Examples of the the word, needed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( needed ), is the 7979 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Because they have no functional groups (like hydroxyl or carbonyl) that are, needed ,by most organisms in order to metabolize the compound. However, some bacteria
  2. At home and needed considerable support and supervision in daily living,46 %, needed ,specialist residential provision from facilities specializing in ASD with a
  3. At a different pitch, but work on both the transmitter and receiver was, needed , His father helped him set up his private practice by contacting Gardiner
  4. A new Reich Chancellery on the same site as the existing structure, and said he, needed ,it for urgent foreign policy reasons no later than his next New Year's
  5. The symbol for the United Kingdom's pound sterling (£). Almost every country, needed ,an adapted version of ASCII since ASCII only suited the needs of the USA and a
  6. Delays frustrated Lincoln and Congress, as did his position that no troops were, needed ,to defend Washington. Lincoln insisted on holding some of McClellan's troops
  7. Embrace several military subgroups that can be involved in state defense when, needed , These are the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the
  8. Providing enhancements to or changed methods of interacting with the technology, needed ,to accomplish such tasks. Likewise, disability advocates point out that
  9. Anarchist exiles, which included Nestor Making, concluded that anarchists, needed ,to develop new forms of organization in response to the structures of
  10. War militarily, particularly the United Kingdom and France. Southern leaders, needed ,to get European powers to help break up the blockade the Union had created
  11. Arts," honest" attacks (a strong strike or an immobilizing grab) are, needed ,to study correct and effective application of technique. * a control using one
  12. Confederates did not need to invade and hold enemy territory to win, but only, needed ,to fight a defensive war to convince the North that the cost of winning was too
  13. Some support,19 % had some independence but were generally living at home and, needed ,considerable support and supervision in daily living,46 % needed specialist
  14. Different reasons argon is used in particular applications: *An inert gas is, needed , In particular, argon is the cheapest alternative when nitrogen is not
  15. He was successful in this debate, Hitler had also won," because he wanted and, needed ,me back in his corner, and he got me ". Fall of the Reich Speer's name was
  16. From New York City to Paris on a globe and from that calculated the fuel, needed ,for the flight. The total was a tenth of the amount that the Saturn V would
  17. Past its intended July launch (at which point Andes would be unavailable if, needed ,) and would later join Lovell's crew and ultimately be assigned as the
  18. For reasons unknown, no preface was supplied and all the page numbers, needed ,to be redone at the last minute. Years later, in 1972,Ian Angus found the
  19. A's statement, which says nothing about non-Republicans. What would be, needed ,to disprove A's assertion are examples of Republicans who support gun control.
  20. Is unknown to many Italians because the act of spelling itself is almost never, needed ,: each phoneme of Standard Italian is represented in only one way. However
  21. War to convince the North that the cost of winning was too high. The North, needed ,to conquer and hold vast stretches of enemy territory and defeat Confederate
  22. On objects, became quite hard upon cooling. This was used to cover objects that, needed ,waterproofing, Approximately 40 A. D. Discords described production of
  23. Encouraged Bell to keep trying, even though he did not have the equipment, needed ,to continue his experiments, nor the ability to create a working model of his
  24. II invaded Armenia in 441. The Romans stripped the Balkan area of forces, needed ,to defeat the Vandals in Africa which left Attila and Bled a clear path
  25. From age, and result in underdevelopment of the strength and conditioning, needed ,for the safe and effective practice of both partners. Another criticism is that
  26. Family operated a flour mill, the scene of many forays. Young Alec asked what, needed ,to be done at the mill. He was told wheat had to be debunked through a
  27. Salts from the Wadi Nat run for mummification, which also provided the gypsum, needed ,to make plaster. Ore-bearing rock formations were found in distant
  28. Are also used in the predicate calculus, but additional logical axioms are, needed ,to include a quantifier in the calculus. Mathematical logic
  29. The Federalist analysis. This helps explain why the Articles of Confederation, needed ,reforms. Foreign policy Even after peace had been achieved in 1783,the
  30. Spinning point particles into general relativity, the affine connection, needed ,to be generalized to include an antisymmetric part, called the torsion. This
  31. As a binder and pressed into cakes, which could be moistened with water when, needed , Pharaohs used reliefs to record victories in battle, royal decrees, and
  32. A single long take, and due to the preparation, usually only a single take was, needed , Sven Nyquist In his last film, The Sacrifice, Tarkovsky worked with
  33. Still works properly with the display rotated, although display calibration is, needed ,when rotation in any direction is used for the first time or when the Newton
  34. One important piece of advice Yamamoto gave Kurosawa was that a good director, needed ,to master screenwriting. Kurosawa soon realized that the potential earnings
  35. Loop-throughs, on average much time is wasted doing a" B = 0? " Test that is, needed ,only after the remainder is computed. Can the algorithms be improved?: Once the
  36. In ASD with a high level of support and very limited autonomy, and 12 %, needed ,high-level hospital care. A 2005 Swedish study of 78 adults that did not
  37. Became the preferred method of movement. The astronauts reported that they, needed ,to plan their movements six or seven steps ahead. The fine soil was quite
  38. S angular momentum changes as the magnetization changes. This experiment, needed ,to be sensitive, because the angular momentum associated with electrons is
  39. And asked for understanding, saying that" It was a period in my life where I, needed ,help. " He also revealed that he had always hated tennis during his career
  40. Just two overhead camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are, needed ,in total. The advantage of the W12 engine is its compact packaging, allowing
  41. 59 % said they possessed a" full understanding" of their faith and, needed ,no further learning. In a 2007 poll,92 % of Alabamians reported having at
  42. Advantage of keeping the Royal Navy closer to the Caribbean, where the British, needed ,to defend economically important possessions against the French and Spanish. On
  43. Of the Army of the Potomac, persuaded Lincoln that a change in command was, needed , General Ulysses S. Grant's victories at the Battle of Shiloh and in the
  44. Among the most expensive ever made in the country, international help was again, needed , This time it came from French producer Serge Silberman, who had produced Luis
  45. Yāsa = cannot be replaced by the nasal-initial one espoused here, needed ,for the comparison. " However, Starostin (2005) mentions evidence from
  46. Emancipation, although the latter eventually accepted it as part of total war, needed ,to save the Union. The Irish Catholics generally opposed emancipation, and when
  47. Real case was that the advanced Calligrapher handwriting recognition software, needed ,to adjust to the user's handwriting; this process could take anywhere from two
  48. Significant morale boost provided by a circular flight. The only person who, needed ,some convincing was James E. Webb, the NASA administrator. With the rest of his
  49. Because the indigenous African population lacked the skills and knowledge, needed ,to run the country and maintain its well-developed infrastructure. The Angolan
  50. Then fresh energy, entrepreneurship and wealth-creating skills as well as much, needed ,funds to start up businesses. For the first time since the 1970s,Afghans have

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