Examples of the the word, manifesto , in a Sentence Context

The word ( manifesto ), is the 8505 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have been inspired by Z Budapest, the New York Redstocking's W. I. T. C. H., manifesto , or woman's spirituality movements, who emphasize self-initiation, womanism
  2. Of the power of the City to the power of the government ". In its 2005, manifesto , the BNP opposed" globalism, international socialism, laissez-faire capitalism
  3. Notably from within the graphic design community with the First Things First, manifesto , First launched by Ken Garland in 1964,it was re-published as the First Things
  4. S law code should be understood not as a legal manual, but as an ideological, manifesto ,of kingship," designed more for symbolic impact than for practical direction.
  5. Policy. He at once canceled the KAZ before it was published, and in the, manifesto ,announcing his accession to the throne he let it be very clearly understood
  6. John Reid, which awarded them a 22 % pay rise in 2006. Brown also stated in the, manifesto ,that the NHS was his top priority. There was speculation during September and
  7. To the individual mind. Ian Parker In 1999 Ian Parker published an influential, manifesto ,in both the online journal Radical Psychology and the Annual Review of Critical
  8. Journal Radical Psychology and the Annual Review of Critical Psychology. This, manifesto ,argues that critical psychology should include the following four components: #
  9. Technique had been published in an issue of 391 with in the poem by Tiara, dada, manifesto ,on feeble love and bitter love under the subtitle, TO MAKE A DADAIST POEM
  10. Leadership campaign Brown proposed some policy initiatives which he called 'The, manifesto ,for change. ' The manifesto included a clampdown on corruption and a new
  11. Prominent Wollstonecraft scholar, has called the Rights of Woman" a republican, manifesto ,". Johnson contends that Wollstonecraft is hearkening back to the Commonwealth
  12. Government. The opening shot of this revolution was the 1781 publication of a, manifesto ,called" AAN he Folk van Nederland" ( To the People of the Netherlands) by
  13. Become standard by the mid-century,Hilbert's problem set was also a kind of, manifesto , that opened the way for the development of the formalist school, one of three
  14. Planned to ask the Bolsheviks for acceptance of Finland's sovereignty in a, manifesto ,on 10 November, but the uncertain situation in Petrograd stalled it. After the
  15. S Dangerous Idea for being an" influential but misguided ultra-Darwinian, manifesto ,". " Daniel Bennett devotes the longest chapter in Darwin's Dangerous Idea to
  16. The face of several provocations and aggression by the Habsburg Empire. The, manifesto ,was written by scholar Johann Adler Salvos in a style common of the time that
  17. By Ken Garland in 1964,it was re-published as the First Things First 2000, manifesto , in 1999 in the magazine Émigré 51 stating" We propose a reversal of priorities
  18. Forms of organization in response to the structures of Bolshevism. Their 1926, manifesto , called the Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft
  19. Was the flagship policy idea of the 2010 UK Conservative Party general election, manifesto , Some distributions claim that this policy was influenced by aphorisms of the
  20. Of peasants in Europe to shake off serfdom. The architects of the emancipation, manifesto ,were Alexander's brother Konstantin, Yakov Rostovtsev, and Nikolai Militia.
  21. Army rebelled, detaining their commanders. On 18 July, Franco published a, manifesto ,and left for Africa, where he arrived the next day to take command. A week
  22. Impresses one as slang. " The monument had its supporters in Rodin's day; a, manifesto ,defending him was signed by Monet, Debussy,and future Premier Georges
  23. His death, it was to become his best-known and most influential work, and a, manifesto ,of conservative thought. Two contrasting assessments of Burke were offered long
  24. Vindicate Gallic. Slicker was the first to see the Reflections as" the, manifesto ,of a Counter Revolution ". Slicker later agreed with Burke's views
  25. Was not enough and that a referendum should also be held. Labour's 2005, manifesto , had pledged to give British public a referendum on the original EU Constitution
  26. Adopt, resolutions on matters of policy; * Adopt the ELDER Party's electoral, manifesto ,for European Parliament elections The voting members of the ELDER Congress
  27. Church, and let himself be praised as its savior. Yet Gustavus' own ", manifesto ,of war" does not mention any religious motivations at all but speaks of
  28. Of Electricity. " On 11 March 1913,futurist Luigi Russo lo published his, manifesto ," The Art of Noises ". In 1914,he held the first" art-of-noises" concert in
  29. The Open Source Definition and published the first formal announcement and, manifesto ,of open source. He co-founded the Open Source Initiative (OSI) with Eric S.
  30. And the omnipresence of brand-driven marketing in popular culture, has become ", manifesto ," of the movement, presenting in a simple way themes more accurately developed
  31. Constructed a defensive interest in security out of that by taking the, manifesto ,'s text for granted. But to defend Stockholm, the occupation of the German
  32. Been variously read as an allegory for the development of civilization, as a, manifesto ,of economic individualism and as an expression of European colonial desires but
  33. Westminster Review, Evans had resolved to become a novelist, and she set out a, manifesto ,for herself in one of her last essays for the Review," Silly Novels by Lady
  34. Its original significance. An allocation of the Pope often takes the place of a, manifesto ,when a struggle between the Holy See and the secular powers has reached an
  35. Society headed by the character Haggard Celine is anarcho-capitalist. The, manifesto ,of the society in the novel 'Never Whistle While You're Pissing' contains
  36. Some policy initiatives which he called 'The manifesto for change. ' The, manifesto ,included a clampdown on corruption and a new Ministerial Code, which set out
  37. Extreme advance and the imperial Baltic Sea fleet mentioned as a threat in the, manifesto ,had never reached more than a quarter of the size of the Swedish fleet.
  38. To publish its own magazine to showcase members' work. The group declared no, manifesto ,and did not set out to encourage any particular style—Naturalists, Realists
  39. In 1919, he co-wrote with Alcestis De Ambris the Fascist Manifesto, the original, manifesto ,of Italian Fascism. He opposed Fascism's later exaltation of existing
  40. On 1 December 1874,in reply to a birthday greeting from his followers,a, manifesto ,proclaiming himself the sole representative of the Spanish monarchy. At the end
  41. Popular support. Nigel Copley examined the party's 2005 General Election, manifesto ,Rebuilding British Democracy and concluded that it was a recalibration of
  42. 1918,Huelsenbeck gave his first Dada speech in Berlin, and produced a Dada, manifesto ,later in the year. Hannah Hoc and George Grosz used Dada to express post-World
  43. A political treatise written during the English civil war, containing an early, manifesto ,in English of rationalism. Hobbes said:" The Latinos called Accounts of many
  44. Forth the necessary reasons for British intervention in Afghanistan. The, manifesto ,stated that in order to ensure the welfare of India, the British must have a
  45. Power in the former Grand Duchy. Although the Finns had accepted the liberating, manifesto ,(from the period of 1908-1916) of March 1917 issued by the Russian
  46. Design) can guide a design philosophy. One example is the First Things First, manifesto ,which was launched within the graphic design community and states" We propose
  47. Architectural output The paradox of the early Bauhaus was that, although its, manifesto ,proclaimed that the ultimate aim of all creative activity was building, the
  48. Monotheism, and in 646 he convinced the African councils to draw up a, manifesto ,against the doctrine. This they forwarded to the new pope Theodore I, who in
  49. Rudy Langerhans, Erik Spiekermann, Ellen Upton and Rick Poor. The 2000, manifesto , was also notably published in Adjusters, known for its strong critiques of
  50. Video. Filmmakers associated with the Danish film movement Dome 95 introduced a, manifesto ,aimed to purify filmmaking. Its first few films gained worldwide critical

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