Examples of the the word, hinge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hinge ), is the 8527 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is the girl ", about Camilla, thereby avoiding his inevitable rejection. At the, hinge ,of the film is a scene in an unusual late night theater called Club Silence
  2. The appointment or the dismissal of the ministers. Greek parliamentary politics, hinge ,upon the principle of the" " (pronounced" dhedhilomeni" ), the " declared
  3. Rhythm, and the effects of cosmic rays on the nervous system. Other criticisms, hinge ,on the technical design of the ISS, including the high inclination of the
  4. Not ratified: Nuclear Test Ban Geography - note: sometimes referred to as 'the, hinge ,of Africa;' throughout the country there are areas of thermal springs and
  5. Problem, in which a vehicle tries to keep a pole mounted on its top by a, hinge ,upright by moving back and forth. Observers were impressed with this
  6. Front door protection a front anti-finger trapping device but leaves the rear, hinge ,pin side of the door unprotected. Full door protection uses front and rear
  7. Are at least seven types of holders: # A horizontal piece of wire mounted on a, hinge , hanging from a door or wall. # A horizontal axle recessed in the wall. # A
  8. Hinges are on the left and the door opens in (away from you). * Right hand, hinge ,(RAH): Standing outside (or on the less secure side),the hinge s are on the
  9. In color and had a slightly larger screen. The second model was made with a, hinge ,across the center and could be bent slightly to provide greater comfort for the
  10. Hinge is on the right side of the door, the door is" Right handed "; or if the, hinge ,is on the left, it is" Left handed ". If the door swings toward you, it is "
  11. From the Old English words Stan meaning" stone ", and either hence meaning ", hinge ," (because the stone lintels hinge on the upright stones) or hen (c)en
  12. To a resonant bell and thus a better sack but sound. Original instruments have a, hinge ,joint. Modern copies which have a tuning slide in the bell can need more
  13. Other lobe-finned fish. At the back of the skull, the coelacanth possesses a, hinge , the intracranial joint, which allows it to gape its mouth extremely wide.
  14. And sex must likewise be good. The Catechism teaches that" the flesh is the, hinge ,of salvation. " However the Church does teach that sexual intercourse outside
  15. The outside (or less secure) side of the door. While facing the door, if the, hinge ,is on the right side of the door, the door is" Right handed "; or if the hinge
  16. Unintended motion. Door guards The purpose of door guards (also known as, hinge ,guards, anti-finger trapping devices and / or finger guards) is to reduce the
  17. Alphonse Join would continue its" right hook" move towards Monte Cairo,the, hinge ,to the Gustav and Hitler defensive lines. In truth, Clark did not believe there
  18. Marine invertebrate groups include: articulate brachiopods (those with a, hinge ,), which have suffered a slow decline in numbers since the P–Tr extinction; the
  19. To the boom, and the boom and gaff are attached to each other via some type of, hinge , It is also possible for a sloop to be square rigged (having large square
  20. Left: hinge -mounted stamp, stamp about to be hinge -mounted, stamp damaged by a, hinge , stamp hinge s. Image: Magnifying glass. JPG|A magnifying glass. Image: Stamp
  21. The disc to form a leak-tight seal. In discs that move linearly or swing on a, hinge ,or grunion, the disc comes into contact with the seat only when the valve is
  22. A new complication was added or something resolved. Several of his stories, hinge ,upon temporal conundrum, a favorite theme. He stated that he acquired many of
  23. Half the Empire swinging in the wind like a busted barn door hanging on one, hinge , Here was Old England half smothered in a shroud crying for steel to cut her
  24. Guns, a break action connects the barrel assembly to the breech block with a, hinge , When a locking latch is released, the barrel assembly pivots away from the
  25. To the senior priest of an important church, based on the Latin card (, hinge ,), meaning " principal" or" chief ". The term was applied in this sense as
  26. children's fingers be protected from being crushed or otherwise injured in the, hinge ,space of a swinging door or gate. There are simple devices available to attach
  27. Joint, which allows it to gape its mouth extremely wide. Along with the, hinge , the coelacanth contains a hollow backbone, which is unique to coelacanths. The
  28. Pope to advise him in his duties as Bishop of Rome (the Latin card means ", hinge ,"). Certain clerics in many dioceses at the time, not just that of Rome, were
  29. Authorities and Christians before and following Jesus' death. These debates, hinge ,on the meaning of the word" messiah," and the claims of Early Christians.
  30. Stone ", and either hence meaning" hinge " ( because the stone lintels, hinge ,on the upright stones) or hen (c)en meaning" hang" or" gallows" or "
  31. Made of ink, paper,parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to, hinge ,at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf or leaflet, and each
  32. Clamshell design, with the two screens aligned vertically on either side of the, hinge , The DS's lower screen is touch sensitive, designed to be pressed with a
  33. The hanging stile had pivots at the top and bottom. The exact period when the, hinge ,was substituted is not quite known, but the change apparently brought about
  34. Denmark explains, however,that life and death situations don't normally, hinge ,upon a sequence of binary quantum events like those in the thought experiment.
  35. Of a swinging door or gate. There are simple devices available to attach to the, hinge ,side, ensuring that this type of injury does not occur. As the door closes, the
  36. Example, by obliquely rhyming" orange" with combinations of words like" door, hinge ," or with lesser-known words like" Florence ", a hill in Wales),it is
  37. independently of the bottom half. Garden door Similar to a French door; the, hinge ,is next to the adjacent fixed door and the latch is located at the wall opening
  38. A controllable creaking sound *Water soaked rusty, hinge ,when placed against different surfaces makes a great creaking sound. Different
  39. Protection uses front and rear anti-finger trapping devices and ensures the, hinge ,side of a door is fully protected. Which level of protection is appropriate
  40. Process of puzzle solving, and both require stories to be plausible and, hinge ,on the way things really do work. " Isaac Asimov, Walter Mosley, and other
  41. Sought my blood (though without success); you, and you alone, have seen the, hinge ,on which all turns card serum, and aimed for the vital spot. For that I
  42. A valve, or rotate on the stem (as in a butterfly valve),or rotate on a, hinge ,or grunion (as in a check valve). A ball is a round valve member with one or
  43. Animals, suggesting a pelagic existence. The thoracic segment appears to form a, hinge ,between the head and pygidium allowing for a bivalved ostracodan-type lifestyle
  44. Is a dialect with an army and navy ". In other words, the distinction may, hinge ,on political considerations as much as on cultural differences, distinctive
  45. Intelligent beings about 50 centimeters in length. Various episodes, hinge ,on the fact that Mesklin's fast rotational speed causes it to be considerably
  46. By hasty errors of judgement. The plots of Shakespeare's tragedies often, hinge ,on such fatal errors or flaws, which overturn order and destroy the hero and
  47. Door swings away from you, it is" Normal swing ". In other words: * Left hand, hinge ,(LHC): Standing outside (or on the less secure side, or on the public side
  48. The spine is the binding that joins the front and rear covers where the pages, hinge , * Flyleaf: The blank leaf or leaves following the front free endpaper. **
  49. Hear that the author's name is pronounced" Vine" instead of rhyming with ", hinge ,". ) Bibliography Novels * Grimm's World (1969),revised as Katja Grimm's
  50. Of Solomon's fumble as an incomplete pass. " You don't want the game to, hinge ,on that play, but you never know," Blackwood said. " I could have taken the

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