", curb ,its expectations about further Chinese contributions to its economic
  46. The city of Des Moines is considering implementing a speeding camera program to, curb ,excessive speeding through the most densely populated parts of Greater DES
  47. Official was involved" in seeking the files. As part of a 1996 initiative to, curb ,illegal immigration, Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and
  48. Floor observation deck and landed on a United Nations limousine parked at the, curb , Photography student Robert Wiles took a photo of McHale's oddly intact corpse
  49. A 20,000-word speech to the House of Representatives asking the Congress to, curb ,the power of trusts" within reasonable limits ". *1904 – The Jovian moon
  50. Of the lower proceeding is itself admissible as evidence, thus helping to, curb ,frivolous appeals. In some cases, an application for trial de Nova effectively

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