Examples of the the word, sewer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sewer ), is the 8521 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Water systems with limited capacity for water treatment. Many urban areas have, sewer ,systems in place for the collection of wastewaters, however proper treatment of
- Party of America had a base in Milwaukee. The phenomenon was referred to as ", sewer ,socialism" because the elected officials were more concerned with public works
- Was not only" the gateway of the devil" but also" a temple built over a, sewer , " Rogers states: The verse Galatians 3:28 has attracted much attention during
- Or holes may also refer to: * Manhole, an opening in the ground to access the, sewer ,under a city * Whitewater hole, a feature found in some whitewater rapids
- S tax base from this suburbanization, Columbus adopted a policy of linking, sewer ,and water hookups to annexation to the city. By the early 1990s,Columbus had
- Water was pumped from the Dee to a reservoir in Union Place. An underground, sewer ,system replaced open sewer s in 1865. Some scholars believe the name came from
- Through the flesh under the bottom lip. Sewing needles were special to the, sewer ,and were custom-made, often with a detailed end that had animal heads. Masks
- To large cities. The city of Bakersfield, California uses cogeneration at its, sewer ,plants. California has 242 sewage wastewater treatment plants,74 of which have
- Also invented the" dill piccolo" for playing sour notes, the " left-handed, sewer ,flute ", the " trombone ", the " lasso d'more ", the double-reed slide music
- Transfer of West Berlin's sewage into East Berlin and East Germany through the, sewer ,pipes built in the late 19th and early 20th century. The sewage flowed into the
- Developed countries there are periodic system failures resulting in a sanitary, sewer ,overflow. Examples of pathogens Major human pathogens *Bacillus anthracite — the
- Municipal services provided by the city of Whitehorse include: water and, sewer ,systems, road maintenance, snow and ice control, non-recyclable waste and
- The old City of Toronto, the storm water system is combined with the sanitary, sewer ,system. In the event of heavy precipitation, the load on the sewage treatment
- Seen on landmarks ranging from the common bike rack, the caps of the municipal, sewer ,and water system, ordinary sidewalks, buses,taxis, monuments,even Christopher
- Remains a pressing problem. The city also suffers from water pollution as the, sewer ,system tends to fail and overflow. On occasion, sewage has escaped onto the
- The kryptonite into space, except for Lex's piece, which was washed into the, sewer , That piece was later discovered by a scientist who used it as a power source
- Reside. The Penguin holds court in a penguin-crowded, Phantom of the Opera-like, sewer ,home. Keaton hides in a castlelike mansion, which perfectly mirrors its owner
- Power generation. * Analyzing the impacts of antecedent moisture on sanitary, sewer ,systems. * Predicting geomorphological changes, such as erosion or
- Half a million inhabitants at its height with well-planned grid cities and, sewer ,systems. Sindh finds mention in the Hindu epic Mahabharata as being part of
- Of Rome Pius V also ordered public constructions to improve water supply and, sewer ,of Rome. Elizabeth I His response to the Queen Elizabeth I of England assuming
- Ėjas, such as" Vegas ":" Vegas" ( wind) and" silvers ":" siuvėjau" (, sewer ,). Male names belonging to this declension have an -AI ending in the vocative
- Of the Imperial Family of Russia. * April 22 – Fuel that leaked into a, sewer ,explodes in Guadalajara, Mexico; 215 are killed,1,500 injured. * April 27 –
- DeVito's mutant Penguin - a balloon-bellied Richard III with a kingdom of, sewer ,freaks - is as hilariously warped as Jack Nicholson's Joker and even quicker
- San Juan de Ortega – San Michele in Sold – San Michele in Sold – Sanitary, sewer ,– Sent'Andrea Della Miranda – Sent'Andrea Della Miranda – Santa Cruz Palace –
- From a statue of Venus being prominent near the Cloaca Maxima,Rome's, sewer ,system. The statue was erected on the spot where according to Rome's founding
- To escape the district after blowing up a door and crawling through miles of, sewer , Ernst Star Blood, the super villain in the James Bond novels, was born in
- With Batman, dies from his injuries, and is taken by his penguins into the, sewer ,waters. Some time later, Bruce is driving around the city at night with butler
- And natural restoration in 70 Bronx parks was begun (financed by water and, sewer ,revenues) as part of an agreement that allowed a water filtration plant under
- Or" piping pseudokarst ", was deep, and apparently was created by fluid from a, sewer ,eroding cemented volcanic ash and other pyroclastic deposits underlying
- And sinks a 1/2-mile-long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. *1981 – A series of, sewer ,explosions destroys more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky.
- Streets to create a health hazard. This problem is hoped to be solved by a new, sewer ,system funded by the European Union, which could cope with the demand of the
- The surface towards a low point. Typically, elaborate,capital-intensive storm, sewer ,networks are engineered to deal with stormwater. In some cities, such as the
- Service since their construction, only a small percentage of Paris ', sewer ,Roseau has needed complete renovation. In 1982,then mayor Jacques Chirac
- Conduit large radius elbows. Buried PVC pipes in both water and sanitary, sewer ,applications that are in diameter and larger are typically joined by means of a
- T. Waltham argues that the recurring piping features in Guatemala are caused by, sewer ,leaks eroding soft volcanic deposits underlying Guatemala City. Zone Ten and
- Single-family homes and associated infrastructure such as roads, water and, sewer ,systems, and community buildings, including schools, are under construction in
- And Sidney, at the end of Hartland Avenue. There is a recycling center,a, sewer ,solid waste collection, hazardous waste collection, and an electricity
- Forward. The East Germans then built zigzagging roads at checkpoints. The, sewer ,system predated the wall, and some people escaped through the sewer s, in a
- Freshwater and food (fish and game animals),as well as a place to wash and a, sewer , The rivers carved the valleys. The valleys blocked the winds and shaded the
- Is more childish and gullible than evil. It is sometimes mentioned he has a ", sewer ,wisp" for a girlfriend. * The Doc: The royal physician, the subject of many
- The conquests to build great monuments for Rome. Among these were Rome’s great, sewer ,systems, the Cloaca Maxima, which he used to drain the swamp-like area between
- Surged well ahead of city services. Homes, roads,electricity, telephone and, sewer ,services were all suddenly in short supply. Analysts trying to grasp the
- The vision for the new part of town, the Newscast. He also planned the first, sewer ,system for the old part of town since Roman times and persuaded the city
- In subsidence at ground level. Subsidence may affect ecosystems, waterways, sewer , and water supply systems, foundations,and so on. Natural gas heating systems
- Gardens. Similarly, the Metropolitan Sewer District provides sanitary and storm, sewer ,service to the city and much of St. Louis County. The Bi-State Development
- Community and terrain by designing grading, drainage,pavement, water supply, sewer ,service, electric and communications supply, and land divisions. General
- For example, a charter township can have its own fire department, water and, sewer ,department, police department, and so on—just like a city—but it is not
- Had been planned for months and was executed by placing a bomb in the, sewer ,below the street where Carrera Blanco's car passed every day. The bomb blew up
- Market it accounts for 66 % of the market in the US, and in sanitary, sewer ,pipe applications, it accounts for 75 %. Its light weight, high strength, and
- And there'd be no-one to protect from criminals. If Gotham really was an open, sewer ,of crime and corruption, every story set there would serve to demonstrate the
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