Examples of the the word, mailbox , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mailbox ), is the 8514 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He was once awakened when a student solved a problem and dropped it in his, mailbox ,; glimpsing the student sneaking across his lawn, he could not go back to sleep
  2. Access Protocol) provide more complete and complex remote access to typical, mailbox ,operations. Many e-mail clients support POP as well as IMAP to retrieve
  3. The message is opened. Multiple clients simultaneously connected to the same, mailbox ,The POP protocol requires the currently connected client to be the only client
  4. Sort and" toss" the incoming messages into a BBS user's local electronic, mailbox ,or into the BBS's local message bases reserved for Echo mail. As such, these
  5. To store such state information on the server so if a single user accesses a, mailbox ,with two different POP clients, state information—such as whether a message has
  6. More authors, and Reply-To in case responses should be addressed to a different, mailbox , To better assist the user with destination fields, many clients maintain one
  7. Apple Inc. is Mail. Functionality and configuration Retrieving messages from a, mailbox ,Like most client programs, an email client is only active when a user runs it.
  8. Email. The term can refer to any system capable of accessing the user's email, mailbox , regardless of it being a mail user agent, a relaying server, or a human typing
  9. Identifier. The unique identifier is arbitrary, and might be repeated if the, mailbox ,contains identical messages. In contrast, IMAP uses a 32-bit unique identifier
  10. Direct access can be more efficient but is less portable as it depends on the, mailbox ,format; it is used by some email clients, including some webmail applications.
  11. Clients and provides mechanisms for clients to detect changes made to the, mailbox ,by other, concurrently connected, clients. Access to MIME message parts and
  12. Requires the currently connected client to be the only client connected to the, mailbox , In contrast, the IMAP protocol specifically allows simultaneous access by
  13. With IMAP the embedding in a communication protocol a specific model of a, mailbox , which, although common, is not universal. No progress has been observed in the
  14. Storage as they arrive. The remote mail storage is referred to as the user's, mailbox , The default setting on many Unix systems is for the mail server to store
  15. Also message digest. An analogy to public-key encryption is that of a locked, mailbox ,with a mail slot. The mail slot is exposed and accessible to the public; its
  16. 2476. For recipients hosted locally, the final delivery of email to a recipient, mailbox ,is the task of a message delivery agent (MDA). For this purpose the MTA
  17. Refers to the Postal Service's monopoly on the delivery of letters, and the, mailbox ,rule refers to the Postal Service's exclusive access to customer mailbox es.
  18. By February 19,Alta and Sherri were in Virginia. They had rented a, mailbox ,in Virginia Beach, cashed a check, and then promptly returned to Georgia
  19. Reply to or forward messages, and manage the contents of their desktop, mailbox ,remotely. Accessories and pricing Palm also sold the 10201U modem at 14.4
  20. Years. It consists of two parts: the Private Express Statutes (PES) and the, mailbox ,access rule. The PES refer to the Postal Service's monopoly on the delivery
  21. In early April, Atta and Sherri returned to Virginia Beach and closed the, mailbox ,they had opened in February. Alta and Sherri returned to Virginia Beach from
  22. A mail server (MSA, mail submission agent) using SMTP on TCP port 587. Most, mailbox ,providers still allow submission on traditional port 25. From there, the MSA
  23. In contrast to the widely used POP, a protocol for retrieving the contents of a, mailbox , IMAP was previously known as Internet Mail Access Protocol, Interactive Mail
  24. The player is not limited to verb-noun commands, such as" take lamp "," open, mailbox ,", and so forth. Instead, the parser supports more sophisticated sentences such
  25. The advent of MIME,IMAP2 was extended to support MIME body structures and add, mailbox ,management functionality (create, delete,rename, message upload) that was
  26. Can remain for up to several months on their server, despite deletion from the, mailbox , * the" Received:" -fields and other information in the email can often
  27. To be downloaded to the user's computer, or can otherwise access the user's, mailbox ,on the possibly remote server. The email client can be set up to connect to
  28. Until one of them matches. When the message is consumed and removed from the, mailbox ,the process resumes execution. A message may comprise any Erlang structure
  29. User as folders) on the server, and move messages between mailbox es. Multiple, mailbox ,support also allows servers to provide access to shared and public folders. The
  30. Tanaka. After a session of ice sledding, she discovers threatening mail in her, mailbox , a precursor to harassment by her cybernetically-enhanced relatives of the
  31. These flags are stored on the server, so different clients accessing the same, mailbox ,at different times can detect state changes made by other clients. POP provides
  32. Mail servers). History IMAP was designed by Mark Crispin in 1986 as a remote, mailbox ,protocol, in contrast to the widely used POP, a protocol for retrieving the
  33. It is remote in the most common cases, though. Emails are stored in the user's, mailbox ,on the remote server until the user's email client requests them to be
  34. Her father's signature of surety on the bond) and puts it in Torvald's, mailbox , which is locked. Nora tells Kristine of her predicament. Kristine says that
  35. Everybody has a residence or other place at which he or she can receive mail. A, mailbox ,is all that the intended recipient needs - unlike e-mail or phone calls, where
  36. MA. At its most basic, an MA using POP3 downloads messages from the server, mailbox ,onto the local computer for display in the MA. Messages are generally removed
  37. Are specified by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). When a recipient, mailbox ,of a message is not hosted locally, the message is relayed, that is, forwarded
  38. This mechanism avoids requiring clients to download every message in the, mailbox ,in order to perform these searches. Built-in extension mechanism Reflecting the
  39. And many readers didn't need an access protocol, as they could access their, mailbox ,directly (as a file) through a terminal connection. SMTP, if configured to
  40. Via a shared-nothing asynchronous message passing system: every process has a “, mailbox ,”, a queue of messages that have been sent by other processes and not yet
  41. With a suit return hose. The astronauts called the jury-rigged device" the, mailbox ,". Another problem to be solved for a safe return was accomplishing a complete
  42. Through the slot; however, only the person who possesses the key can open the, mailbox ,and read the message. An analogy for digital signatures is the sealing of an
  43. MDA) for local mail delivery. An MDA is able to save messages in the relevant, mailbox ,format. Again, mail reception can be done using many computers or just one —
  44. Is to provide simple support for mainly download-and-delete requirements of, mailbox ,handling. The extensions are termed capabilities and are listed by the CAP
  45. Characteristics of IMAP operation allow multiple clients to manage the same, mailbox , Most e-mail clients support IMAP in addition to POP to retrieve messages;
  46. Then polling, where long-lasting connections are feasible. In addition,the, mailbox ,storage can be accessed directly by programs running on the server or via
  47. Intervals, or the request can be manually initiated by the user. A user's, mailbox ,can be accessed in two dedicated ways. The Post Office Protocol (POP) allows
  48. Reaches the final message delivery agent (MDA). # The MDA delivers it to the, mailbox ,of the user bob. # Bob presses the" get mail" button in his MA, which picks
  49. Much of this complexity (e.g., multiple clients accessing the same, mailbox ,at the same time) is compensated for by server-side workarounds such as
  50. Their original format,i.e. plain text or encrypted body, on a user's local, mailbox ,and on the destination server's. The latter server is operated by an email

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