Examples of the the word, floating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( floating ), is the 8504 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Circuit design and verification. Since the Pentium FDI bug, the complicated, floating ,point units of modern microprocessors have been designed with extra scrutiny.
  2. As a biliary secretion of the intestines of the sperm whale and can be found, floating ,upon the sea, or in the sand near the coast. It is also sometimes found in the
  3. Aircraft carrier Vary in 2001 from Ukraine, supposedly to turn it into a, floating ,casino. Pictures taken while in port suggest this plan has been abandoned and
  4. Is dissolved. It expressed itself in enchanting notes, Now it is, floating ,to everlasting beauty. Works Opera During his time in Vienna, Salieri acquired
  5. Illustrated as a circle around the inside of the ring to show six electrons, floating ,around in delocalized molecular orbitals the size of the ring itself. This also
  6. Are either floating or emergent. Vegetation may be totally submersed, have, floating , leaves,or protrude from the water. Collectively they are commonly known as "
  7. Shells at the Battle of SNOP in 1853. Later in the war, French ironclad, floating ,batteries used similar weapons against the defenses at the Battle of Kin burn.
  8. Was capable of clocking much higher. AMD ended its long-time handicap with, floating ,point x87 performance by designing a super-pipelined, out-of-order
  9. Instruction set, and many mnemonics are now longer, for example FPA TAN for ", floating ,point partial arc tangent" and BOUND for" check array index against bounds ".
  10. Most species have a totally submerged juvenile phase. Flowers are either, floating ,or emergent. Vegetation may be totally submersed, have floating leaves, or
  11. Typically enclosed in quotation marks. Arrays in BASIC could contain integers, floating ,point or string variables. Some dialects of BASIC supported matrices and matrix
  12. Horizontal bias caused a processor trap (operand error) because the, floating ,point value was too large to be represented by a 16-bit signed integer. The
  13. Including rhythm, strength and volume, and described with terms like ", floating , slippery, bolstering-like,feeble, thready and quick ", which are used to
  14. The theory) was a low-lying body of fresh water. It is also said in myth that, floating ,rocks known as the Symplegades or Clashing Rocks once crushed any ship that
  15. Flat disk of the earth, which he said was table-like and behaved like a leaf, floating ,on air. In keeping with the prevailing view of celestial bodies as balls of
  16. Background Apple's customers were demanding a version of BASIC that supported, floating ,point calculations. As Steve Wozniak, the creator of Integer BASIC and the only
  17. Each consisting of two integer cores capable of processing integers and one, floating ,point unit (FPU). Each module will be seen by the OS as two cores and all of
  18. In a vector of eleven string variables numbered 0–10. * Single-precision, floating ,point variables with an 8-bit exponent and a 31-bit significant and improved
  19. Immediately to a local hospital, where doctors performed an MRI scan and found, floating ,cartilage. The following day, Spears underwent arthroscopic surgery. She was
  20. http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2300.pdf Decimal Exponent Symbol) for, floating ,point notation. 1964: MOST - The 1964 Russian standard MOST 10859 allowed the
  21. The remaining arms to be used to camouflage the octopus as a mat of algae or a, floating ,coconut. Advantages Limited and exclusive bipedalism can offer a species
  22. A French whaler (Rose-bud) into abandoning the corpse of a Sperm whale found, floating ,in the sea. His plan is to recover the corpse himself in hopes that it contains
  23. Policies associated with economic rationalism and the" Third Way ", such as, floating ,the Australian Dollar in 1983,reductions in trade tariffs, taxation reforms
  24. Parts of the Baltic Sea, and thus the entire sea did not freeze over. However, floating ,ice was additionally observed near Świnoujście harbor in January 2010. In the
  25. British botanist Robert Brown observed that dust particles inside pollen grains, floating ,in water constantly jiggled about for no apparent reason. In 1905,Albert
  26. Traverses a vast marshy level, where its course is liable to being blocked by, floating ,vegetation. After receiving the Bahr-el-Ghazal from the west and the So bat
  27. A super-pipelined, out-of-order,triple-issue floating point unit. The 3DNow!, floating ,point SIMS technology, again present, received some revisions and a name change
  28. And the Bothnian Sea were frozen with solid ice near the Baltic coast and dense, floating ,ice far from it. In 2007 there was almost no ice formation except for a short
  29. Birth on" terra firma ". In her wanderings, Leto found the newly created, floating ,island of Demos, which was neither mainland nor a real island, so she gave
  30. Married the same Melanie who was the mother of Are. This Aeolus lived on the, floating ,island of Aetolia and was visited by Odysseus and his crew in the Odyssey. He
  31. Mushroom anchor. Screw anchors can be used to anchor permanent moorings, floating ,docks, fish farms, etc. These anchors must be screwed into the seabed with the
  32. Because of a malfunction in the control software. A data conversion from 64-bit, floating , point value to 16-bit signed integer value to be stored in a variable
  33. Mentioning that the Nepohualtzintzin amounted to the rank from 10 to the 18 in, floating ,point, which calculated stellar as well as infinitesimal amounts with absolute
  34. Of Integer BASIC and the only person who understood it well enough to add, floating ,point features, was busy with the Disk II drive and controller and with Apple
  35. Paul Kelly,'the most influential economic decisions of the 1980s were the, floating ,of the Australian Dollar and the deregulation of the financial system '.
  36. Bodies could pass under it. It goes further than Thales’ claim of a world, floating ,on water, for which Thales faced the problem of explaining what would contain
  37. Caterpillar was patented in 1839 by William Leavenworth of New York. Buoyancy A, floating ,boat displaces its weight in water. The material of the boat hull may be denser
  38. Water, underground,or through spaces in vegetation. Some species also form, floating ,rafts that help them survive floods. These rafts may also have a role in
  39. http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2300.pdf Decimal Exponent Symbol) for, floating ,point notation was added to Unicode 5.2 for backward compatibility with
  40. Of an array, and array slicing, are directly available to the programmer., floating ,point algol68 test: (real a, b,c, d; print (( RPG," Enter d:" )); read
  41. X87 performance by designing a super-pipelined, out-of-order,triple-issue, floating ,point unit. The 3DNow! Floating point SIMS technology, again present, received
  42. Erroneous readings like this if a tiny ball of solder had shaken loose and was, floating ,between the switch and the contact, closing the circuit. The immediate
  43. Is well explained by resonance forms. The electrons are visualized as, floating ,above and below the ring with the electromagnetic fields they generate acting
  44. The n_B 1 case. In such cases, prefer \bar x_X \franc. Example Assumes that all, floating ,point operations use the standard IEEE 754 double-precision arithmetic.
  45. From its rapid motion. The moon and sun are likewise considered to be flat and, floating ,on streams of air, and when the sun sets it does not pass under the earth but
  46. Are used for locomotion, as they are in the Nautilus. Most Brachiopoda eat, floating ,detritus or plankton, which they take using the STAE on their appendages.
  47. Computing, where subtle conversion and rounding errors that are inherent to, floating ,point binary representations cannot be tolerated. Basics As described in the
  48. After the original Apple II model. It was also referred to as FP (from ", floating ,point" ) because of the command used to invoke it instead of INT for Integer
  49. Debris, which is also known as marine litter, describes human-created waste, floating ,in a body of water. Oceanic debris tends to accumulate at the center of gyres
  50. Former gave rise to water, earth and stones. The seeds of life which continued, floating ,in the air were carried down with the rains and produced vegetation. Animals

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