Examples of the the word, culminate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( culminate ), is the 8503 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Central. Every year, the major league champion is determined by playoffs that, culminate ,in the World Series. Four teams make the playoffs from each league: the three
  2. Of 1999. The Oilers changed their name to the Tennessee Titans and saw a season, culminate ,in the Music City Miracle and a close Super Bowl game that came down to the
  3. This started a short period of heartbreak for Baltimore that would nevertheless, culminate ,in a championship. The Orioles won 100 games in 1980 thanks to CY Young Winner
  4. Started a decisive swing in the balance of power toward the Greeks, which would, culminate ,in an eventual Greek victory, severely reducing Persian power in the Aegean.
  5. Countries on effective tactics and weapons for submarines, all of which would, culminate ,in them making a large impact on the coming World War I. In 1896,the
  6. Playoff) will compete in the league's three-week divisional playoffs, which, culminate , in the late-November Grey Cup championship, the country's the largest annual
  7. An impressive 50-point victory over Essendon at the MCG, however a tough run to, culminate ,the regular season dashed hopes of cementing an unlikely finals bid as away
  8. The French atmosphere. " The piece is structured into five sections, which, culminate , in a loose ABA format. Gershwin's first A episode introduces the two main "
  9. Ballads, so beginning the process of 'public therapy' that will eventually, culminate ,in the primal screams of 'Cold Turkey' and the cathartic John Lennon/Plastic
  10. July–September * Night of July 10–July 11 – The Doukhobors' pacifist protests, culminate ,in the" Burning of the Arms" in their villages in the South Caucasus. * July
  11. Of the Isle of Brazil, by at least 1480. These Atlantic voyages were to, culminate ,in John Cabot's 1497 voyage of exploration to North America and the subsequent
  12. Undergraduates. The school currently offers executive education programs that, culminate ,in a Certificate in Business Excellence (CITE) and full alumni status, and
  13. Debt caused by the war as well as the Treaty of Versailles. Such a crisis would, culminate ,with a devaluation of the Mark in 1923,eventually leading to severe economic
  14. The newly introduced characters, and then it sets events into motion that will, culminate ,in the primary action of the story. Other stories may use different structures.
  15. His behavior whilst also being admired for his capability. The struggle was to, culminate ,in some severe defeats for Owen. Huxley's Croatian Lecture, delivered before
  16. On funding and military activities to be phased in through 1975 and to, culminate ,in a total cutoff of funding in 1976. The success of the 1973–74 dry season
  17. Is not a scientific theory. The court found that creation science does not, culminate ,in conclusions formed from scientific inquiry, but instead begins with the
  18. In his Logic of Sense, places the gaffe in a developmental process that can, culminate ,in stuttering. Medicine See medical error for a description of error in
  19. Part of the central mountain range of Borneo. These get higher to the north and, culminate ,near the source of the Ba ram River with the steep Mount Batu Law, Mount Mule
  20. Final split between the civilian-dominated Parliament and the army, which would, culminate ,in the dissolution of Parliament and Richard Cromwell's ultimate fall from
  21. Face of this development, the Galician language began a slow decline that would, culminate ,in the Secular Escudos (" Obscure Centuries" ), roughly the 16th through
  22. This was the beginning of the process of convict emancipation which was to, culminate ,in the reforms of Lachlan Macquarie after 1811. Phillip showed in other ways
  23. And local Vietnamese units took part in numerous operations which were to, culminate ,in the disastrous siege of Died Bain PhD. Suez's crisis: Operations Macbeth &
  24. World War I, and was marked by an economic crisis and recession that began to, culminate ,in the 1920s. Ever since then, the city began to lose its industrial and
  25. Formed the basis of his explorations of the laws of optics that would, culminate ,in Astronomize Pars Optical. On August 2,1600,after refusing to convert to
  26. Was a series of challenges to British influence in the region that would, culminate ,in the Suez Crisis. Frustration of British aims Throughout 1955 and 1956 Nasser
  27. A Welsh cleric called Tennis, lists twelve battles that Arthur fought. These, culminate ,in the Battle of Mons Adonis, or Mount Baden, where he is said to have
  28. To William (continuing the English rebellion from Rome),which would, culminate ,in the Glorious Revolution. *1758 – Seven Years' War: The Battle of Ronstadt
  29. Guardian National) ousted Arias and initiated the downward spiral that would, culminate ,with the United States' invasion in 1989. Arias, who had promised to respect
  30. Of Lee's students, Dan Monsanto, were also to appear in the film, which was to, culminate ,in Lee's character, Hai Then (clad in the now-famous yellow tracksuit)
  31. The Black Mountains are the highest in the Eastern United States, and, culminate , in Mount Mitchell at 6,684 feet (2,037 m). It is the highest point east of
  32. Of algae during the Siberian period, required about 300 million years to, culminate , The present era is classified as part of a mass extinction event, the Holocene
  33. There is a pyramidal pediment, made up of eighteen bone-shaped columns, which, culminate , in a large cross with a crown of thorns. Each of the four towers is dedicated
  34. Not even choosing a subject until the beginning of the dinner which was to, culminate ,in a specimen of his oratory. His constant research for the dictionary, and
  35. Proceed to two years of Higher Secondary or intermediate training, which, culminate , in a Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination. The University of Dhaka
  36. Proceed to two years of Higher Secondary or intermediate training, which, culminate , in a Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination. Sports Cricket enjoys a
  37. The probable honor of a Nobel Prize. None suspected that this research would, culminate ,in nuclear weapons. When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933,Manner was acting
  38. Reigns from His heavenly throne, subjugating His enemies, and will eventually, culminate ,in the destruction of the" last enemy ", i. e., physical death (1 Cor
  39. Twenties when they began the linguistic and philological studies that would, culminate ,in both Grimm's law and their collected editions of fairy and folk tales.
  40. The festivities of the last days of carnival are the most intense as they, culminate ,on Marked Grass (Mardi Gras or Strove Tuesday). There are traditional foods
  41. The Semen and Bale ranges. The Semen Mountains lie northeast of Lake Taney and, culminate ,in the snow-covered peak of Ra's Been, which has an altitude of. A few
  42. And famous work: Akira. It took eight years to complete and would eventually, culminate ,in 2000 pages of artwork. In 1987,Too continued working in anime, directing
  43. Same time. This is the diurnal motion. Therefore, stars will rise in the east, culminate ,on the north-south line (meridian) and set in the west, ( unless a star is
  44. Are the" bedrock of the tradition. " Pronouncement stories, scenes that, culminate ,with a saying of Jesus, are more plausible historically than other kinds of
  45. For statehood advanced by the Abbas administration, which is expected to, culminate ,in a request for admission into the General Assembly as a member state in
  46. Called Monads into forms that become gradually denser, and which eventually, culminate ,in gross physical matter. At that point the process reverses towards a
  47. Coloured by social considerations. He never believed that the 'human race could, culminate ,in the attainment of a general perfection conceived in abstract terms '. In
  48. 18 other women. Involvement with Wilson, Melcher, et al. The events that would, culminate ,in the murders were set in motion in late spring 1968,when, by some accounts
  49. Ago" or farther" far away "; this is a process that continues, and finally, culminate ,in the fantasy world having little connection, if any, to actual times and
  50. Of how he plotted his future on the back of an envelope, a future that would, culminate ,as Prime Minister in the 1990s. A more detailed apocryphal version has him

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