Examples of the the word, spectacle , in a Sentence Context
The word ( spectacle ), is the 8502 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- A despicable beast," and arranged the surrender of the German Fleet as a grand, spectacle ,of humiliation. The German navy thus ignored Beatty's request that its
- Rivers or Fontana DEI Quarto Film in the Piazza Avon is a masterpiece of, spectacle ,and political allegory. An oft-repeated, but false, anecdote tells that one of
- Of his friend (and later fellow-convert and Bishop) Lyrics, with the Monera, spectacle ,as inimical to a Christian life and salvation. Amphitheaters continued to host
- In The Birth of Nation was that he brought the cinema's capacity for, spectacle ,... under the rein of an outdated by comfortably literary form of historical
- Army of fighting skeletons, the film has fallen into a ditch between parody and, spectacle ,". Awards Army of Darkness won the Saturn Award for Best Horror Film (1994).
- The Cacophony Society. At the same time that the Zurich Dadaists made noise and, spectacle ,at the Cabaret Voltaire, Vladimir Lenin wrote his revolutionary plans for
- Of historical narrative. Griffith's models ... are not the pioneers of film, spectacle ,... but the giants of literary narrative. " On the other hand’S. Mitchell
- All the attributes of an epic, possibly possesses additional attributes such as, spectacle ,and music, is more unified, and achieves the aim of its mimesis in shorter
- Baseball prior to the Indians franchise" In 1857 baseball games were a daily, spectacle ,in Cleveland's Public Squares. City authorities tried to find an ordinance
- Some words only exist in an augmentative form – e.g. *relish" ( awesome), spectacle ," (from the old Slavic root" to see" ) *svlachishte" landslide" – from
- The Fare Islands. In the letter, Bardot describes the activity as a" macabre, spectacle ," that" is a shame for Denmark and the Fare Islands... This is not a hunt but
- Casualties. Some American bodies were dragged through the streets – a, spectacle ,broadcast on television news programs. In response, U. S. forces were withdrawn
- With the troops would have upset the balance of the film, which depends on the, spectacle ,of ordinary soldiers coming to grips with Hartman as a force of nature
- Work The Gross Clinic had" horrified Philadelphia Exhibition-goers as a gory, spectacle ," at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. She steered clear of the controversial
- Was raised to $105 a week. The Big Trail was to be the first big-budget outdoor, spectacle ,of the sound era, made at a staggering cost of over $2 million, using hundreds
- And idols broken. I know not how to describe in words the joy I feel before the, spectacle ,of pulling down and destroying the idols by the very people who formerly
- 60s CE female gladiators appear, as " exotic markers of exceptionally lavish, spectacle ,". In 66 CE, Nero had Ethiopian women, men and children fight at a minus to
- To the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public, spectacle ,of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Therefore, do not let anyone judge
- Tour in Oslo, Norway,on 28 January, and mounted a lavishly produced, spectacle ,that included a few scenes from their self-written mini-operetta The Girl with
- The Montreal Winter Carnival tournament and was impressed with the hockey, spectacle , In 1892,recognizing that there was no recognition for the best team in all of
- Effects,McKellen's film reduces its version of the battle to a pyrotechnic, spectacle ,about the death of a one-dimensional villain. Course agrees that, in this
- And perhaps many people in the original audience enjoyed comedy mainly for the, spectacle ,and music. The chorus gradually lost its significance as New Comedy began to
- Onboard one of the ships, described it as the most magnificent and affecting, spectacle ,that was ever seen by human eyes. William intended to land at Tor bay but due to
- The proceedings on the field of play completely took a back seat to the Beckham, spectacle , and despite the presence of worldwide football stars Andriy Shevchenko, Didier
- Point extremely envious of Harris—and Harris' young daughter. Coordinating the, spectacle ,as road manager was Phil Kaufman, who had served time with Charles Manson on
- Inch hardcover book from Sunday Press Books. Adaptations Theater An 'operatic, spectacle ,' was based on the strip, with music by Victor Herbert (composer of Babes in
- The only thing that divides the viewer from the image is the altar rail. The, spectacle ,functions both as a demonstration of mysticism and as a piece of family pride.
- From the stage work of Max Reinhardt, both in bourgeois comedy and in, spectacle , and applied this to his films, culminating in his die Puppet (The Doll),die
- Celts fought naked," The appearance of these naked warriors was a terrifying, spectacle , for they were all men of splendid physique and in the prime of life. "
- A" reaction to what many of these artists saw as nothing more than an insane, spectacle ,of collective homicide. " Years later, Dada artists described the movement as "
- Revue show, you don't go to hear the music, you go for the somewhat-ridiculous, spectacle ,of it all ". Similarly, Aline Mendelsohn of the Orlando Sentinel remarked: "
- Sometimes condemned by critics as an unimaginative way to end a story,the, spectacle ,of a 'god' making a judgement or announcement from a theatrical crane might
- S Gate cult. To most people, however,a great comet is simply a beautiful, spectacle , Predicting whether a comet will become a great comet is notoriously difficult
- Helicopters in hot pursuit. The newscasters hope to document his escape as a, spectacle , and distract the people from the oncoming threat of war. When he arrives at
- Significance. For the members of London’s fashionable society, the trial was a, spectacle , and was not centered around Hastings’ alleged misconduct and crimes as had
- Influence, Stravinsky said in a 1957 conversation: I have all around me the, spectacle ,of composers who, after their generation has had its decade of influence and
- Tell anyone! " Jesus did not approve of anyone asking for a sign just for the, spectacle ,of it, describing such as coming from a" wicked and adulterous generation. "
- All idols broken. I know not how to describe in words the joy I feel before the, spectacle ,of pulling down and destroying the idols. "" When the boys informed him that
- Him, here he would have been;" Calderon de la Barça composed a mythological, spectacle ,play based on Ulysses entrapment in Circe's island. Love, the Greatest
- Comedy and it allows the audience to relax in uncomplicated enjoyment of the, spectacle , the music, jokes and celebrations that characterize the remainder of the play.
- Runyon persuaded promoter Leo Seltzer to formally change his Roller Derby, spectacle ,from a marathon roller skating race into a full-contact team sport, an
- Service at St Paul's Cathedral rivaled that of her coronation as a, spectacle , The Spanish still controlled the Netherlands, and the threat of invasion
- This man of genius has trod. Learned and ignorant alike were astonished at the, spectacle ,... It is a real and palpable vision of the New World. " Audubon sold
- And freely express their mutual pleasure or displeasure not only at the, spectacle ,below but at each other. For the crowd, the amphitheater afforded unique
- Scene as well as a well choreographed castle siege sequence. The visual, spectacle ,is given more attention than the dialogue and underlying story, though the main
- Such as Murnau's Last Laugh, this movement was in many ways a reaction against, spectacle ,and expressionism. These films tended to revolve around ordinary people living
- That tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character,style, spectacle , and lyric poetry. The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving
- Europeans would call" flamenco" is a commercialized style, developed as a, spectacle ,for tourists. To add variety, group dances are included, and even solos are
- Enamored of the music. Objections were raised to metal's adoption of visual, spectacle ,and other trappings of commercial artifice, but the main offense was its
- Slides, a lecture, and live choral numbers, to increase the running time of the, spectacle ,to about 90 minutes. Films of acted reproductions of scenes from the
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