Examples of the the word, precipitation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( precipitation ), is the 8532 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tanks, and sometimes into surface water. Autonomous buildings can address, precipitation ,in a number of ways: If a water absorbing scale for each yard is combined with
  2. And dry summers. Algiers on average receives roughly 430 mm (17 in. ) of, precipitation ,per year, the bulk of which is seen between October and April. Local
  3. Midwinter temperature is, and the mean midsummer temperature exceeds. Average, precipitation ,ranges from per year in the lower Arabs River valley to at the highest
  4. Along the coastal part of the Tell Atlas, ranging from annually, the amount of, precipitation ,increasing from west to east. Precipitation is heaviest in the northern part of
  5. And warmest part of Alaska with milder temperatures in the winter and high, precipitation ,throughout the year. Juneau averages over of precipitation a year, while other
  6. Cooler. Generally, Alabama has very hot summers and mild winters with copious, precipitation ,throughout the year. Alabama receives an average of rainfall annually and
  7. Gets more snow, and days tend to be clearer. On average, Anchorage receives of, precipitation ,a year, with around of snow, although there are areas in the south central
  8. Conditions, where it is not possible for pilots to see the weather ahead. Heavy, precipitation ,(as sensed by radar) or severe turbulence (as sensed by lightning activity)
  9. Is in general circulation. Another disadvantage is lower accuracy due to, precipitation , where rain drops may vary the speed of sound. Since the speed of sound varies
  10. The winter and high precipitation throughout the year. Juneau averages over of, precipitation ,a year, while other areas receive over. This is also the only region in Alaska
  11. Nightly temperatures in the summer months are cool. Ankara's annual average, precipitation ,is fairly low at, nevertheless precipitation can be observed throughout the
  12. Other extreme, some locations between Dillingham and Ethel average around of, precipitation , Making Alaska tied with Hawaii as the state with the lowest high temperature
  13. Was on December 8,1972. There are an average of 194 days with measurable, precipitation , The wettest year was 1950 with and the driest year was 1985 with. The most
  14. Quite as great in the coastal area. The higher inland mountains receive less, precipitation ,than the intermediate uplands. Terrain differences cause wide local variations
  15. Settlements and fields under adverse conditions. Along with the change in, precipitation ,patterns, there was a drop in water table levels due to a different cycle
  16. Areas. The 2004 season set a new record with over burned. The average annual, precipitation ,in Fairbanks is 11.3 inches (28.7 cm). Most of this comes in the form of snow
  17. General, as one goes from west to east, away from the Atlantic, there is less, precipitation , Much of the Guadalquivir valley and the Mediterranean coast has an average of
  18. To westerly and northerly in winter and carry with them a general increase in, precipitation ,from September through December, a decrease in the late winter and spring
  19. Are common, on average 186 days per year. Amsterdam's average annual, precipitation ,is. A large part of this precipitation falls as light rain or brief showers.
  20. The Gulf of Alaska, south of the state, though these storms often have limited, precipitation ,due to a rain shadow effect caused by the Alaska Range. On clear winter nights
  21. This group of islands is sometimes called the ABC islands. Climate The. Yearly, precipitation ,barely exceeds. Economy Aruba enjoys one of the highest standards of living in
  22. Ever recorded was 109 °F (43 °C) in Balladeer county in 1902. The amount of, precipitation ,is the greatest along the coast (62 inches/1,574 mm) and evenly distributed
  23. Can offer more interesting topography for landscaping. A green roof captures, precipitation ,and uses the water to grow plants. It can be built into a new building or used
  24. When air condenses it becomes visible, as mist and then rain and other forms of, precipitation , and as the condensed air cools Anemones supposed that it went on to form
  25. Average on 3 days, placing Amsterdam in AHS Heat Zone 2. Days with measurable, precipitation ,are common, on average 186 days per year. Amsterdam's average annual
  26. 3.3 - 3.7 %) by mass and varies with latitude and season. Evaporation, precipitation , river inflow and sea ice melting influence surface salinity values. Although
  27. Friday,May 4,and ending on the morning of Sunday,May 6,Aberdeen received of, precipitation , This rain flooded city streets, making many of them impassable for a short
  28. Of the Earth: the waters fresh and marine, the atmosphere, free-floating and in, precipitation ,or mixed with dust, the humus and in other organisms, such as humans. Whether a
  29. Region is the semiarid center of the plateau which receives an average yearly, precipitation ,of only. However, actual rainfall from year to year is irregular and
  30. River valley is technically a desert, with portions receiving less than of, precipitation ,annually. On the other extreme, some locations between Dillingham and Ethel
  31. Alberta to have a dry climate with little moderation from the ocean. Annual, precipitation ,ranges from in the southeast to in the north, except in the foothills of the
  32. There is sufficient material for laboratory techniques such as filtration and, precipitation ,to work. The most common compound of the element is hydrogen astatine. This
  33. Warm and dry summers and mild, wet winters. With an average of yearly, precipitation , rainfall occurs largely between the months of October and April. July and
  34. Areas require irrigation. Approximately of the land is irrigated. The greatest, precipitation ,falls in the highest elevations of the Caucasus but also in the Lankan
  35. Amino acids (in particular, with non-polar side-chains) can be isolated by, precipitation ,from water by adjusting the pH to the required Selectric point. Occurrence
  36. And river valleys are very high, but the nights are almost always cool. Average, precipitation ,is heavy, a result of the convergence of the prevailing airflow from the
  37. Secure, sustainable watershed. Paved areas and lawns or turf do not allow much, precipitation ,to filter through the ground to recharge aquifers. They can cause flooding and
  38. Likewise tends to prevent condensation. In the intertropical zone of summer, precipitation , the rainfall is greatest when the sun is vertical or soon after. It is
  39. Is above the German average of 1550 hours per year. However, with 167 days of, precipitation , Allen’s region also ranks above the German average of 138. The annual rainfall
  40. Methods (also known as wet chemistry methods) use separations such as, precipitation , extraction, and distillation and qualitative analysis by color, odor,or
  41. Clay for young children to play with. Acid rain is a rain or any other form of, precipitation ,that is unusually acidic, meaning that it possesses elevated levels of hydrogen
  42. Mild winters. On average, Austin receives of rain per year, with most of the, precipitation ,in the spring, and a secondary maximum in the fall. Winters in Austin are mild
  43. The plateau. Central Anatolia receives little annual rainfall with an average, precipitation ,of per year. The driest part of the region is the semiarid center of the
  44. Air temperature:, Chã was Lagoons, São Miguel (20/02/1972) * Maximum, precipitation ,in 24 hours:, Furnas, São Miguel (03/10/1974) * Maximum wind speed: >168
  45. How far north the area is. This region has a tremendous amount of variety in, precipitation , An area stretching from the northern side of the Seward Peninsula to the Kabul
  46. Are cool. Ankara's annual average precipitation is fairly low at, nevertheless, precipitation , can be observed throughout the year. Monthly mean temperatures range from in
  47. City. Mount Parish creates a rain shadow for the city, as a result of which, precipitation ,is typically lower than in other parts of the country. Daily average highs for
  48. Per year. Amsterdam's average annual precipitation is. A large part of this, precipitation ,falls as light rain or brief showers. Cloudy and damp days are common during
  49. Water system is combined with the sanitary sewer system. In the event of heavy, precipitation , the load on the sewage treatment plant at the end of the pipe becomes too
  50. Andes extends from the latitudes of Atacama Desert to the area of Male River, precipitation ,is more sporadic and there are strong temperature oscillations. The line of

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