Examples of the the word, equate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( equate ), is the 7977 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sentences to modify or connect. Japanese sentences with copula most often, equate ,one thing with another, that is, they are of the form" A is B." Examples::
  2. Avocado) except the modification of the number of credits to, equate ,it to an undergraduate degree. In the same fashion for Med School, the required
  3. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/315260-overview. This larger figure might, equate ,to approximately 23,000 people in the UK and 125,000 people in the USA.
  4. Of such consequent general modes is the whole meaning. His pragmatism does not, equate ,a conception's meaning, its intellectual purport, with the conceived benefit
  5. Units (see average molecular mass below). A stricter interpretation does not, equate ,the two, as the mass of a single molecule is not the same as the average of an
  6. 1 \range is | \beta | ^2. Because the absolute squares of the amplitudes, equate ,to probabilities, it follows that α and β must be constrained by the equation:
  7. Short-lived deviations),Keynes saw this as the key variable that adjusted to, equate ,saving and investment. Finally, a recession undermines the business incentive
  8. And dementia praetor, ( Hecker's hebephrenia of 1871). Kraepelin continued to, equate ,dementia praetor with hebephrenia for the next six years. In the March 1896
  9. Of the population whose residence was generally temporary. Koreans tend to, equate ,nationality or citizenship with membership in a single, homogeneous ethnic
  10. Strength" or" Honesty Israel," but only" Love" had a name which could, equate ,to" God. " New members who participated in the" sacramental" use of LSD in
  11. Of cloning, on the grounds that life begins at conception. Judaism does not, equate ,life with conception and, though some question the wisdom of cloning, Orthodox
  12. Result is again integrated with respect to the other variable. The result will, equate ,to the volume under the surface.: :\ii int_\math rm 1 \, dx\, dy\, dz: of the
  13. Reagan's Director of Communications, argued that the president did not, equate ,the SS members with the actual Holocaust. Now strongly urged to cancel the
  14. Owes its existence wholly to the United States. The Court thus seems to, equate ,plenary power to exclusive power. The U. S. government could exert over the
  15. Kendo developed under the strong influence of Zen Buddhism. The samurai could, equate ,the disregard for his own life in the heat of battle, which was considered
  16. The Year of the Elephant, during which Muhammad was born (sure Alfie). Most, equate ,this to the year 570 CE, but a minority use 571 CE. The first ten years of the
  17. Processes involved has probably made historical linguists less prone to, equate ,the idealizations required by the method with historical reality. ... Provided
  18. Under this definition, the faster the average market price will adjust to, equate ,supply and demand (and also equate price to marginal costs). In this view,"
  19. Turn, nationalists are deeply suspicious of cosmopolitan attitudes, which they, equate ,with eradication of diverse national cultures. While internationalism in the
  20. The Unification Church hired civil rights activist Ralph Abernathy to, equate ,the word" Loonie" with the word" nigger ". Abernathy was also the vice
  21. He could choose one for his own service. This is a rare term, but probably does, equate ,to castrate. The Cardinal's brother, Alfonso II d'Ester, Duke of Ferrara, was
  22. Or Nectar points are used for money off supermarket shopping, they roughly, equate ,to a 1 % discount, although offers can increase this discount by as much as 4
  23. ill-defined. Regardless of how it is interpreted, intuitionism does not, equate ,the truth of a mathematical statement with its provability. However, because
  24. At 1.9 GHz, Siemens decided the term DECT 1.9 might have confused customers who, equate ,larger numbers (such as the 2.4 and 5.8 in existing 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz
  25. One of the inventors of the" historic race" of Gauls, could confidently, equate ,them with the Cornish (" LES Cornouailles" ). Archaeology The Demonic are
  26. AMD shifted their PR rating scheme accordingly, making lower clock speeds, equate ,to higher PR ratings. The Thoroughbred-B was the direct basis for its successor
  27. Against a southerly drift, and that distances travelled did not necessarily, equate ,to northerly progression. On 3 April Nansen began to wonder whether the pole
  28. Energy is fundamentally the vibration speed of molecules. Faster vibrations, equate ,to higher temperatures, so Bishop's explanation is essentially no different
  29. The contrast to the United States Government was such that it would be right to, equate ,the Contrast, for legal purposes, with an organ of the United States Government
  30. Spitfire, so I would say the pluses to the Spitfire and the Mustang just about, equate , If I were in a dogfight, I’d prefer to be flying the Spitfire. The problem was
  31. Over the identity of Gog and Magog. In the context of the passage, they seem to, equate ,to something like“ east and west. ” There is a passage in Ezekiel, however
  32. Buddhist religion which has an ancient history in China. Some modern occultists, equate ,the Chinese classical element of metal with air. Astrological personalities
  33. As they do not provide the sedation that these patients may expect or, equate ,with anxiety relief. Currently, approved chaperones include buspirone (Bu spar)
  34. One of the greatest temples in the ancient world. Further, he has dared to, equate ,himself as an equal to the new high priestess and--in the most ancient recorded
  35. Shiva-Shakti in Data traditions. Shafts, worshippers of the Goddess, equate ,this god with Devi, the mother goddess. Such aspects of one god as male god (
  36. Those that derive from the British Empire. However, it is incorrect to, equate ,the Louisiana Civil Code with the Napoleonic Code. Although the Napoleonic Code
  37. Concentrated on a single agent or entrepreneur, the optimal decision is to, equate ,the marginal cost and marginal revenue of production. Nonetheless, a pure
  38. Average market price will adjust to equate supply and demand (and also, equate ,price to marginal costs). In this view," perfect" competition means that
  39. Of the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters/second in vacuum. This would, equate ,to a latency of 3.33 microseconds for every kilometer of path length. Because
  40. By the news media, including hiring civil rights activist Ralph Abernathy to, equate ,it with the word" nigger ". Scholars including Anson Shape, David G. Bradley
  41. Stolen property and that" ... interference with copyright does not easily, equate ,with theft, conversion,or fraud. The Copyright Act even employs a separate
  42. Be roughly 60 million users, but by the start of 2007 90 % market share would, equate ,to over 900 million users. Regardless of the actual market share, the most
  43. That of yin and yang in ancient Chinese philosophy. Many Oriental philosophies, equate ,weakness with femininity and strength with masculinity; this is not the
  44. Protected by the local sovereignty. Ownership, however,does not necessarily, equate ,with sovereignty. If ownership gave supreme authority, it would be sovereignty
  45. However, the government has stressed that income disparity does not, equate ,to worsening of the poverty situation, and that the Gini coefficient is not
  46. In the lake bursting on the surface, which is not believed to be true. Others, equate ,it with Indian folklore. The most likely explanation is due to sonic booms from
  47. Coat of straw This haiku by Basho illustrates that 17 Japanese on do not always, equate ,to 17 English syllables (" Nan" counts as two on and" Honda" as three. )::
  48. Technology the XM-291 has been able to achieve muzzle energy outputs that, equate ,that to a low-level 140 mm gun, while achieving muzzle velocities greater than
  49. In the pre-national era, a Catholic religious orientation did not necessarily, equate ,with Croat ethnic identity in Dalmatia. A Croatian follower of UK Arabic
  50. Modern Netherlands. The name reflects how natural at the time it had become to, equate ,Holland with the non-Belgian Netherlands as a whole. During the period the Low

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