Examples of the the word, jill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jill ), is the 7978 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or" jacks. " An adult female wallaby is known as a" doe,"" flyer," or ", jill , " A group or congregation of wallabies is called a" court,"" mob," or "
  2. The space to the rear of Super Shoes, plus White House/Black Market, and j, jill , Highlighted timeline *In late 2008,Forever 21 and H&M opened in the former
  3. exitSuccess) type Account = Tear Integer main = do bob ← account 10000,Jill,← account 4000 repeated $2000 fork $ atomically $ transfer 1 bob Jill
  4. JE vies site" ( Spencer & hill radio mix) — 3:38 #" Lonely" ( thriller, jill , radio edit) 2AM featuring Lorie — 2:53; CD maxi #" JE vies site" ( Spencer &
  5. Cineplexes HTR Cineplex malls Vishal mega mart central plaza jack and, jill , etc markets Hong Kong market new market supermarket Nazi park hotels Sarmatia
  6. A male outlaw who is the most dangerous with darts or slingshot *Alyson- A, jill , ( female) outlaw who is the fastest runner in Half moon Wood. Stoats *Prince
  7. Define a simple table and assign to" t" name age -------- john 50 jacks 60,Jill,50 Jane 20 q)select from t where name like" JA* ", age>50 name age --------
  8. Do balance ← atomically $ radar bob imbalance ← atomically $ radar, jill , putStrLn (" Bob's balance:" ++ show balance ++ ",Jill's balance:" ++
  9. Representative of the female sex, as in Gilstrap (also shortened simply to, jill , ) * The Buffalo Jill's, the Buffalo Bills cheerleading squad * Jill, one of the
  10. And coming porn actor on his second film shoot. * Joan Dallas: The producer and, jill , of all trades. * Tricia Scrump: AKA Trixie Vixen, the starlet of Arturo’s porn
  11. Jill ← account 4000 repeated $2000 fork $ atomically $ transfer 1 bob, jill , forever $ do balance ← atomically $ radar bob imbalance ← atomically
  12. JE vies site" ( Spencer & hill 12" mix) — 6:08 #" JE vies site" ( thriller, jill ,12" mix) — 8:11 #" JE vies site" ( Benoit Court 12" mix) — 4:55 #" JE
  13. Stag and drag party, hen and stag party, buck and doe party, or a jack and, jill , party is a party and fundraiser for an engaged couple. By country Canada In
  14. Protection. Instead of a Jock, female goalies wear a pelvic protector called a, jill , Leg pads Goaltenders wear special leg pads to protect their legs and knees.
  15. A face off by holding or trapping the puck in the catching glove. * Goal jock or, jill ,- better pelvic protection and more padding in front of the cup than a player
  16. Be female or jacks male. There are, however,'jack and jack' and 'Jill and, jill ,' competitions where men and women are paired separately. Entrants are paired
  17. From Nairobi is by using a Matt. The Matt stage is located near jack n, jill , supermarket Osborne" Ozzie" Colson (1916–2006) was a Canadian figure skater
  18. Of Welkin. Common Terms *Titles - The weasels and stoats use the terms jack and, jill , to refer to males and females, respectively. In the second arc, the shortened
  19. Plural" Jacks" ).; Jacks cockney rhyming slang-old bill, turned to jack and, jill , turned to jack; Jake: A common term used and created in New York City, New
  20. JE vies site" ( Spencer & hill 12" mix) — 6:08 #" JE vies site" ( thriller, jill ,12" mix) — 8:11 #" JE vies site" ( Benoit Court 12" mix) — 4:55 #" JE
  21. Blues dancing, jive,and a fast dance. Competitions are divided into jack and, jill , format and rehearsed routines for pairs and for teams. In some events, separate
  22. Who does not control the puck. A penalty. J; Jock: A jock (or for females,a, jill , ) are simple devices used to protect the genitalia of an ice hockey player. K;
  23. Late 1980s (and TLC's sound was sometimes cited as an example of the" new, jill , swing " genre). The album was a critical and commercial success, being
  24. Others. Both men and women can participate in all of these events. The jack and, jill , race involves one man and one women on each team competing to see who can save
  25. Serious of events such as axe throwing, bow sawing, block chopping, a jack and, jill , style cut and several others. Both men and women can participate in all of
  26. Had previously released new jack swing (or, for the female performers, new,Jill, swing ) recordings, including Codec, SWV,and TLC. The main difference between

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