Examples of the the word, accrue , in a Sentence Context
The word ( accrue ), is the 8516 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Awarded 1 point for Jack. In a game with two parties, a maximum of 6 points can, accrue ,in one deal if the dealer turns up a Jack and runs the cards. Caribbean All
- But edit on video, thereby avoiding much of the scratches and dust that can, accrue ,when editing the actual film. Super 8 Films may be transferred through televise
- Be a framework for examining selves or subjectivities—including those that, accrue ,by race and class—but rather, must restrict its analytic focus to discourse. By
- Food directly from carbon dioxide, water,and using energy from light. They, accrue ,it as part of their potential energy. However, not all organisms that use light
- She won the Academy Award for Best Actress twice, was the first person to, accrue ,10 Academy Award nominations for acting, and was the first woman to receive a
- One party has won more card-points in tricks than any other. The scoring points, accrue ,strictly in the order given in the table, preventing ties in case more than one
- A substantial part of the value of the captured military stores would, accrue ,to him. Brock himself valued the captured ordnance supplies at £30,000. Finally
- On the economy, because local products, materials,and labor are used. Profits, accrue ,locally and import leakages are reduced. However, even this form of tourism may
- Everybody reaps the fruits of his own actions. Merits and demerits, accrue ,from his own actions and the stock of merit and demerit is known as Aorta, the
- It was during their residency at the nightclub that the band first began to, accrue ,a dedicated following among L. A. is youth culture and hip Hollywood fraternity
- Position and role, one that acknowledges the privileges and alienation that, accrue ,to all fame as well as the resolution of Marshall Mathers's worst traumas and
- Back when it was a significant addition to the score),and their value would, accrue ,between games until it was scored. Scoring it was usually a complicated task.
- That individuals who identify as the gender they were assigned at birth, accrue ,solely due to having a cisgender identity" ( p. 83). Notes Iceberg is an
- Benefits, like the right to education, that increased work and investment help, accrue , Others have argued that the ability to trade does not affect everyone
- Free trade, as it was believed that more of the economic surplus of trade would, accrue ,to a country following reciprocal, rather than completely free, trade policies.
- What economists call externalities, which are unpriced costs and benefits that, accrue ,to individuals outside private transactions. Examples include: decreased air
- Easily dissolved than the divorce process applying to marriage. Tax benefits, accrue ,immediately (only from 2007 on *Ref),while immigration benefits accrue only
- The bottom of its channel. The sedimentation causes natural dams to slowly, accrue , These subaqueous dams were unpredictable and generally undetectable.
- Conspicuously significant achievement. However, justification of the award may, accrue ,by virtue of exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of high
- Bourdieu," social capital is the sum of the resources, actual or virtual, that, accrue , to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more
- Conspicuously significant achievement. However, justification of the award may, accrue ,by virtue of exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of high
- Will generate savings, and after the contract ends, all continuing cost savings, accrue ,to the federal agency. Loan Guarantee Program Title XVII of Energy Policy Act
- Has received multiple awards and nominations. She was the youngest person to, accrue ,six Academy Award nominations, and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for
- Citizens. Of course, just as with market entrepreneurs, the benefits may mostly, accrue ,to the entrepreneurs themselves. The word has been used in other ways. The
- Compensation for saving it (and not spending it) is that the money value will, accrue ,through the interest that he or she will receive from a borrower (the bank
- It seems clear that, towards the end of the decade, Themistocles had begun to, accrue ,enemies, and had become arrogant; moreover his fellow citizens had become
- Treasury and the rest from oil revenue-sharing. * Settlement benefits would, accrue ,to those with at least one-fourth Native ancestry. * Of the approximately
- And other complimentary services.; Partners: Members of Enrich are able to, accrue ,miles on qualifying flights through Enrich Airline Partners such as: *Air
- Of a population of rapidly dividing and growing cancer cells. Mutations rapidly, accrue ,within the population. These mutations (variation) allow the cancer cells (
- A limited number of coins **the non-competitive free-falls, in which players, accrue ,coin independently of one another and one player's loss is not automatically
- And clearly exceptional manner. * However, justification of the award may, accrue ,by virtue of exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of important
- Is usually caused by an increase in testosterone, which people of both genders, accrue ,during puberty. For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to
- Theme throughout the book. Influence To quote: - Machiavelli's ideas on how to, accrue ,honor and power as a leader had a profound impact on political leaders
- To the CIA, the European Union was added because the EU" continues to, accrue ,more nation-like characteristics for itself ". The old entries for each
- Petruchio's decision to marry is based almost wholly on his desire to, accrue ,money; he vows to marry Katherine knowing next to nothing about her, other than
- Temporarily or permanently. This occurs because the benefits of exploitation, accrue ,to individuals or groups, each of whom is motivated to maximize use of the
- Be recovered. Bioethicist James Hughes has written that increasing rights will, accrue ,to cryonics patients as prospects for revival become clearer, noting that
- The deadweight loss; however, all gains from trade (social welfare) would, accrue ,to the monopolist and none to the consumer. In essence, every consumer would be
- Convention of 1904,Glen Wang chuck was knighted and thereafter continued to, accrue ,greater power in Bhutan. In November 1907,an assembly of leading Buddhist
- Team history. On June 28,second baseman Craig Biggie became the 27th player to, accrue ,3000 career hits. On the same night in the bottom of the 11th inning Carlos Lee
- The money spent would be more than amply justified by the benefits that would, accrue ,to the nation through a spectacular decline in school dropouts, family breakups
- Accrue immediately (only from 2007 on *Ref),while immigration benefits, accrue ,only after the contract has been in effect for one year. The partners are
- Of the Wheel of Samsara into the Pure Land, where they will have the chance to, accrue ,the necessary merit to be a Buddha in one lifetime. Even among Chinese
- First described in 1868 by Jean-Martin Charcot. Although patients will still, accrue ,some degree of disability in the long term. However, only 30 to 70 % of persons
- Without further dramatic changes. At most, some place names have continued to, accrue ,pre- or suffixes, such as 'Little '; or distinguishing features, such as a
- The New Revelation (Foster ite),and wants both Mike's wealth and prestige to, accrue ,to the faith. *Gillian (Jill) Boardman — frees Mike from his imprisonment at
- And in 2004 Gardner asserted that he would be" delighted were such evidence to, accrue ," (p. 214),and he admitted that" MI theory has few enthusiasts among
- By this sticky-upward demand curve, firms use non-price competition in order to, accrue ,greater revenue and market share. " Kinked" demand curves are similar to
- Moreover, this sacred and holy Synod, — considering that no small utility may, accrue ,to the Church of God, if it is made known which out of all the Latin editions
- Sanskrit. " Where foreign borrowings and internal developments did inevitably, accrue ,and arise in New Indo-Aryan languages, they have been either ignored in writing
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