Examples of the the word, botanical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( botanical ), is the 8524 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By James Robertson, an Edinburgh botanist, who was in the region to collect, botanical ,specimens. Another early ascent was in 1774 by John Williams, who provided the
  2. 24 children. His friendship with Celsius did not wane, and they continued their, botanical ,expeditions. Over that winter, Linnaeus began to doubt Tournefort's system of
  3. Botanical Garden Basel http://pages.unibas.ch/botgarten/ One of the oldest, botanical ,gardens in the world *Unstable Basel Modern and contemporary art museum
  4. Sic) and describe as" commonly mixed" with B. carpi. The lack of a proper, botanical ,identification of Estonia Amazonia in this study led American ethnobotanist
  5. And that associated with the name of the botanist Fuchs, who first gave it a, botanical ,name, may have been easily corrupted into foxglove. It happens, moreover,the
  6. The work which is now internationally accepted as the starting point of modern, botanical ,nomenclature, in 1753. The first volume was issued on May 24,the second volume
  7. III, a director of the Dutch East India Company and the owner of a rich, botanical ,garden at the estate of Hartekamp in Heemstede. Clifford was very impressed
  8. Scientist, botanist,pharmacist, physician,and author of one of the largest, botanical ,encyclopedias. *L. J. F. Bramble (1904–1965),English botanist and editor of
  9. In the first half of the 18th century, and whose grounds are now a, botanical ,garden (the Botanischer Garden Bonn). This axis is interrupted by a railway
  10. Established in 1858) are recognized as the finest example of a regional, botanical ,gardens in Australia and are home to many heritages listed exotic tree species
  11. Genes' by studying maize. These are a few examples that demonstrate how, botanical ,research has an ongoing relevance to the understanding of fundamental
  12. The field's more-plausible interventions such as diet, relaxation,yoga and, botanical ,remedies can be studied just as well in other parts of NIH, where they would
  13. Extensively on native plants throughout New Zealand and wrote many notable, botanical ,texts. Even as early as the 1920s he held a vision for school students of New
  14. Contains 68 municipal parks, divided into 12 historic parks,5 thematic (, botanical ,) parks,45 urban parks and 6 forest parks. They range from vest-pocket parks
  15. Plants. Such writings are found in several early cultures. Examples of early, botanical ,works have been found in Ancient Indian sacred texts, ancient Zoroastrian
  16. District is a neighborhood anchored by Wander Veer Park, a large park with a, botanical ,garden and a fountain. The park was modeled after New York City's Central Park
  17. Writings, and Ancient Chinese works. The Greco-Roman world produced a number of, botanical ,works including the Historian Plant arum and De Material Media. Works from the
  18. Stay with him, and Burman accepted. On 24 September 1735,Linnaeus became the, botanical ,curator and house physician at Hartekamp, free to buy any book or plant he
  19. Uppsala in May; he travelled on foot and horse, bringing with him his journal, botanical ,and ornithological manuscripts and sheets of paper for pressing plants. Near
  20. Into his home and allowed him use of his library, which was one of the richest, botanical ,libraries in Sweden. In 1729,Linnaeus wrote a thesis, on plant sexuality. This
  21. Form of a compound umbel, and has the same root as the word" umbrella ". The, botanical ,subspecialty that studies Apache is sometimes called sciadophytography.
  22. Not trust anybody, not even him. Even more popular than the lectures were the, botanical ,excursions made every Saturday during summer, where Linnaeus and his students
  23. Museum next door. Located in Franklin Park, the Franklin Park Conservatory is a, botanical ,garden which opened in 1895,situated on just east of Downtown. COSI, ( Center
  24. Herbal medicinal products, Strong vitamin and mineral preparations, Traditional, botanical , medicinal products and Homeopathic medicinal products. Some dietary supplements
  25. Algebra with alternative multiplication * Alternate leaves, a classification in, botanical ,phyllotaxis Finance * Alternative investment, investment other than stocks
  26. Contained information of how to keep a journal on travels and how to maintain a, botanical ,garden. Publishing of Linnaeus published, the work which is now internationally
  27. Genera. His work at Hartekamp led to another book, a catalog of the, botanical ,holdings in the her barium and botanical garden of Hartekamp. He wrote it in
  28. Clinical depression. Huxley began his learning in his father's well-equipped, botanical ,laboratory, then continued in a school named Hillside. His teacher was his
  29. Genetics. *Theophrastus (c. 371 – c. 287 BC),father of botany, established, botanical , science through his lecture notes, Enquiry into Plants. *Leonardo da Vinci (
  30. Used in transportation planning * Cryptogram Society of Scotland, a Scottish, botanical ,research society * Customer Service System, a telecommunications firm BT's
  31. And California and the Puget Sound Basin in Washington. Commingles is the, botanical ,name of an order of flowering plants. It's considered that the Commingles
  32. Alexander displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering, botanical ,specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. His best friend was
  33. From Sacramento. UC Davis Arboretum The UC Davis Arboretum is an arboretum and, botanical ,garden. Plants from all over the world grow in different sections of the park.
  34. That capacity he did good service, not only to his own university, but also to, botanical ,science, by his improvements and additions to the botanic garden of Leiden, and
  35. For the Butt) which are no longer in print separately. The Bromeliads is the, botanical ,name of an order of flowering plants. Such an order has been recognized by a
  36. And founder of Arabic botany. *David Douglas (1799–1834),Scottish, botanical ,explorer of North America and China, who imported many ornamental plants into
  37. The final syllable derived from the Greek word ant hos (" flower" ), common in, botanical ,names. Aesop's Fables (6th century BC) compares the rose to the amaranth to
  38. Therefore, make up a significant part of the diets of most cultures. Some, botanical ,fruits, such as tomatoes, pumpkins,and eggplants, are eaten as vegetables. (
  39. Later published in, written in Swedish. Like, it contained both zoological and, botanical ,observations, as well as observations concerning the culture in Öland and
  40. Computer industries have developed around the university. It also maintains a, botanical ,garden (the Botanischer Garden Aachen). FH Aachen, Aachen University of
  41. And fishing along the Mississippi River. Wander Veer Botanical Park has a small, botanical ,garden and also features a walking path, a lagoon, and a large fountain. Events
  42. Wilderness (Episode 5),broadcast in November 2009. Dioscoreales is a, botanical ,name for an order of flowering plants. Of necessity, it contains the family
  43. S Horus Botanic us, founded in the early 17th century, is one of the oldest, botanical ,gardens in the world, with many old and rare specimens, among them the coffee
  44. Planting. The fruit is mature in the autumn,7–8 months after flowering. Nut In, botanical ,terms, the almond fruit is not a nut, but a drupe long. The outer covering or
  45. Nicotine come directly from the plant kingdom. Others are simple derivatives of, botanical ,natural products; for example, aspirin is based on the painkiller salicylic
  46. He didn't know about it either. Allioideae is the, botanical ,name of a monocot subfamily of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae
  47. Special events, the Des Moines Botanical Center (1979) which is a large city, botanical ,garden/greenhouse on the east side of the river, the Polk County Convention
  48. The summer of 1745,Linnaeus published two more books: and. Was a strictly, botanical ,book, while was zoological. Andes Celsius had created the temperature scale
  49. Formally acetylsalicylic acid, was named Aspirin by Bayer AG after the old, botanical ,name for meadow sweet, Spiraea Maria. By 1899,Bayer was selling it around the
  50. To another book, a catalog of the botanical holdings in the her barium and, botanical ,garden of Hartekamp. He wrote it in nine months (completed in July 1737),but

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