Examples of the the word, impede , in a Sentence Context

The word ( impede ), is the 8509 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Teaching office of pope and bishops" cannot and must not supersede, hamper and, impede ,the teaching task of theologians as scholars. " There are several Englishes
  2. Painters. Once Berth Morison settled on pursuing art, her family did not, impede ,her career. She was born into a family that, according to family tradition, had
  3. Missiles, including nuclear-armed missiles. Critics have argued that this would, impede ,nuclear disarmament and possibly stimulate a nuclear arms race. Elements of
  4. To protect the head and chin and the forearms are tucked against the torso to, impede ,body shots. When protecting the body, the boxer rotates the hips and lets
  5. To resign his post, as happened with Jean Chrétien; the Senate may delay or, impede ,legislation put forward by the Cabinet, such as when Brian Mulroney's bill
  6. In the modern French verb impeacher (to prevent) and the modern English, impede , Medieval popular etymology also associated it (wrongly) with derivations
  7. Pregnant ". Both derive from old Castillan-Portuguese" embarazar ", meaning, impede , hinder, obstruct. In Spanish, it was then used as euphemism for" pregnant" (
  8. Question of the Clique is no longer a" Church-dividing" issue, which would, impede ,full reconciliation and full communion. It is for the bishops of the Catholic
  9. Oppose the majoritarian nature of direct democracy, feeling that it can, impede ,individual liberty and opt in favor of a non-majoritarian form of consensus
  10. Were quite content to retain it as an administrative language there rather than, impede ,bureaucratic efficiency. Hence, two official secretaries served in the Roman
  11. Not belong to other classes. Under the Carmelo/Frankel approach, the axioms, impede ,the construction of a set of all sets which do not belong to themselves. In
  12. High individual damage awards; thus, the absence of class treatment will not, impede ,the ability of individual claimants to seek justice. See ID. Other cases
  13. He ruled until 1989. Although there is little ethnic strife in Paraguay to, impede ,social and economic progress, there is social conflict caused by
  14. Fire: an immediately available prearranged barrier of fire designed to, impede ,enemy movement across defensive lines or areas. *Harassing fire: a random
  15. Jews to the death camps. Only once, in August 1942,did Ribbentrop attempt to, impede ,the deportations, but only because of jurisdictional disputes with the SS. It
  16. And pathological abnormalities, including " messy" microfilaments which can, impede ,nerve impulses. Research by Dr. Élan Louis and colleagues revealed that 80 % of
  17. Into a mounted standing army, so be it. If his kingdom lacked strong points to, impede ,the progress of an enemy army, he would build them. If the enemy struck from
  18. Cooling rates on the order of millions of degrees per second is sufficient to, impede ,the formation of crystals, and the metallic atoms become" locked into" a
  19. Leg and foot alignments. Also, the wearing of shoes, sneakers and boots can, impede ,proper alignment and movement within the ankle and foot. For example, high
  20. And mobility. Surfaces that are not homogeneous will have domains which, impede ,motion of the contact line. The slide angle is another dynamic measure of
  21. Regulations are common in such systems. Taken strictly, such laws would greatly, impede ,practically all business; in practice, they are only erratically enforced. The
  22. In prokaryotic organisms, where poly (A) tails act to facilitate, rather than, impede , exonucleolytic degradation. Polyadenylation occurs during and immediately
  23. To protect the head and chin and the forearms are tucked against the torso to, impede ,body shots. When protecting the body, the boxer rotates the hips and lets
  24. Too stupid and incompetent to realize how their duties and altruistic projects, impede ,that goal. It is not until she sees the man most important to her in the world
  25. Installed without trenches, or it breaks up deep impermeable soil layers which, impede ,drainage. It is a very deep plow, with a torpedo-shaped or wedge-shaped tip
  26. And many of the proposed interventions will weaken successful U. S. firms and, impede ,their competitiveness abroad. " Judge Jackson issued his findings of fact on
  27. Of the major industrial centers. Moreover, marshy banks and perennial flooding, impede ,navigation in some areas. Lakes Climate Because of its position on the
  28. Society (e.g. holy wars, terrorism,wasteful distribution of resources),to, impede ,the progress of science, and to encourage immoral acts (e.g. blood sacrifice
  29. Any formal investigations - Han will not allow firearms on the island, both to, impede ,assassination attempts and to prevent the international authorities from
  30. S usefulness as a balance against the anti-Yeltsin State Dump and further, impede ,Yeltsin's agenda. In 1995 some regions held gubernatorial elections to fill
  31. The Sued wetlands in Sudan also form a formidable navigation obstacle and, impede ,water flow, to the extent that Sudan had once attempted to canalize (the
  32. Advanced through the forest, knocking down the trees the French thought would, impede ,this tactic. Air superiority Allied air superiority became a significant
  33. Bacterial infection of wounds. Further, hydrogen peroxide applied to wounds can, impede ,healing and lead to scarring because it destroys newly formed skin cells. *
  34. Permanent settlements were founded. The clash among Spanish forces did not, impede ,their devastation of the indigenous population and civilization. The series of
  35. Most of the dams are on the upper half of the river, otherwise they would, impede ,navigation if built on the lower part of the Missouri. Navigation
  36. Farm. A person's family responsibilities and the prevalent patriarchy could, impede ,mobilization. Harvesting duties and family emergencies pulled men home
  37. The gauge that eventually either short-circuit the electrodes of the gauge or, impede ,the generation of a discharge path. Calibration Pressure gauges are either
  38. Lack of resources, lack of arable land, and a small domestic market continue to, impede ,economic progress in Honduras. Most significantly, Honduras lacks abundant
  39. Calling for a final end to armed operations against Israel, and it would not, impede ,other Palestinian groups from carrying out such operations. After the election
  40. That carry the pain signal up to the brain, and inhibitory interneurons that, impede ,transmission cell activity. Activity in both thin and large diameter fibers
  41. Today Contempt of court is essentially seen as a form of disturbance that may, impede ,the functionality of the court. The judge may impose fines and or jail time
  42. Lianas, laying its heavy spiraled horns on its back so that the brush cannot, impede ,its flight. Bongos are hunted for their horns by humans. Social organization
  43. Notably United States) to destabilize Italy, discredit the Communist Party and, impede ,the historic compromise. The last and largest of the bombings, known as the
  44. John Boys and John Ward from the original translators. This did not, however, impede , the commercial rivalries of the London printers, especially as the Barker
  45. Encourage biological deterioration and mold growth, block surface porosity, impede ,further treatment, wet and swell the leather, affect surface finishes, and
  46. Two languages, and with false friends. Nevertheless, these differences do not, impede ,mutual intelligibility significantly. Name The name testing" Czech" is
  47. Market power from barriers to entry – circumstances that prevent or greatly, impede ,a potential competitor's ability to compete in a market. There are three majors
  48. Minister warned that his country would take all possible lawful steps to, impede ,British oil exploration and production there. On 17 September 2010,Rockhopper
  49. Communists favor direct democracy, others feel that its majoritarianism can, impede ,individual liberty and favor consensus democracy instead. In anarchist
  50. Some Orthodox, then,the Clique, while still a matter of conflict, would not, impede ,full communion of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches if other issues were

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