Examples of the the word, utmost , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Is clear. A British subject I was born—a British subject I will die. With my, utmost ,effort, with my latest breath, will I oppose the ‘ veiled treason’ which
  2. Of a Jewish military officer for treason) a political scandal of the, utmost ,gravity. The nation was divided between" rearwards" and" anti-dreyfusards
  3. The inborn qualities of a race; also with those that develop them to the, utmost ,advantage ". Galton's formulation of eugenics was based on a strong
  4. Then any of them. In naval affairs, it could not fail of being of the, utmost ,consequence; a cable of ten inches (250 mm) being supposed to be of equal
  5. Of marriage between Muslim women and shimmy men was enforced with the, utmost ,rigor. In cases where a non-Muslim wife converts to Islam, while her non-Muslim
  6. Should be directly based on specimens, to him the subject demanded the, utmost ," scrupulosity and conscientiousness" and an artist must“ not arbitrarily
  7. T_\, The result is a causal chain, the primary cause in the past on the, utmost ,r. h. s., and finally the present effect on the utmost l. h. s. ) *The
  8. Under the ICRC's rules of engagement, which held that neutrality was of the, utmost ,importance. These events led to a debate within the organization about the
  9. Took place set up a canonical process for conducting the inquiry with the, utmost ,severity. The acts of the process were sent either to the metropolitan or
  10. Of the Maccabees. The Ammonites, with some neighboring tribes, did their, utmost ,to resist and check the revival of the Jewish power under Judas Maccabeus. The
  11. Light, and in its radiance all created things: so that we experience with the, utmost ,pleasure of mind that we have been called, as the Prince of the Apostles says
  12. Israel to seek forgiveness, and promises its restoration, while urging the, utmost ,fidelity to God. Matthew 2:13 cites Hosea's prophecy in that God would call
  13. Glasnost, criticism and self-criticism in all spheres of our society. It is, utmost ,respect for the individual and consideration for personal dignity. " Gorbachev
  14. That the trial and judgment of such proceedings require of the tribunal the, utmost ,impartiality, loyalty and sense of justice. The Nuremberg tribunal has met all
  15. The final stage is Sarah—Union with the, it is considered to be the, utmost ,level of awareness that one could possibly achieve, according to Hindu
  16. In the development of high-integrity systems, where safety or security is of, utmost ,importance. Formal methods are best described as the application of a fairly
  17. By the desire to serve the truth and promote the common good, also doing their, utmost ,to save his life" by trying to convince him to recant and subsequently by
  18. Later he built a church on his own ancestral property and served God with the, utmost ,devotion. " (Chapter XI) Herigar's church was not far from the place where
  19. Cruel thing, the nation has so lost its fiber that it will not take part to the, utmost ,of its power in resisting such a challenge if it were ever made ". The Prime
  20. This management style would certainly send a signal that he demanded the, utmost ,of his men, but it was bound to create a feeling of resentment among some of
  21. While the other cities once again hesitated, Thebes decided to resist with the, utmost ,vigor. However, the resistance was ineffective, and the city was razed to the
  22. In Christianity gold has sometimes been associated with the extremities of, utmost ,evil and the greatest sanctity. In the Book of Exodus, the Golden Calf is a
  23. Universal celibacy" In the Brahma Maris belief system, celibacy is given the, utmost ,importance. It is said that, as per the direction of the Supreme God those lead
  24. There is no place appointed to any ”, and they“ with oath promise to do their, utmost ,diligence, that the laws may be observed ”. He creates an image of disparate
  25. Ruler of Camera Kasai was a Muslim, who performs his religious duties in his, utmost ,zeal. The made'had he observed was Imam Shaft'i with the similar customs he had
  26. Cause in the past on the utmost r. h. s., and finally the present effect on the, utmost ,l. h. s. ) *The Heisenberg picture of quantum mechanics focuses on observable
  27. To maximize a nation's power all land and resources had to be used to their, utmost , and this era thus saw projects like the draining of The Fens. Other countries
  28. Liturgy in ways that understand worship to be something very special and of, utmost ,importance. Vestments are worn by the clergy, sung settings are often used and
  29. General information Before the late modern era, the abbot was treated with the, utmost ,reverence by the brethren of his house. When he appeared either in church or
  30. Been juridically proved. And Saint Cyprian (died 258) recommended that the, utmost ,diligence be observed in investigating the claims of those who were said to
  31. Of Torrent. With this instructor he continued about a year, studying with the, utmost ,assiduity. After the termination of this engagement he began to work on his own
  32. Of Arafat and Ahmad. In the siege of Medina, the Meccas exerted their, utmost ,strength towards the destruction of the Muslim community. Their failure
  33. According to one witness," the public received the musical hero with the, utmost ,respect and sympathy, listened to his wonderful, gigantic creations with the
  34. All things in nature proceed from certain definite necessity and with the, utmost ,perfection. " Nothing happens by chance in Spinoza's world, and nothing is
  35. Would have happened if Hitler had asked me to make decisions that required the, utmost ,hardness? ... How far would I have gone? ... If I had occupied a different
  36. December 1941 Ribbentrop was jubilant at the news of Pearl Harbor, and did his, utmost ,to support declaring war on the United States, which was duly delivered on 11
  37. Allegedly hidden there, wherein it is stated that Napier should" ... do his, utmost ,diligence to search and seek out, and by all craft and engine to find out the
  38. Possessing a tone quality that is deep, resonant and responsive to the, utmost ,degree. Violoncello $150. " Only a handful of aluminum cellos exist today
  39. In the early Roman period. Alexandre told reporters," The discovery is of the, utmost ,importance since it reveals for the very first time a house from the Jewish
  40. Reinforcing the need to tread lightly. The antiquity of the find being of, utmost ,importance since it shows primary evidence of texts that may also have
  41. Sultan, was described by the Venetian Baylor Andrea Gritty as" a woman of the, utmost ,goodness, courage and wisdom" even though she" thwarted some while rewarding
  42. Therefore be 'protector '. " Classical hero cults could be of the, utmost ,political importance. When Cleisthenes divided the ancient Athenians into new
  43. One language, one religion and one form of administration; and he did his, utmost ,to prepare for the realization of this ideal by imposing the Russian language
  44. For proper hospitality beginning with the feeding of the guest, which is of, utmost ,importance since food is rare at that time and beggars beg for food, not money.
  45. He is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state taken to its, utmost ,logical consequence – where the ruling Party wield total power for its own sake
  46. Do in our name. Whereof fail you not, as you will answer the contrary at your, utmost ,peril. Elizabeth's" commandment" was that her emissary read out her letters
  47. Judaism believes that subsequent interpretations have been derived with the, utmost ,accuracy and care. The most widely accepted codes of Jewish law are known as
  48. Elevation set using a quadrant and a plummet. At 45 degrees, the ball had the, utmost ,range: about ten times the gun's level range. Any angle above a horizontal
  49. I wish I were the Commander in Chief in India. ... I should do my, utmost ,to exterminate the Race upon whom the stain of the late cruelties rested ...
  50. He henceforth conceived against his former benefactor, that he did his very, utmost ,to effect Oldebarneveldt's ruin. He was one of the packed court of judges who

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