Examples of the the word, mitigation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mitigation ), is the 8526 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. May fund items in the State Implementation Plan (SIP) - such as the Big Dig, mitigation ,projects - which is the plan required under the Clean Air Act to reduce air
  2. Requiring certain types of maintenance, and possible discounts for loss, mitigation ,efforts. While in theory insurers could encourage investment in loss reduction
  3. A bill that would place the federal government completely in charge of flood, mitigation , When Congress passed a compromise measure in 1928,Coolidge declined to take
  4. Topics include (in part) identifying local disaster threats, disaster impact, mitigation ,and preparedness concepts, and an overview of Citizen Corps and CERT. Hands on
  5. Takes too long, is too costly, or is otherwise impractical, the second stage is, mitigation , Risk reduction or" optimization" involves reducing the
  6. Copenhagen Consensus. To be sure, though not emphasized to the same degree as, mitigation , adaptation to a climate certain to change has been included as a necessary
  7. Mitigation plans for risks that are chosen to be mitigated. The purpose of the, mitigation ,plan is to describe how this particular risk will be handled – what, when,by
  8. It is absolutely necessary to periodically re-assess risks and intensify/relax, mitigation ,measures, or as necessary. Changes in procedures, technology,schedules
  9. Of public transportation projects were included as part of an environmental, mitigation ,for the Big Dig. The most expensive was the building of the Phase II Silver
  10. Of population affected by war and between 2 and 3 million dollars for the ", mitigation ,of adverse social conditions and trends ". A rising amount of funding is given
  11. Medicine deals with medical aspects of emergency preparedness, disaster, mitigation , and management. *Diving medicine (or hyperbaric medicine) is the prevention
  12. At enterprise, community,and national levels. " Including: * management and, mitigation ,of the impact of AIDS on the world of work * care and support of workers
  13. Cost benefit analyses, as calculated by the Copenhagen Consensus ranked climate, mitigation ,initiatives low on a list of international development initiatives when first
  14. The February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and delivery of equipment for, mitigation ,of the effects caused by the 2011 Took earthquake and tsunami from Western
  15. Plan Select appropriate controls or countermeasures to measure each risk. Risk, mitigation ,needs to be approved by the appropriate level of management. For instance, a
  16. Of 4.2 % between 1990 and 2010. This projection assumed that no further, mitigation ,action would be taken. The reduction in the 1990s was driven significantly by
  17. Preclude interstellar travel; some human projects, such as climate change, mitigation ,and pension contributions similarly incur costs in the present with expected
  18. Premiums on smuggled commodities. External trade and investment Despite the, mitigation ,of the severe drought that plagued the region in the late 1990s and the
  19. Results from 2001 new studies seems not to have been implemented. Testing and, mitigation ,There are relatively simple tests for radon gas, but these tests are not
  20. Of disasters by adopting suitable disaster mitigation strategies. Disaster, mitigation ,mainly addresses the following: *minimize the potential risks by developing
  21. Or other factors typically require re-assessment of risks. Risk Options Risk, mitigation ,measures are usually formulated according to one or more of the following major
  22. An announcement of a forth-coming book, Lomborg revised his position regarding, mitigation ,of anthropogenic global warming. He has consistently supported the position
  23. On strengthening emergency communications for disaster prevention and, mitigation , especially in less developed regions. Legal framework of ITU The basic texts
  24. Economy. 'We're welcoming a focus on more of a balance on adaptation versus, mitigation ,', said a senior American negotiator in New Delhi. 'You don't have enough
  25. Missile Defense and air defense artillery. In the case of counter-terrorism, mitigation ,would include diplomacy, intelligence gathering and direct action against
  26. Of uranium mining in the Joachimsthal region of Bohemia. In the US, studies and, mitigation ,only followed decades of health effects on uranium miners of the Southwestern
  27. Parties to formulate a sustainable development scenario for climate change, mitigation , which it did in 1993. According to sociologists Marc Mormon and Christine
  28. It is possible to reduce the impact of disasters by adopting suitable disaster, mitigation ,strategies. Disaster mitigation mainly addresses the following: *minimize the
  29. Forming foam (AFF) need cover only the surface of the fuel to achieve vapor, mitigation , Uses Emulsions are used in many major chemical industries. In the
  30. However, it was not to the exclusion, advocated by the skeptics, of preventative, mitigation ,efforts, and therein, say carbon cutting proponents, lies the difference.
  31. December 31, 2014. There will be an expected daily ridership of 8,420. Another, mitigation ,project in the initial settlement was restoration of service on the" E "
  32. To define noise pollution contours and investigate the feasibility of noise, mitigation ,by residential retrofit programs. Throughout the 1980s these charters were
  33. However, since about 1996 insurers began to take a more active role in loss, mitigation , such as through building codes. Insurers' business model Underwriting and
  34. Of air conditioning is often considered an environmentally unfriendly, mitigation ,to poor thermal design. There have been a number of advances in more
  35. To provide experimental results based on real data to be used for risk, mitigation ,for the IOV satellites that will follow on from the test beds. ESA organized the
  36. In ongoing processes as a normal feature of business operations and modify, mitigation ,measures. 3. Transfer risks to an external agency (e.g. an insurance company
  37. Not involve metabolism. A medical device is intended for use in: * in the cure, mitigation , treatment, or prevention of disease, Some examples include pacemakers
  38. Possibility to report risks that he/she foresees in the project. * Preparing, mitigation ,plans for risks that are chosen to be mitigated. The purpose of the mitigation
  39. Mozambique's publicly-owned electricity company Other: * Earthquake disaster, mitigation , a form of emergency management * Easter Dating Method, or Computes, referring
  40. It becomes a liability. * Summarizing planned and faced risks, effectiveness of, mitigation ,activities, and effort spent for the risk management. Risk management for
  41. Are both long duration buffs, which increases hit points (HP),agility and, mitigation , and short durations buffs, which need to be recast often. The short buffs can
  42. Not now be passed upon you? ". The defense counsel will then make a" plea in, mitigation ," (also called" submissions on penalty" ) wherein he or she will attempt to
  43. Unit 2: Fire Safety (2.5 hrs). Students learn about fire chemistry, mitigation ,practices, hazardous materials' identification, suppression options, and are
  44. Funded by the federal government. Mitigation projects Many environmental impact, mitigation ,projects (transit, pedestrian,bicycle, and parks) also remain. Although
  45. To Charles/MPH, where it would connect with the Red Line. This was one of the, mitigation ,measures the Commonwealth of Massachusetts agreed to as part of the Big Dig.
  46. Military attack. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation , preparation, response,or emergency evacuation, and recovery. Programs of
  47. Since oil spills of coastal regions and the open sea are poorly containable and, mitigation ,is difficult. In addition to pollution through human activities, millions of
  48. Planning for global climate change, sustainable tourism, and natural disaster, mitigation , Article 19 of the OAS Charter prohibits any State from interfering with the
  49. Character and good works (if any). In Australia, the right to make a plea in, mitigation ,is absolute. If a judge or magistrate were to refuse to hear such a plea, or
  50. Is also important for mineral and hydrocarbon extraction, knowledge about and, mitigation ,of natural hazards, some Geotechnical engineering fields, and understanding

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