Examples of the the word, ration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ration ), is the 8508 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Auxiliary power unit) turned off Other uses * Personal carbon allowance,a, ration ,of allowed carbon emissions for individuals, designed to help address
  2. President Roosevelt's handling of the war, combining the usual exhortations to, ration ,and contribute to the war effort with frequent attacks on Congress (especially
  3. Worker in the Lager, who for six months in the camp, gave the remainder of his, ration ,and a piece of bread to Levi without asking anything in return. Levi juxtaposes
  4. Or concentrated animal feeding ope ration ),where they are usually fed a, ration ,of grain, protein,roughage and a vitamin/mineral pretend. Beef is the third
  5. Under Julius Jayawardene, on a manifesto pledging a market economy and" a free, ration ,of 8 seers (kilograms) of cereals ". The SLFP and the left-wing parties were
  6. The returning of food aid, the policy regarding shelter building, and soldier, ration ,policy. There is debate about the merits of Other Losses claims. Several
  7. Soup would prevent scurvy among their crews. Therefore, they allotted a daily, ration ,to each sailor beginning in the 1750s. Captain Cook was convinced of its
  8. WFP assisted 58.8 million hungry children. School-feeding and/or take home, ration ,programs in 71 countries help students focus on their studies and encourage
  9. Frontier Foundation. ** The Royal New Zealand Navy discontinues its daily rum, ration , * March 6 – An SR-71 sets a U. S. transcontinental speed record of 1 hour 8
  10. Arrows were not unlimited, so archers and their commanders took every effort to, ration ,their use to the situation at hand. Nonetheless, resupply during battle was
  11. The offensive was ready in late October, Eighth Army had 231,000 men on its, ration ,strength including British, Australian,South African, Indian,New Zealand
  12. Care may use waiting lists as a form of ration ing compared to countries that, ration ,by price, such as the United States, according to several commentators and
  13. Board the Suffolk on a twenty-three week, non-stop voyage to India. The daily, ration ,of two-thirds of an ounce mixed in grog contained just about the minimum daily
  14. Dependent on her production, stage in lactation, and the benefits of the main, ration ,The holding yard at the entrance of the shed is important as a means of keeping
  15. Industries or products in different countries in order to fix prices and, ration ,production and distribution in periods of acute shortages. Murray Rothbard
  16. German lessons and orientation in Auschwitz; and he received a smuggled soup, ration ,each day from Lorenzo Person, an Italian civilian bricklayer, working as
  17. Camouflage nets in the northern sector, making them appear to be ammunition or, ration ,dumps. The Axis naturally noticed these but, as no offensive action immediately
  18. Rationed—but non-agricultural rural workers throughout the USSR were given no, ration ,cards. The inevitable starvation was largely confined to remote rural regions
  19. 2^ 3^ \pin \Gamma\left (\track 1 3\right)^3 Relation to Jacobi function The, ration ,to Jabobi's θ function is given by: K (k)= \franc \pi 2 \theta_3^2 (q)
  20. Business Daily and Fox News. In the UK, it is private health insurers that, ration ,care (in the sense of not covering the most common services such as access to
  21. So-called" Free Shops" in the Eastern Sector, offering supplies without, ration ,stamps, but at extremely high prices in Eastern Deutsche Marks. Ordinary East
  22. And until 1955 Sweden employed an alcohol ration ing system with personal liquor, ration ,books (" motion" ). Marijuana Tax Act Regulations and restrictions on the
  23. Later symptoms are bleeding and bruising easily. British sailors were given a, ration ,of citrus fruits on long voyages to prevent the onset of scurvy, hence the
  24. As Gallic Emperors by Aurelia. * Aurelia increases Rome's daily bread, ration ,to nearly 1.5 pounds and adds pig fat to the list of foods distributed free to
  25. Scientists. For example, residents of Akademgorodok had access to special food, ration ,distribution outlets (“ story Amazon” ) that provided, most of the time, an
  26. All over Germany food and other necessary supplies had been available only with, ration ,stamps issued by one's municipality, this was until the Communist putsch in
  27. Although essential amenities such as running water, furniture and a limited, ration ,of food were provided, luxury items were often forbidden. This added a
  28. Allowed to apply such measures of repression as 'confiscation, deprivation of, ration ,cards, publication of lists of enemies of the people etc.' ". On December 8
  29. Wind, Sand and Stars, their sole supplies were grapes, two oranges, and a small, ration ,of wine. According to biographer, Stacy Schiff, what Saint-Exupéry himself told
  30. 1951 by the Korean War. Silicone, a main ingredient in silly putty, was put on, ration , harming his business. A year later the restriction on silicone was lifted and
  31. By any individual, and as such, are valued because they can provide an extra, ration ,of goods at each charging interval. Natural resources and travel Though the
  32. A plan introduced in the stimulus bill) will be used to curtail spending and, ration ,treatments, which is one function of NICE, arguing that ration ing by market
  33. God's protection over his life and his habit of saving half his meager water, ration ,for washing the toxic chemicals off of his skin after long days of work
  34. Works which documented the destruction of Nazi propaganda by the locals, ration ,stamp with reduced quantities of food, and other hidden aspects of Hitler's
  35. Usually lemon or lime juice) was added to the recipe of the traditional daily, ration ,of watered-down rum known as grog to cut down on the water's foulness.
  36. At his observation post in 1917; Russian troops awaiting a German attack; A, ration ,party of the Royal Irish Rifles in a communication trench during the Battle of
  37. For the average 2100:1 ratio. As women tend to have a lower partition, ration ,than men, some have suggested that breathalyzers might be inherently biased
  38. Consisted in standardized" nourishment scales ": the size of the inmates ’, ration ,depended on the percentage of the work quota delivered. Naphtali Frankel is
  39. Power to place ceilings on all prices except agricultural commodities, and to, ration ,scarce supplies of other items, including tires, automobiles,shoes, nylon
  40. Why not public housing accommodations, why not vacation resorts, why not a, ration ,of cigarettes for those who smoke and of beer for those who drink. ” * In 1995
  41. Environmental impacts than extraction from oil shale. It cited a conversion, ration ,of oil per one ton of coal, as against of shale oil per one ton of oil shale
  42. Especially Hurricane Rita. The factory barely escaped major damage. (Charlie, ration ,was slang for the field meal given to troops. ) This cookbook came wrapped
  43. German control, he was not harmed. " We were given, on a regular basis, a food, ration ,destined for the soldiers ",Levi's testimony stated," and at the end of
  44. Has a low tax/GDP ratio, which it is trying to improve. The current tax-to-GDP, ration ,is estimated to be between 8%-9 % which is far below developing other countries
  45. Erected roadblocks on the closed streets. From 15 November 1948 West Berlin, ration ,stamps were no longer accepted in East Berlin. All the same, the Soviets
  46. 1946-1947 did extensive damage to crops - leading to a reduction in the bread, ration , hunger and disease remained rife and the black market continued to flourish.
  47. Is eating while being milked. A computer can read the AirTag of each beast to, ration ,the correct individual supplement. A close alternative is to use
  48. Required all ships of the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy to provide a daily lime, ration ,to sailors to prevent scurvy. The product became nearly ubiquitous, hence the
  49. Committee. Consumer goods were few and of poor quality, with most provided on a, ration ,basis. There were state-run stores and direct factory outlets for the masses
  50. Resigns. * August 27 – When the French government lowers the daily bread, ration ,to 200 grams, that causes riots in Verdun and in Le Mans. * August 30 – A fire

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